"tonight the super trouper lights are gonna find me!"

Sep 24, 2008 11:39

1. OMG I FELL ASLEEP. Like, for serious - I was happily on a Youtube loop yesterday (more on this later), and then I fell asleep. I think for almost 6-7 hours. How's that for UNUSUAL. This, however, means I'm posting/flisting from work and I still have comments to catch up on ( Read more... )

lollerskating brb!!, worker bees die faster, 9 to 5, allison janney, sleep patterns of fail, meryl streep, movies

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Comments 53

kelbelle September 24 2008, 03:58:52 UTC
The interview part was cute, but short. SJB, MH and AK were in the audience and Allison gave them props. It was sweet.

Allison and Ellen talked about getting drunk and spinning in circles on the dance floor at Ellen's birthday party. Those stories never get old, BTW. Then Allison tried to talk Ellen into doing a musical. They were totally cute, as usual.

And I love that Allison is super competitive and a big fat cheater.

I saw Mamma Mia! three times, and an insane amount of times on my torrented version. I went once by myself and once to the sing-along version. I cannot wait to own it on DVD.

Allison is gonna be on The Bonnie Hunt show on Friday. More promotion!


ellixian September 24 2008, 04:12:04 UTC
Ooh, thanks for the recap! It sounds like fun - and yay that SJB and Megan and Andy were all in the audience. How sweet! I find Allison and Ellen amusing in a way that is possibly unhealthy. I love what a huge dork Allison is: I rewatched that interview when she was there to celebrate Ellen's birthday? And LOL-ed so much over the scrapbook she made to show her beating Ellen at EVERYTHING. So when Ellen referenced table tennis in this face-off, I LOVED Allison's WTF face even more. Hee ( ... )


kelbelle September 24 2008, 04:16:51 UTC
I love that she's so competitive because I'm like that...my whole family is--it's genetic, we swear. NO ONE will play board games with us EVER.

Andy was blowing kisses. It was so cute. And Ellen was dancing with SJB in the beginning dance segment. They obviously taped it yesterday when they were off.

Yeah, Mamma Mia! was my TOTAL crack this summer. The CD didn't leave my car for weeks and weeks.

I'm SO pissed that "Waterloo" isn't on the soundtrack, you have no idea.

I am thisclose to purchasing a recorder and trying to hit the show again as a practice run.


ellixian September 24 2008, 04:43:46 UTC
Okay, no playing board games with you EVER. Not because I'm not competitive too - because I AM, and that way would lead to madness. ;)

DANCE-OFF!! I love it! Allison ALWAYS has a mini-dance with Ellen everytime she appears on the show. Sweet. I can't wait for the whole thing to be uploaded to Youtube!! ♥

I approve of Mamma Mia being your crack. It hurt my soul that it opened here only last week (officially). Stupid international release dates of fail. You know what? I SHALL go back this weekend and I'll audio it! I want Waterloo too, though I think I have Chiquitita somewhere. GOOD IDEA. I was vaguely thinking of audioing it the two times I went, but never brought my recorder along.



llyfrgell September 24 2008, 04:02:36 UTC
My computer just refused to reboot for like ten tries in a row. I feared it had caught a disease from yours. :-\ But now it is working! (Er, if you hadn't gathered from my presence on the internet ( ... )


ellixian September 24 2008, 04:20:35 UTC
Omigod. EEK about the computer. :/ I would be incredibly sadfaced if my Computer of Epic Fail had somehow managed to infect yours. I'm glad it booted up. I hope the rebooting thing doesn't happen again - it always freaks me out when it happens to me!


ALSO, YOUR LAST INTERVIEWER, LOL. Clearly he has the best taste in music EVAR. So funny - did you have a bunch of interviews with lots of people though, since this guy was your last interviewer? How did all those go?

Me, internally: Self, the way you get jobs is apparently by not speaking.

LMAO. If only it were always that simple! Fingers and toes crossed for you, btw!

Sleep? at just past midnight? That's weak. You NEED to watch these Allison videos. They kind of make your life better for just existing. I'M NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING. ;)


llyfrgell September 24 2008, 04:31:45 UTC
ARGH. I basically disassembled the computer and put it back together - and then it booted. I don't know ( ... )


ellixian September 24 2008, 04:58:33 UTC
DUDE. I have major respect for you (and clearly no work ethic whatsoever, argh). You took your computer apart?! I'd be so scared to touch it myself, in case I... broke something, IDK. Go you for getting it to work ( ... )


tamoshan September 24 2008, 04:07:26 UTC
1. i was about to send out a search party ;)

2. why do i not keep track of who will be on ellen? *sigh*

why can i not spell?


ellixian September 24 2008, 04:45:46 UTC
1. Awww, I'm touched! Plus a bit concerned that I might be posting a little TOO often. KIDDING. I'd rather be on LJ than not. ;)

2. OH GOD. Robin told me Allison was on in the States on Tuesday and I flailed so much. And stalked Youtube so hard.

You can totes spell. Whether you can TYPE, that's the thing I've discovered is my problem. XD


tamoshan September 24 2008, 04:51:03 UTC
1. obviously i'm here too much if i notice someone is missing ;)

2. tell me..i'll tivo
did she tivo?

thank goodness we're not back in the stone age using whiteout -g-

darn..did it again


ellixian September 24 2008, 05:00:28 UTC
1. That might be the implication, but it would be like a pot calling a kettle, you know, black. So I won't go there. ;)

2. Robin was travelling! She was still in LA so I don't think she tivo-ed. But the interview SHOULD be up soon if this segment has already been uploaded. Shall inform you in future. Apparently SJB and Megan were in the audience! SO CUTE.



in48frames September 24 2008, 04:07:32 UTC
*crying laughing*

HOW many times did she smash her own face? Oh ALLISON. I so meant to watch this today, too bad I didn'd.


in48frames September 24 2008, 04:08:11 UTC
DAMN IT you get every single one of my typos. Look around, they are NOWHERE else. Clearly you bring out the worst in me.


ellixian September 24 2008, 04:48:09 UTC
LOL THE POWER OF MY FLAIL. Clearly it makes your fingers freeze up and... well, fail. ;) It's OKAY. I approve when flail gets in the way of anything!

ALSO. Allison is SO FUNNY. And she throws like a GIRL, LOL. I heart that. *waits impatiently for interview to appear*


cateyes8588 September 24 2008, 04:30:19 UTC
Mamma Mia is the first movie to make me want to leap and jump and feel like I can DO ANYTHING since well...good god probably Chitty Chitty Bang Bang lol

How badly to u want to gather three MAMMA MIA ocd-ers and dance like the dynamos?????? their little circling and shit...makes my DAY

christine baranski is teh sex...i luv how i picked her out back in the day on the grinch movie


ellixian September 24 2008, 04:50:19 UTC
Since Chitty?! That is a LONG TIME.

But yeah, Mamma Mia is just so incredibly... feel-good. And so gorgeous, and I love Meryl, and ARGH. It's just ah-mazing. ♥

I'd love to go to a proper sing/dance-along version - everyone in the audience here is so RESTRAINED, yuck.

Hah, I've loved Christine Baranski since Cybill! She was the best, funniest thing about that sitcom!


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