happy new year to me... :P

Dec 30, 2008 01:06


lj - noldoparma, cpop, worker bees die faster, bookdorking

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Comments 8

weazel_luv December 29 2008, 17:45:39 UTC
1. dude. i just checked my schedule and with all the shift juggling for new year's and my vacation, it looks like i'm working every day from yesterday until my plane takes off on the 10th. blerg. D:

3. 13 days. so fucking close...

also, HI! :)


ellixian December 30 2008, 16:18:41 UTC
1. Dude. I apologise for our lives being incredibly sucky before they get better. That is disgusting. BUT. SOON.

3. I KNOW. I can't deal with all that awesome. I was telling my brother today all the shows we're seeing and I was, like, OMIGOD. AWESOME TIMES A MILLION.


alexia88 December 29 2008, 18:44:45 UTC
Dear Shawne's work,

Why must you fail so much???

No love,


That is so horrible that they have you working New Years. For a paper that surely no one needs or will read until the week after.

But but but, number 4 more than makes up for it. I see you TWO WEEKS WEDNESDAY!!!! xD xD And on a somewhat related note, can we please do something dorky in Washington like go to the FBI building?! It will probably be freezing and covered in snow, but I can't pass up the chance to at least go look at it.

What else to flail about? 30 Rock!! I'm so pleased you're finally watching season 2. Alec Baldwin pwns all, no?

ETA: I've been so remiss in getting you songs for that meme of a few weeks ago. There are lots I could send, but for the time being, have an old favourite I recently rediscovered ;)

Sophie B. Hawkins - Don't Don't Tell Me No


ellixian December 30 2008, 16:53:34 UTC
Dear Alex,
Can I come live with you after I quit my job of epic fail?
Much love, Shawne


It sucks majorly. MAJORLY. I'm really grumpy and rebellious about it. But trying to cling to the thought that New York is ridiculously close now. RIDICULOUSLY SO. I can't believe I see you again so soon. I hope in the crush of all the people and shows, we get a good couple hours at least to just catch up and CHAT. *HUGS*

YES TO FBI BUILDING. If we can swing it, sure! I've been to DC, and when you say dorky, you probably mean me. I was SO EXCITED to get to go for a tour of Capitol Hill. Seriously. I was by myself and SO EXCITED. Big effing DORK is what I am, omg.

I have SUCH a crush on Alec it's ridiculous. Considering that he's playing a stereotype of the kind of person I would revile in RL, it's CRAZY. But I HEART HIM. XD

And, THAT SONG. I love it - it's got such a great beat. Thank you for it, hon. ♥


llyfrgell December 29 2008, 19:08:56 UTC
1. *co-signs Alex's letter* Work of fail! I'm surprised your office isn't closed on New Years - or is it, and they're just making you go in anyway? Either way, boooooo.

3. THERE IS NEW YORK. SOOOOON. Less than two weeks until you get there!

4. Lea Salonga! Ooooh. Amanda says to tell you that she is jealous.

6. Wait...it's free, so you're BUYING tickets? Does. Not. Compute. xD


ellixian December 30 2008, 16:55:28 UTC
1. Doesn't it suck majorly? We ARE closed for New Year's - at least for Jan 1. I'm just pathetic because I have to get the work done in time for my boss to clear it on Jan 2. I live by the whims and vagaries of my employers. WHICH SUCKS.

3. I cannot believe it's so soon!!! It excites me GREATLY.

4. XD There will be audio and probably flail!

6. Omigod, you had to line up for tickets? Like, with a crush of crazy teenagers, and with your CD? I couldn't bear the thought of queueing for hours. And figured I would rather pay. *weeps*


wanderlonely December 30 2008, 06:57:43 UTC
::kicks your fail work hard and bears hugs you::


ellixian December 30 2008, 16:53:49 UTC
Awww, thank you!!


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