oh god XANADU.

Apr 23, 2008 03:26

SO. I am addicted to Broadway, and have also managed to get noldoparma hooked on the same crack. Which means we finally managed to score an invite to my brother's place - if you thought WE were into musical theatre, you should see his stash; I swear he buys every CD on Amazon as long as it purports to be a musical. So we went there tonight, on a giggly road trip, and came away with a ton of new music crack.

WHICH MEANS THAT I AM CURRENTLY LISTENING TO XANADU and OMFG, the memories!! This is one of the movies of my CHILDHOOD, and even though it's generally critically reviled (and probably rightly so, I am apparently completely non-discriminatory as proven by my similarly sad love for Grease 2), I've loved it since I was a young'un and so shall love it ever more. Cheesy roller-skating and cartoon sequence and dodgy lines and mannequins and all. But I'd forgotten about it for SO long, and now that I'm listening to the Broadway cast recording, I'm, like, DUDE. BRINGS ME BACK.

Now I need to watch Xanadu in NYC. ;)

And whatever you might say about the original movie, and about how poor Gene Kelly sold out or whatever, you can't deny that he does have a singularly awesome number with Olivia Newton-John. (Also my FIRST experience of Gene, though I had NO IDEA it was him until I got hooked on classic films a few years back and realised, OMG, Gene played the old dude in Xanadu WTF!!) Still one of my favourite songs of all time - I used to listen to it on a LOOP.

image Click to view

Whenever You're Away From Me - Gene Kelly & ONJ

I HAVE SUCH DODGY TASTE IN OLD MOVIES. But I don't care. I love Xanadu. ♥ And I LOVE how cheerfully cheesy the OBCR is. WIN.

lj - noldoparma, broadway, the golden age, movies

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