glee= love with little drawbacks this week.

Nov 18, 2009 22:21

I really liked Glee this week.

Glee Spoilers. )

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Comments 3

gretchystretchy November 19 2009, 03:58:32 UTC
Interesting. I loved the stereotyping of Quinn's family - I thought it was perfect (and honestly, not that much of a stereotype).

And I don't think it was like "white Christian Republicans = failures" (although I, personally, have little respect for people who actually watch Glenn Beck), but really, I expected nothing less from the Fabrays. They're meant to be ridiculous. I mean, remember what Quinn was like in the first few episodes? The CELIBACY CLUB?

I dunno, I guess I thought it was brilliantly done, and maybe it's just my own upbringing coming into it, but I thought it was a great send-up of what happens when ab-only education and conservative religious "values" coincide with...well, life.


elohisa November 19 2009, 04:45:33 UTC
Haha, okay, you saw my huuuge post. And it's all very true- but then I remembered that I made this post public and I don't really want that much detail to be out there with my name on it.

So summary: my parents are pretty much ab-only education and conservative religious "values" people (replace "Beck" with "Bill O'Reilly", haha). They often get heckled by people for this, like they didn't raise me and my sister "right". Sure, I disagree with my parents sometimes (mostly on social issues and politics) but it hurts when people tell me that my parents were wrong and that my mom must be battered and bruised, all because my family fits the bill of a "WASP" family ( ... )


tifa November 19 2009, 07:03:02 UTC
My parents are also ab-only education and conservative Republicans. They actually fit the exact stereotype of Quinn's family-except the reading/watching anything Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, and the like because they don't really pay attention to politics except for what they hear from other people like them...which is probably why I was led to believe that a lot of conservative Republicans are absolute imbeciles. I can't go a week without fighting with my mom about...anything. Especially with social issues and such. I can't even watch Glee around her for fear of her getting on my case about watching a "fag who deserves to burn in hell for his sins" (she means Kurt...just in case you were wondering). It's really upsetting. My dad doesn't live with us anymore and I'm glad he doesn't because I don't think I could deal with my mom's BS plus his BS ( ... )


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