flailage: PD: Hi I'm [insert name here], and I so did not need a new obsession!

Nov 24, 2007 01:17

Yes yes, that's me, reporting another fledgling obsession.

Don't worry, House-lovers. At present, my love for House and Cuddy still burns bright and true, and will do so for the foreseeable future as long as Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein continue to be as hot and snarky and bantery as they have always been on the show.

BUT. OMG. PUSHING. FRICKIN'. ( Read more... )

kristin chenoweth, pushing daisies

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Comments 4

jukebox_grad November 25 2007, 03:12:20 UTC
Well, you know my answer, right?

Reeeally love the show! I wasn't sold on Olive at the start, but I love the relationship they're working on with her and Chuck -- very fun dynamic there! Having her find out about Chuck and her aunts has given her a bit more to do, so her presence seems less forced.

Definitely find myself looking forward to Wednesdays for the PD fix!

Also, my sister and I decided on a name for our inevitable (being optimistic) puppy -- Chuck! In honor of PD AND the new show Chuck, which is also very enjoyable (as if you don't have enough shows to keep up with).


ellixian November 25 2007, 14:30:26 UTC
I will SO catch up on our other posts once I can, Jenn, but RL's been a bitch so I'm just whizzing through.

Yay for the PD adoration!! I love Olive and Chuck's aunts, because all of them are a little bit zany and a lot funny, and Olive and Chuck are too cute to be believed too. Plus, the random bursting into song is made of WIN.

Awwww for inevitable puppy!! It will be ADORABLE. (And I think I'll have to give Chuck a pass. There doesn't even seem to be time for LIFE these days, much less new tv...!


burn_so_pretty November 26 2007, 19:44:10 UTC
I hear such good things about Pushing Daisies all over the place and it sounds really great. :D Anna Friel FTW! However, my brain would literally DIE if I tried to fit another obsession in there. I KID YOU NOT. So I'm not even going to try, haha.

So, I'm gay for Lisa Edelstein, yes? Everybody knew this? No contest?
I suspect Kristin's going to be the next person trying to bludgeon what's left of my heterosexuality into oblivion

We really should tell these women off for so blatantly making off with our heterosexuality like this. :P I wonder if they'd be flattered to know how many otherwise straight females go totally gay over them? They'd probably just be disturbed! LOL.


ellixian November 27 2007, 15:43:23 UTC
It's crazy enough your not-watching House as the season airs; adding another show would probably kill you dead! But, seriously, Pushing Daisies is just FAB in every way. If I weren't so hopelessly hooked on House, I'd be ten ways into PD and unable to extricate myself from the love. Already I itch to rewatch all the episodes, yes I do.

And these women who turn us all gay... *shakes head at them* SOMETIMES, I would like my heterosexuality back, you know... ;) Well, Kristin isn't anywhere near my LE levels of adoration though. She's cute and has an awesome voice and everything, but she doesn't exude TEH SEX like LE does. If that makes sense coming from an ALLEGEDLY STRAIGHT GIRL.


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