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Comments 12

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mara93 August 1 2012, 05:45:10 UTC
Some day, maybe far into the future, lol, there may be a sequel because I actually wrote an addendum to this afterwards, but we'll see...and after I get everything else done that I need to.

But I have to kind of admit, I like the open ending it was left with.

Feedback like that^^^ from you means a lot to me Piper. I wanted the reconciliation to not feel contrived at all and your comment assured me it wasn't. I've enjoyed writing this and I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it.

Thank you so much. :)


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mara93 August 2 2012, 15:17:14 UTC
Hee, thanks Piper!


sallysparrow3 August 1 2012, 17:39:44 UTC
What a marvelous story and ending. I am glad you left it open like that; the last part of their conversation was brilliant. It was very canon. Thank you for sharing


mara93 August 2 2012, 15:18:12 UTC
Ah, I'm glad you enjoyed the way I ended it. Just felt right especially because of the whole theme of the story. Such lovely comments. Thank you so much!


ella_rose88 August 1 2012, 22:53:58 UTC
Excuse me while I sob because this was just beautiful and now it has ended and I'm so sad!

I have no words really. It's just so wonderfully written and the huge emotions just could be felt.


mara93 August 2 2012, 15:21:38 UTC
Oh, no sobbing, lol. I'm so glad the emotions worked. This story really was like a catharsis for me about how that episode worked, the parts I would have liked altered a little I guess. It was just so fun to write too.

Don't worry...my AG fic challenge story (the one with lovely art from Hope27) is on the way, first part. I edited it some. So that and more of my drabble series pieces to come...

Thanks M!


sv_lilah August 4 2012, 03:05:53 UTC
Gwen and Arthur telling each other that they're not perfect is exactly what makes them perfect. And omg! I can totally picture Bradley delivering that story about how he wasn't crying with a straight face... I saw it in my head. Thats how amazing your writing is. It's not hard to picture this in my head.


elsewhere87 August 5 2012, 15:33:18 UTC
Yay! When I write conversations and actions it's always important to me if I can 'hear' them saying that or 'see' them doing that. I want it to be in their voices and so that makes me very happy you could see that line being delivered. I'm always hoping people will picture the scenes in their head because that's how I write and that's how my favorite stories I read are.

Thank you!


bluemagicrose August 4 2012, 04:49:44 UTC
Wonderful story. I'm going to hold on to what I always thought was going to happen, which was Sarya being adopted by Gwen and Arthur. If/until you write the sequel. But this was just a lovely story.

So glad you updated and finish this. Thanks for the story!! :)


elsewhere87 August 5 2012, 15:35:32 UTC
Ah, I'm glad you enjoyed the Sarya storyline part of it and if I ever get a sequel written for this I think that's a great idea, that they would adopt her and I would of course credit it to you. That would be very interesting and inspiring to write.

Thank you so much for your comments!


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