Iconage: Julia Murney - "you were my sky, my moon and my stars and my ocean"

Jul 24, 2008 01:05

1. I HATE DURIANS. STUPID LOCAL FRUIT. I hate that they are in season and that they stink to bloody high heaven and that when I went for a facial today, they were having a DURIAN FAIR on the ground floor and it was all I could smell ANYWHERE. WTF NO ( Read more... )

rl ftl, iconage, julia murney, xflail, i fail, kristin chenoweth

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llyfrgell July 23 2008, 18:38:36 UTC
1. LOL, I have heard this durian rant from Amanda before. Apparently hatred of the smell is fairly common.

2. This is a sign that you should quit your job and move here.

3. Christmas Cheno! I did not know this. Hooray.

5. Wooo icons. I think if I acquire any more Julia icons, I'll never use any others. Am entertained by #30 and #31 though!


ellixian July 23 2008, 18:43:10 UTC
1. Amanda has had the misfortune of encountering durians? It's an unpopular opinion in these here parts though. My family gathers around the table after dinner these days and demolishes, like, ten at a go. FAIL MUCH. I usually leave the table and hide in my room at this point in the evening.

2. My fail is a sign? I LIKE THAT. I kind of thought it was proof of just... well, failiness. You have no idea how seriously I'm contemplating a move there. Where I will find the money and visa to do this is beyond me. BUT HEY. ONE CAN DREAM. (Usually at work. MOAR FAIL.)

5. Julia does tend to take over icon space, doesn't she. It's terrible. BTW, can I say that #31 was made expressly with you in mind, given yesterday's encounter? *evil grin*


llyfrgell July 23 2008, 18:55:28 UTC
1. Well, she's half-Filipino, and she went to the Philippines once - I know she encountered durians there, and quite possibly through her family here too. I think she likes the taste but hates the smell? Don't remember.

2. IT IS A SIGN. You know, obviously you should come here to get some kind of graduate degree. Students get visas! I think schools are really good about scholarship money for international students, too.

5. Dammit, now I have to steal #31. I like how Julia + alcohol now reminds you of me. *facepalm*

Er, also - if you ever get inspired/get bored/have free time and want to make graphics, I could really really use a friends-only banner. You know, just if you feel like it. *feels very awkward*


ellixian July 23 2008, 19:22:09 UTC
1. That would explain it! I DO know some people who don't like the smell but love the taste. I've never been able to move beyond the smell. Makes me gag.

2. OKAY I TRUST YOU ON THAT. I AM thinking of school, at the very least, for a year or two. But really REALLY do not want to go with my office (they're offering me a scholarship). So I might take a while to figure out if I can do it on my own. But I'm planning for it, for definite.

5. Mwahahaha. Inextricably linked is what it is. Oooh, I forgot you already had an icon of Julia + alcohol, LOL!

OMG. Why feel AWKWARD?! Dude. I'd do it for you in a heartbeat. Of course I would! For you, specifically, but also because I clearly ALWAYS want to make Julia graphics. Choose your favourite picture and I'll make one for you!

ALSO: please to be marking your calender for Oct 17! :D Though I'm not sure what she can sing from a Lerner & Loewe score, they tend to write for sopranos like Julie Andrews...


llyfrgell July 23 2008, 19:34:45 UTC
2. EEEEEE. It might actually happen?! That would be INSANE, holy crap.

5. Not my fault Julia keeps doing shows at which alcohol is available! Hmph.

Eee, hooray. I have to get some work done (lol, as if), but then I'll look through pics. You are awesome! Also, if you can think of good pics off the top of your head, I'm sure you're more familiar with ones that might be good than I am.

JULIA. STOP DOING CONCERTS THAT COST $50+. Rrrg. But it's JULIA plus LERNER & LOEWE. Yes plz. Brigadoon! Which is my favorite but has nothing for Julia. I bet she does something from Camelot - that has humorous/altoish women's songs.


ellixian July 23 2008, 19:38:45 UTC
2. It really might! Actually it WILL, if I've anything to say about it. But that's all dependent on my still being intelligent enough to GET INTO schools there, LOL.

I have to go to bed now, so go hunt through pictures when you've the time! I'm sure I can find some good ones, but I'd rather use pics YOU like.

YOU HAVE TO GO FOR THE LERNER/LOEWE CONCERT. Even though it's three months from now. Oh yay BRIGADOON. The cast looks pretty good (Euan Morton's voice is good, if I recall correctly from a BBTY he did with Julia). Camelot would be fun - imagine her belting The Lusty Month Of May. During my Julie Andrews phase, I was obsessed with that song for a very very VERY long time.


absinthelisa July 23 2008, 22:15:15 UTC
Maybe Julia could sing "My Mother's Wedding Day" from Brigadoon. I wonder if she can do a Scottish accent. It'd be funny, anyway. I like that song.


llyfrgell July 24 2008, 01:25:39 UTC
...That song is so not in the vocal selections, or on the CD, or in the movie. WHAT IS IT? *boggles*


absinthelisa July 24 2008, 01:59:07 UTC
It wasn't in the movie, it was on the OBC. Sung by Meg, the one who tried to seduce Jeff in the movie. Very thick brogue, very funny. Bet Julia would kill at it ( ... )


ellixian July 24 2008, 12:14:05 UTC
Oooh, the lyrics! It sounds like a fantastic song. I'd love to have Julia try for a Scottish brogue, LOL. She does a pretty good English accent. ;)


absinthelisa July 24 2008, 12:18:04 UTC
well, if she can manage Hungarian (and I have Hungarian friends, that was pretty good) I'm sure a brogue wouldn't be too hard for her. It's a fun song, not a lot of belting, but its lilty and amusing. I'd like to hear it, it's the one no one knows. I think they took it out of the last revival.


absinthelisa July 23 2008, 22:12:36 UTC
I want to quit my job and move there. Can I marry your gay roommate?


ellixian July 23 2008, 23:56:53 UTC
Get in line, sister, GET IN LINE. ;)


absinthelisa July 24 2008, 00:06:26 UTC
No way, man. My country's way worse than yours. It's a frozen wasteland like 10 months of the year!


ellixian July 24 2008, 00:08:32 UTC
Hmmm. I sense we're going to have some difficulty settling this dispute. Well, one of us can marry the roommate and hire the other as a housekeeper or something? The things we'll do for musical theatre...... :P


absinthelisa July 24 2008, 00:17:37 UTC
that and getting out of this hellhole!


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