Melin ficlet - Light of Gold - PG13 - Uther POV

Nov 24, 2008 00:21

Still alive. I'm spending most of the week offline, due to various RL commitments, but in the rare moments of the weekend I get five minutes to myself, I've been trying to write Merlin fic. I'm working on a longer Arthur/Merlin snarky h/c piece, but after watching ep 1.09, I had to write a little Uther POV piece ( Read more... )

merlin fic, pre series, uther

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Comments 21

ad_exia November 24 2008, 01:36:06 UTC
That was really sad, but also really beautifully written! I've come to like Uther more over the course of the series, so I really like reading things from his point of view! Very nicely done~


eloise_bright November 25 2008, 00:36:43 UTC
Thank you! I've loved Uther since the first episode - loved the complicated relationship between him and Arthur.


justitia November 24 2008, 02:31:30 UTC
I've really wanted to read some pre-series Uther fic since last weeks episode and this is perfect! Thank you so much for writing it!


eloise_bright November 25 2008, 00:38:09 UTC
Thank you! I'm very fond of the whole dad!angst vibe in the show, and I'm hoping to write some more pre-series Uther fic, exploring the father/son relationship in more depth.


shetiger November 24 2008, 03:58:15 UTC
Owwwww. But very nicely done.


eloise_bright November 25 2008, 00:38:27 UTC
Thank you!


octavia_b November 24 2008, 06:49:42 UTC
I'm not caught up yet (only up to episode 6), so I haven't read this yet (added to memories) but I am HANGING OUT for your Arthur/Merlin piece. Maybe. Just a bit.


eloise_bright November 25 2008, 00:39:25 UTC
Thanks! I'm trying hard to find time to work on it - but RL is just kicking me so hard at the moment. Enjoy the next eps - the slash really kicks into high gear. *g*


fairygothmum November 24 2008, 10:39:55 UTC
Heartbreakingly sad, but very well written.

I'm really liking ASH's portrayal of Uther.


eloise_bright November 25 2008, 00:40:59 UTC
Thanks! I adore ASH, so it was a foregone conclusion that I'd adore Uther - but he's really stepped up and given us a wonderfully complicated, flawed character. I love it when Bradley and ASH are on screen together.


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