happy new year to me... :P

Dec 30, 2008 01:06


a. Just found out today that I'm going to have to work on the first day of the new year. Yes, JANUARY 1, 2009. I will be in the office. BY MYSELF. I'm pretty sure about this, as my boss wants a draft to reach her by Friday, and I have to clear the damn thing, and the person who has to write it... well, hasn't started RESEARCH yet. God. I like how I already know 2009 is getting off to a drastically bad start, and it's not even 2009 yet. If I took this as an omen of how the next year is going to be, I think I might cry.

b. I just got sent a notification that I have another e-learning course that I have to complete on my own time. BEFORE the new year. WTF. HATE TIMES A MILLION.

2. I shouldn't complain, I guess, as I've spent the better part of the last three months skiving off at work - I do SOME work, I do, but honestly I spend so much of the day now just sitting around sleeping or trying not to fall asleep. FAIL. Still. What a way to end/start a year, huh? Sucky.


4. At least there's LOTS AND LOTS OF FLAIL, I should say. So much awesome coming up - I'll be seeing the touring production of Cinderella, with LEA SALONGA, EEK!!, on Saturday night. And if things work out, I should be watching MAYDAY in a mini promotional concert on Sunday. And then I just need to live through the crap of another five days at work, before it's on to two glorious weeks in NYC/DC. Where I will be completely, epically theatred out. Then, when I get home, Chinese New Year, Doubt opening in cinemas and EMIL CONCERT all happen in rapid succession. Can we say A++++++++ awesome?!?

5. I shall cling to everything in point #4 and try not to weep to my sad self as I trudge into work on Jan 1. BAH.

6. Except, I HATE stupid eBay traders who do not answer their emails quickly. Fuckity. The Mayday concert on Sunday is a free gig, and noldoparma and I got lazy and couldn't be bothered to go line up for tickets yesterday. Instead, we're acting like salaried adults and have been stalking eBay. Well, I FOUND this guy with TWO auctions - two tickets each - at a respectable price, and exercised the buy-it-now option. Except I'm pretty certain this idiot of a seller is new to eBay and might have put up two auctions by accident. And he's not ANSWERING me on that so I can go and buy other tickets if I have to, dammit. GRARGH. Everyone please send me good auction karma??

7. Omigod, Twilight Watch AKLHFOAHSDLADHASLDHAS. SO. EPIC. I've ripped through, like, over 200 pages today, in between work and whatever, and I LOVE IT. It's tipping into historical fantasy fiction now, bringing in the creation and crumbling of the Soviet state into the entire narrative/universe, and OMIGOD. Pop cult fantasy vampire fiction at its most awesome. XD

8. I shall go read some more, and also maybe watch 30 Rock, before bed. I have resolved to slack off and enjoy life until Jan 1, when I have to put my nose to the grindstone. STUPID JOB. URGH.

lj - noldoparma, cpop, worker bees die faster, bookdorking

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