Dorkage: House 4x16 Wilson's Heart

May 21, 2008 03:24

Oh. God.
This episode was... I can't even capslock flail about it. I mean, everything I feel and say you can probably assume is in the equivalent of capslock? But this was such a... smart, heartbreakingly well-written and acted episode, exploring so many themes and relationships and just everything that... capslock doesn't do it justice, somehow. ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, julia murney, podperson, house s4, housedorkage, wild party

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Comments 47

katernater May 20 2008, 20:31:51 UTC
There's so much here that I want to comment on and so much that touched me about this episode -- 'shook me up and ripped the things that were left over.

But YES: I thought that 13 and Amber had had some kind of a "relationship" in the past, too, which is why she (13) was so uncomfortable with the situation. Interesting that I'm more endeared to 13 now that I know she has a terminal illness. That's pretty screwed up, right?



ellixian May 20 2008, 20:38:40 UTC
Oh god, I know what you mean. I kept wanting to write MORE? To try and capture what this episode made me feel and how I appreciated it in such... a, I don't know, profound way. But I couldn't. I just... words don't quite work here.

Ha! Someone else who thought it was 13/Amber and not 13/Huntington's! ;) I'm sure there's fanfic being written about that as I type... I'm still reserving judgement on 13, though I'd like to see where they go with this revelation next season.



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ellixian May 20 2008, 20:46:08 UTC
Oh hon. Thank you for saying everything I wanted to say but was all too crushed emotionally by the Wilson/Amber to say about House/Cuddy - that's exactly it. That concern she has for him is the subtlest of things - but it's about always being there. There wasn't any overwrought dialogue, or cheesy sappiness. It was just - them, two people, one broken, the other there for him, and it wasn't about lust or snarkiness or sexiness, but about... trust? Support? I just loved that.

Again though - poor Cuddy. This is the how many-th time she's had to watch House die? Goodness. The woman has a constitution of STEEL.


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ellixian May 21 2008, 15:27:54 UTC
I'm not sure what the House/Cam people can SAY anymore, honestly, after that - not that I've ever understood their crackpot insistence that there's no connection between House and Cuddy beyond lust and sexful glances. If anything, I'd always been of the opinion that the lust was between House and Cameron - well, on House's part anyway. There is no touching Cuddy anymore, for sure.

The writers really DID give us something special with this episode, didn't they? They tease and tease and tease with all the banter and everything, but when it comes down to it, what matters to me most is the connection - and they really GET that, and prove it sometimes. In Wilson's Heart, with no words, and two episodes before that, in that moment when Cuddy again laid her job on the line because she believed in House. So. AWESOME. ♥


scandaloussteph May 20 2008, 20:40:23 UTC
I really thought "13" had a huge crush on Amber, and she couldn't face her being sick and all that ...

It was such a beautiful episode ... I didn't laugh once, and House is a drama so that's how it's supposed to be.

This is the episode that HL (as leading actor), RSL (as supporting actor) and Anne Dudek (as guest-star) should enter for the Emmys and it def. should be the episode entered for the best drama category


ellixian May 20 2008, 20:42:31 UTC
Aboslutely agreed. This is one of the best-written episodes of television of any show I've ever seen - and acting accolades are due all around. RSL needs to win for this. He was fantastic.

Beautifully sustained drama throughout that never tips into MELOdrama. That's what made it so awesome.


blowersgate May 20 2008, 22:49:57 UTC


athenaraven May 20 2008, 20:48:22 UTC
I'm still overwhelmed. How can all that I feel be encompassed in mere words? I knew before that is more than entertainment, but last night's episode transcended a level I didn't believe possible, not just in the world the show and its characters but in myself.

You said it best: it's not tv, it's an experience.


ellixian May 21 2008, 15:33:19 UTC
I know exactly what you mean - I kept wanting to write more when I was recapping, to explain just how much the show and the story affected me, but I couldn't. This was television as pure art, and pure emotion. Fantastic.


shutterbug_12 May 20 2008, 20:49:25 UTC
Yeah, this episode broke me a bit. I loved the Afterlife Bus scene at the end with House and Amber. Such a huge step for him to admit those things to himself, even if in his own head. That scene said so much about House. And, yeah, it really isn't House's fault, everything that happened. Yeah, he got drunk, but he was probably drunk because he was lonely, and he missed his best friend. And that's sad. I think Amber's death was the result of such a complicated string of events that could be traced back to when Amber and Wilson first got together, and it's no one's fault, really. Such a sad episode.


ellixian May 21 2008, 15:37:44 UTC
I think this episode broke everyone - I'm amazed by how everyone replying to this entry did the same thing I did: write almost entirely in small-case, because, well. There's something not quite right about flailing in capslock over something quite so... amazing.

That bus scene was fantastic. Absolutely so. What amazed me was how you can read it in so many ways. I love the central message of it - that House admitted he doesn't want to be in pain, or miserable, or be hated by Wilson, which explains so much about his desperation and willingness to NOT take risks with Amber - but also how Amber, not really Amber anymore, was probably House himself, blaming himself, forcing himself back into the game. Just so, so sad.

I can't wait for the next season now. The writers of this show? Officially too amazing for words.


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