Dorkage: House 4x16 Wilson's Heart

May 21, 2008 03:24

Oh. God.
This episode was... I can't even capslock flail about it. I mean, everything I feel and say you can probably assume is in the equivalent of capslock? But this was such a... smart, heartbreakingly well-written and acted episode, exploring so many themes and relationships and just everything that... capslock doesn't do it justice, somehow. ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, julia murney, podperson, house s4, housedorkage, wild party

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Comments 47

paski_br May 21 2008, 02:38:38 UTC
I was utterly bereft at Amber dying. It was - horrifying, and so sad (literally, sobbing through much of the last ten minutes, no lie) and so fantastically well-acted by RSL. I don't think I've ever been more impressed with him, and I'm just really really glad that they're finally giving him something to do with the character of Wilson that proves what a fine actor he is.

100% agreed. I'm not used to this angst-filled Wilson. I felt heartbroken for him. RSL did such and amazing job. Like Anne Dudek. She made sure Amber was more than just another "guest star" or something. I still wish TPTB didn't have to kill her, though. Amber has always been an amazing character.

when he was just holding her, and then he shut off the machines... *weeps at the thought* How are we supposed to recover from that?! :(

I know! It's the kind of thing that scars people for life. So much sadness, such a horrible way for a relationship to end.

OMG, that moment when Wilson pulls the note out from under Amber's pillow? Punch in the gut.That was pretty much ( ... )


ellixian May 21 2008, 16:50:38 UTC
Oh gosh, agreed. RSL and Anne Dudek for acting nominations, my god. I keep thinking back to the season and how it started - Amber as CTB - and how by the end I was totally rooting for her character and so devastated that she'd died. I couldn't BELIEVE how far she's come, you know?

I agree that House is the one who will end up blaming himself more. It's possible to read his final conversation with Amber on the bus as his own subconscious acknowledging what a miserable life he leads, and how this is his fault. Much much angst ahead too, OMG. :(

Absolutely one of the best episodes ever. Without a doubt.


paski_br May 22 2008, 00:31:58 UTC
I read that final scene with House and Amber like that too. Especially because when House said he didn't want to be miserable, in pain and didn't want Wilson to hate him, Amber said he kinda deserved that. I don't think *she* would blame him. It has to have been House's brain screwing with him. :(


ellixian May 22 2008, 16:47:33 UTC
Absolutely agreed, obviously. :D I love that scene - that's how I manage to sell it to myself, anyway, because if that was really Amber, I'd be a bit pissed off about how sanctimonious she was being. I thought she was a bit smug. Then I rethought it, and felt it really was House's subconscious laying blame on him for everything that happened. ARTFULLY DONE, SHOW.


phineas_gatsby May 21 2008, 03:06:50 UTC
You're not alone in sensing Thirteen/Amber.

I love Kutner. Especially when you combine this personality with the convo he had with Thirteen in "Living the Dream"--that he refuses to let life make him miserable. Love him.

And I agree, it's not House's fault any more than it is Amber's--he told her to drive home, that he'd take the bus. She chose to be kind and run after him with his cane.

But I hated how Wilson put Amber over House--Amber, a woman he's been dating five months, tops, over his best friend.

Can't wait for next season. Writers, be careful. The bar has been set; the challenge extended--We WILL hate you if you fuck this up.


ellixian May 21 2008, 17:14:06 UTC
Oh good, glad I'm not the only one. I guess that was the writers dropping a red herring and then pulling out the Huntington's card instead. Slick. ;)

Agreed on Kutner. He's fabulous and I can't wait to find out more about him. He was SO filler at first, in a way - now it kind of feels like Taub is that way. It's just so hard, with so many characters to juggle, bah!

You're right about Wilson picking Amber over House - it grated a bit, but I think RSL totally sold it. Plus, the fact that House recognised just how much Amber meant to Wilson... I think it sort of worked for me.

God you're right. Hadn't even thought about that - how are they going to surpass themselves in Season 5? Well, the House writers have never failed to surprise me before. Can't wait to see what they do next time!! :)


phineas_gatsby May 21 2008, 20:34:24 UTC
Ah, Huntington's...I don't think it's going to make much of a difference, though. If she's under 28, I'm sure her fellowship will be over before she starts to get sick.

I actually like Taub a lot...but I was hoping to see more from him in the death scene with Amber. He always seemed to be the one who liked her the most.

RSL is a fantastic actor. (Maybe one of these days I can get Noelle to introduce me to his dad? hahaha) And House is obviously at least a little suicidal, and he loves Wilson more than he does his own life, so he was going to do it. But Amber--even six months (I forget how long they'd been dating when House found out a month and a half ago), she's still just his current girlfriend. It's not as if Wilson asked House to risk his life for Wilson's wife of the past 20 years, the mother of his two kids, the love of his life. No. This is a young woman he's been dating a couple of months and with whom he's gotten really serious, really quickly--and we have to keep in mind that Wilson's married THREE women already ( ( ... )


ellixian May 22 2008, 17:05:21 UTC
Oh yeah, I picked up on the Taub/Amber thing too - because I think they actually did toy with making that overt during the Survivor phase of Season 4. And they DID mention it during the episode: they were talking about going to say goodbye to Amber and 13 said how do we pretend we liked her or something? And Kutner says we did, and Taub says, we DID? LOL. Random moment ( ... )


amy_119 May 21 2008, 03:18:14 UTC
I agree with everything you said. I couldn't bring myself to capslock either. It just didn't seem fitting. But, I very much agree with you over the whole thing with House. It was not his fault. At all. And I will be really pissed off if he gets a lot of grief over it. The man could not have done more to save her. He needs to be cut some slack. God, this was an amazing episode. <3


ellixian May 21 2008, 17:15:29 UTC
No one seems quite able to capslock with this episode as we did with, say, the last one. (Well, we were justified - I'm surprised I managed to type anything that WASN'T in capslock for the last episode, LOL.)

Glad I'm not the only one on House's side. He's done a bunch of stupid, mean things, to his friends and to his patients, but I don't think he's culpable here. Life is... just like that. And he tried his best, you're right.

Gah. How long 'til Season 5?! ;)


book232 May 21 2008, 06:36:36 UTC
This episode deserves some serious respect.

And I could copy/past pretty much your whole entry into this little box here, and say "agreed". You put it all so much more coherently than I ever could.

RSL was so incredibly amazing. Give him awards, please, many of them. And yes, I also thought that 13 had a crush on Amber.

And yeah. Funny how just a few weeks ago I hardly thought about this show and was just like "oh good, House is back, guess I'm gonna watch the rest of the season as well, why not". But now I love it more than I ever have.


ellixian May 21 2008, 17:46:07 UTC
Oh I'm glad I came across as coherent! Because I feel the episode pretty much rendered me a shivering wreck. I don't even know if anything I said made SENSE, and after a while I just had to stop because nothing I typed could do the episode justice, you know?

RSL needs every award out there. This was simply one of the best performances I've EVER seen on tv, my god. He needs a nomination, STAT.

I'm so glad the House love is strong right now. :D I'd fallen out of the fandom over the hiatus, and now I'm just like. God. SO glad this is one of my shows. SO GLAD.


wanderlonely May 21 2008, 12:23:36 UTC
::big bears hugs you and this finale tight::


ellixian May 21 2008, 15:47:42 UTC
*hugs back*


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