DURIANS. STUPID LOCAL FRUIT. I hate that they are in season and that they stink to bloody high heaven and that when I went for a facial today, they were having a DURIAN FAIR on the ground floor and it was all I could smell ANYWHERE. WTF NO
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Comments 96
& :O More Cheno music *dance*
Cheno music is the best news ever. She'll sound FANTASTIC on Christmas songs, yup. ♥
And I can already imagine :D Hopelessly Devoted was just so cute!
ISN'T PURPLE AN AWESOME COLOUR ON JULIA. NOT A QUESTION, BUT TRUFAX. AND #28 - OH GOD, INORITE. It's a friggin' SCREENCAP, thanks to tamoshan. Of Julia looking FIERCE, kthx.
I'm sitting at work and I'm like, "Oh! I should listen to Julia singing Back to Before." Because I hadn't. Until now.
let's just let that FAIL sit there for a second. go ahead. judge me. I'm judging myself.
I don't know how that happened?
You've never listened to this? Not even the other version I passed to you from years ago? YOU FAIL VERY HARD INDEED.
I've already listened to the new version, like, nine times on iTunes. O_o
*is all judgey of you*
work=major fail
i'm sure they rock though
Awww. I think we all knew this. I totes agree. Too bad though - the pretty (nothing to do with my icon-making skillz, Julia is pretty enough for anything) would have brightened a slow day. ;)
Come back when you get home! :D
shouldn't you be sleepin'?
2. This is a sign that you should quit your job and move here.
3. Christmas Cheno! I did not know this. Hooray.
5. Wooo icons. I think if I acquire any more Julia icons, I'll never use any others. Am entertained by #30 and #31 though!
2. My fail is a sign? I LIKE THAT. I kind of thought it was proof of just... well, failiness. You have no idea how seriously I'm contemplating a move there. Where I will find the money and visa to do this is beyond me. BUT HEY. ONE CAN DREAM. (Usually at work. MOAR FAIL.)
5. Julia does tend to take over icon space, doesn't she. It's terrible. BTW, can I say that #31 was made expressly with you in mind, given yesterday's encounter? *evil grin*
2. IT IS A SIGN. You know, obviously you should come here to get some kind of graduate degree. Students get visas! I think schools are really good about scholarship money for international students, too.
5. Dammit, now I have to steal #31. I like how Julia + alcohol now reminds you of me. *facepalm*
Er, also - if you ever get inspired/get bored/have free time and want to make graphics, I could really really use a friends-only banner. You know, just if you feel like it. *feels very awkward*
2. OKAY I TRUST YOU ON THAT. I AM thinking of school, at the very least, for a year or two. But really REALLY do not want to go with my office (they're offering me a scholarship). So I might take a while to figure out if I can do it on my own. But I'm planning for it, for definite.
5. Mwahahaha. Inextricably linked is what it is. Oooh, I forgot you already had an icon of Julia + alcohol, LOL!
OMG. Why feel AWKWARD?! Dude. I'd do it for you in a heartbeat. Of course I would! For you, specifically, but also because I clearly ALWAYS want to make Julia graphics. Choose your favourite picture and I'll make one for you!
ALSO: please to be marking your calender for Oct 17! :D Though I'm not sure what she can sing from a Lerner & Loewe score, they tend to write for sopranos like Julie Andrews...
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