Mar 25, 2008 02:34

Well, not really. I should be in bed as it's 2.35 am and I anticipate tons and tons and tons of work tomorrow. *sadface*


1. It was a good day at work, even with, you know, the actual work. Because I'm still hyped up on my New York flail, OMG.
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flist-love, nyc, lj - lfae, julia murney, idina menzel, lj - alexia88

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Comments 30

medland March 24 2008, 22:15:17 UTC
I really don't want to be at work tomorrow. I just want to flail online.
You and me both bb!


fastandfunky March 24 2008, 23:59:28 UTC
add me, and I can totes help make you Julia!literate


ellixian March 25 2008, 04:51:09 UTC
Dude, I'm so retarded and was, like, add you? Add you to what?! Did you mean MSN? I FAIL and don't have an MSN account! Just AIM. I shall have to rectify that, I suppose... ;)


fastandfunky March 25 2008, 05:03:18 UTC
I have aim, but I so don't use it ever. Except.. I'm always logged in? Hahaha. Here it is, anyway :P

Mean Pancake.

*is awesome*

and then there's also
Because I really, really am so awesome. fer srs. *nods*

But aaalllll that =/= not getting msn. :)


ellixian March 25 2008, 05:07:19 UTC
LOL I shall add you when I get home and see if we'll ever meet online. ;) But hey, fastandfunky is an awesome screen-name. ♥ You ARE that awesome, fer srs. ;)


weazel_luv March 25 2008, 01:29:17 UTC
so i checked LJ at work (just to see what's going on in the world) and you go and you post that murney vid. augh! and I can't look at it until I get home. work = epic fail. I'm afraid that they'll have taken it down by the time I get home.

I don't know who has the HQ version of that vid, but isn't it time to release it to the masses? It's been eight years. it's just a boot... let it go!


weazel_luv March 25 2008, 04:29:57 UTC
also, I don't know if you've seen this:

it's got an annoying watermark, but Julia = AWESOME anyway.


ellixian March 25 2008, 04:41:34 UTC
HA HA I AM AT WORK AND SUPPOSED TO BE FOCUSING. But when there's Julia flail... unfortunately I can't watch Youtube videos here. Shall watch it the second I get back though, watermark be damned. What is it? And thanks for sharing. ♥

BTW, I've already downloaded that TWP video mwahahaha. So no worries if it's been taken down. Though it shouldn't have been, it's been up for a week now. (The person who refuses to let the master go is... GAH. Share the love, OMG!)

Where do you live, btw? You seem to be at work as the same time as me...


weazel_luv March 25 2008, 04:54:27 UTC
It's a proshot vid of out of the blue.

I'm in san francisco. I do IT so my work hours can get kinda funky. Also, the reason it seems like I'm on LJ all the time is well... I'm on LJ all the time.

work be damned when there's julia!flailage to be had.


noldoparma March 25 2008, 04:06:47 UTC
So I skipped work entirely.

Went to bed with my hair wet and is now paying for it. BAH.

As I continue to bond with my internet and hope no one is cursing me too badly *grin*


ellixian March 25 2008, 04:42:23 UTC
Yah apparently! I heard you had a migraine though. You and Chris both. Siok's the only one left here!

Ah well. Internet bonding time is good. Rest up.


jukebox_grad March 25 2008, 04:12:44 UTC
NY FTW! I MUST try to meet up with you at some point!

And how great is it that you at least have some incentive for all of the hours you're putting in? Your light at the end of the tunnel (so to speak)!

I miss our flailing. :(


ellixian March 25 2008, 04:53:41 UTC
Ha ha, posting from work I'm so naughty. ;p

But OMG YES. If we can swing it at all, a meet-up would be SO awesome. alexia88 will be with me, so imagine all the crazy combined flail we can engage in! Come up and see a show with us!! Or something!

And yes, the thought of NYC has kept me in a dorkily cheerful mood all weekend and now for the last two days, heh.

I miss flailing too. :( RL flailing in June, y/y?!!?


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