Melin ficlet - Light of Gold - PG13 - Uther POV

Nov 24, 2008 00:21

Still alive. I'm spending most of the week offline, due to various RL commitments, but in the rare moments of the weekend I get five minutes to myself, I've been trying to write Merlin fic. I'm working on a longer Arthur/Merlin snarky h/c piece, but after watching ep 1.09, I had to write a little Uther POV piece ( Read more... )

merlin fic, pre series, uther

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Comments 21

princess_s November 24 2008, 10:54:56 UTC
*sniffles* Poor Uther, I do feel for him and I do love that the show haven't taken the easy route of making him just the tyrant bad guy but have given him depth and tried to make us understand where his bitterness is coming from.

I need to watch the ep again, the scene where Uther tells Arthur how much he means to him, I think they played it amazingly, Arthur's complete uncomfortableness, its tempting me to write.....:P

Can't wait for your Merlin/Arthur!


eloise_bright November 25 2008, 00:43:35 UTC
Thanks, baby! I'm so glad ASH is playing Uther - he gives the character such wonderful colours, and the dad!angst is killing me. I almost didn't want Uther's declaration of love for Arthur in that ep - I didn't want the resolution just yet. I want the angst for a little while longer.

Please feel free to write me Woobie!Arthur and stern Uther. I'd be most appreciative. *g*


serena64 November 24 2008, 15:57:12 UTC
Beautifully written, as always. Very moving


eloise_bright November 25 2008, 00:43:56 UTC
Thank you!


kepp0xy November 24 2008, 19:09:46 UTC
ouch. as always, your writing really pulls a person into the scene. Poor, damned Uther. I really enjoy his character. Thanks for expanding his experiences a bit here! ♥


eloise_bright November 25 2008, 00:45:47 UTC
Thanks. Uther is so lost here. He reminds me so much of Lear - a man more sinned against than sinning. Discuss. *g*

Tragic hero or tortured villain. Ah, I adore ASH's Uther.


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eloise_bright November 25 2008, 00:47:37 UTC
Thanks. Uther's headspace is a fun place to play. It's a balance between self-deception and flashes of self-realization and shame.


lonelybrit November 26 2008, 00:45:44 UTC
Oh Uther *sniffle* Yes, I wonder how long it was before he realised that he actually could look at Arthur and not just see the reason his wife died. Certainly it took long enough that Arthur assumed he was a daily disappointment to his father. I really can imagine that at the beginning Uther could quite easily have wished for Arthur's death to undo the magic, poor Arthur, and poor Uther for having to live with that memory. Lovely, lovely bittersweet fic, bravo!


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