DORKAGE: House 4x08 You Don't Want To Know

Nov 22, 2007 01:49

HEE. So many gigglesome moments in this episode, for serious. Review first, as usual, then ridiculously obsessive pic-spam to follow. (MMMM, House/Cuddy scene of GORGEOUS and much hilarity...

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house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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Comments 47

crumpled_up November 22 2007, 01:39:17 UTC
ILU ( ... )


ellixian November 22 2007, 04:34:08 UTC
LOL - Cuddy's thong seriously fills us all with LOVE. I cracked up at that scene when House went down on one knee. But geez. Must be tough for a guy with a bum leg. (House really just does seem to be whizzing through life without concern for his leg anymore; it was kind of cute but so weird to see him come zipping into the room on that little scooter thing at the start of the episode ( ... )


crumpled_up November 23 2007, 01:30:23 UTC
WRITE FIC! SCREW YOUR OTHER SHOWS. HOUSE COMES FIRST! HAHA J/K! lol, just as I'm writing this... i realized you did write a fic, which i will DEFINITELY check out before everyone comes over for the biggest feast of the year.

The blood type convo is seriously wonderful. I thought House really was using a metaphor too! I was confused at first but then I realized the whole blood deal at the same time as House haha.

Dude, Cuddy's blood type? O maybe, for universal donor too? ;) Or hey, even A for her ass or ambitious or... ;) Or B for boobs, breasts... I need to stop.

INSENSITIVE! YES! I want to see more of Jealous!House and Jealous!Cuddy, preferably in the same ep. Ha! I love your analogy with the dogs. That is TOTALLY THEM.



ellixian November 23 2007, 05:49:56 UTC
I TOTALLY SCREWED MY OTHER SHOWS (um, that sounds so so wrong). But yes, FIC FOR THE WIN. I've clearly gone insane over House, which I guess is a good thing for you guys! ;)

Hope you had an AWESOME Thanksgiving by the way! *hugs*

Cuddy's blood type - LOL @ B for boobs and A for ass!!!! BRILLIANT. Maybe she's a B though: a go-getting career-minded, take-no-prisoners type. I know a few people like that!

It would be awesome if House and Cuddy got jealous of each other in the same episode. How insanely adorable would that be?!? Cuddy hasn't been jealous for a while either. Hmmm. We definitely need some action on that front!! ;)



ex_bluebonn November 22 2007, 02:01:50 UTC


ex_bluebonn November 22 2007, 02:03:07 UTC
(See how distracted I am? I pressed enter before I'd even said anything!!)

I think I have to rewatch this episode; I didn't feel it last night, but everyone has been flailing so much it deserves a second chance. (:

I love all of House's facial expressions though, lol. CUTE.


ellixian November 22 2007, 04:20:46 UTC
LOL, noooo worries for being distracted. I can totally understand. It's LE's butt after all. I don't think anyone can think (much less think STRAIGHT, hee) after seeing THAT.

Yeah, I think a lot of people didn't feel it with last night's episode. I think it's the fact that Cuddy was in it for, like, a minute. Which is SO a no-no. I was totally watching it for Hugh. I love it when he brings the comedy. He's SO HOT. *thud*


ex_bluebonn November 22 2007, 13:24:34 UTC
I had much Foreman love for this ep though. Way to not suck, Foreman!


xphile101 November 22 2007, 16:59:35 UTC
Hi. I just friended you for your pic spams. You're awesome. *g*


ellixian November 22 2007, 17:08:54 UTC
Wahey, welcome to the madness! Just a warning: the pic-spams get huger and more out of control by the week. ;)
Friending you back; your ep reviews look awesome. (Eventually I WILL get into Bones. I've recently seen the first two episodes of the first season and am already HOOKED.)


xphile101 November 22 2007, 17:44:13 UTC
More pic spams work for me! You can never have too much House and Cuddy.

Bones is so freaking awesome - it's a good time to pick it up, because the Booth/Brennan 'ship is about to explode in awesomeness. Once you start watching it, you'll want to buy the DVDs and get the whole story - I know I did. The only DVDs I watched faster than Bones were the House seasons. *g*


ellixian November 22 2007, 17:57:41 UTC
Absolutely with you on never having too much H/C. They? Are made of win.

And my goodness, you don't have to tell me about how freakin' awesome Bones is. I saw those two episodes and bought the first two seasons off Amazon the second I could. They're just WAITING for me now. Work has been crap and it's about all I can do to keep up with House and a few other shows I watch. But, Bones for the hiatus for sure. Especially with the writers' strike.

BTW, obviously, from your LJ name, you're an X-Phile too? NICE. My original fandom from... um, TEN YEARS AGO now. (Dang. I hadn't realised how long ago it was.) Good times!


alex_kingston November 22 2007, 18:28:42 UTC
Taub stalking Cuddy through the plate-glass window was so hilarious

wonder what he's thinking as he stalks cuddy. must be going in his head "what a pretty bb. would make a perfect wife. no religion issue either." lol.

in half wit when she's sitting down in the couch with her grey robe and that white shawl thingy, you can catch a glimpse of a teenny weeny menorah on her shelves. lol. love the detailing they do in this show!


house is either sleeping with her..OR wants to sleep with her. if cuddy wanted to sleep with me, i would say YES in a heartbeat. u'd be insane to say no. lol.

Which brings me to the OTHER scene of cute between House and Wilson. WILSON TOTALLY KNOWS THAT HOUSE HAS THE HOTS FOR CUDDY and is wooing her playground-style, the only way he knows how. By getting his homies to steal her knickers, that's how!!!hhahah this totally made me smile and feel all tingly inside. cos if wilson is disturbing him about it, means there really is ( ... )


alex_kingston November 22 2007, 18:31:53 UTC
oh and yeah forgot! wanted to mention about that colour matching thing between house and cuddy!! i wouldnt have noticed until it was pointed out! lol.
but somehow good choice of wardrobe by the wardrobe made the scene look good aesthetically. so seamless. and pink.
they say pink and black are HORNY colours. lol.


ellixian November 22 2007, 18:44:16 UTC
Hee, hi! And welcome to the insanity that is my random love for Cuddy/LE and deep abiding adoration for House/Cuddy! I think we'll get on marvellously. ;)

you can catch a glimpse of a teenny weeny menorah on her shelves. lol. love the detailing they do in this show!
That's so true! The detailing is just awesome - although I wish we'd have a little more concrete Cuddy backstory. She NEEDS to be fleshed out more, dammit, not that LE hasn't done a great job with it. But I want to know about her family, her religion, her life, her choices etc.

if cuddy wanted to sleep with me, i would say YES in a heartbeat. u'd be insane to say no. lol.
See, this is my problem. I was pretty sure I was straight until LE happened along. ;) I blame it all on her. And yes. Dude. I'd say yes too. Obviously!!

cos if wilson is disturbing him about it, means there really is something there.
Exactly, we're not the only ones seeing it! WILSON sees it too! Hee.

i hate how LE is so underrated sometimes. because she truly is amazing. She's under-rated?!? ( ... )


alex_kingston November 22 2007, 18:51:25 UTC
I think we'll get on marvellously. ;)
i think so too! lol! i just got on the house bandwagon like 2 months ago and i don't tink i'm getting off. i finished watching house s1 and s2 in a week. lol. halfway thru s3 now tho the reason why s3 is slow for me is cos i keep on rewatching certain huddyesque episodes. lol.
this house/cuddy thing started after i saw them on the emmys. i've always liked HL and LE on ally mcbeal and relativity(i think so) and i was like..FUCK HL And LE look so fuckng good sitting side by side. then remembering that my friends kept on saying taht house is amazing..i borrowed the dvds from my friends and the rest is huddy HISTORY.

although I wish we'd have a little more concrete Cuddy backstory. She NEEDS to be fleshed out more, dammit, not that LE hasn't done a great job with it. But I want to know about her family, her religion, her life, her choices etc.EXACTLY!!! really need one ep where house and cuddy go somewhere like i dunno cuddy's parents house for i dunno a funeral and we get to know more about cuddy ( ... )


starlings_id November 22 2007, 20:31:21 UTC
This is an awesome review.
And I think a pic-spam comm is SUCH a great idea!


ellixian November 22 2007, 21:03:44 UTC
Yay, glad you enjoyed the visit! And I hope the pic-spam community works out too. We're still figuring things out at the moment!


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