Mar 25, 2008 02:34

Well, not really. I should be in bed as it's 2.35 am and I anticipate tons and tons and tons of work tomorrow. *sadface*


1. It was a good day at work, even with, you know, the actual work. Because I'm still hyped up on my New York flail, OMG.
alexia88 and I have been chatting for ages and just being all flaily and happy. (Plus, Alex, BIRDLAND = OMFG, AMIRITE?!) Seriously, this trip is the best thing I have ever done for myself and for my mental health. I was so down just a week ago about my whole work situation, and now I'm in a ridiculously good mood all the time. Thank you, Alex m'dear, and also
lfae, for flailing with me and making life all good again.

2. Also got my performance bonus today! For once, I felt genuinely rewarded for all the crap and hours I put in at work. Plus, it'll pay for my June holiday, whoo hoo!! Turns out staying 'til 3am? Might have been worth it after all... ;)

3. And of course my fellow Julia Murney fangirls - welcome to all the new friends I've made because of Julia flail, hee! You guys made my week. Actually, EDUCATE ME. Tell me random factoids about Julia! I know she makes a mean pancake, lol, and that she's a native New Yorker. Did she get classical training the way Idina did? Or is she just naturally amazing? SPAM ME WITH JULIA LOVE.

4. And I shall return the favour. You WANT to be clicking on the cut, oh yes you do... yes, especially you Julia virgins out there. Because man I love this woman's voice and there's proof right here.

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The Wild Party: Maybe I Like It This Way/What Is It About Her

image Click to view

I just found this on Youtube. ADKLLFJSLJDFLASDFJLASDJAL. It's only one of the best-shot videos of Julia as Queenie EVER. SO. MUCH. LOVE. And her voice is so awesome in this clip! Plus check out Idina stripping down to her skivvies, lol!

Chess: Nobody's Side (rehearsal)

image Click to view

I've spammed this to so many people already, because it kills me dead. But I'm spamming it again. 2:20 for the friggin' brain explosion! I want to see Idina hit that note when she does Chess later this year in London... (Oooh, and edited to add a shiny interview with Julia I found pre-Chess! I love her answers, hee: "I beg every year, "Can I please sing in Broadway Bares? Please, please, please?" 'Cause that's the one night I get to be a rock star, and it's just fun." Clearly I'm just here to entertain myself...)

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Edited to add: OMG. One last thing that I'm not embedding because it's horrific - but check out this video of Idina. Much as I adore her, this is possibly the most terrifying version of Defying Gravity I have ever seen...

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5. I really don't want to be at work tomorrow. I just want to flail online. Can you tell, LOL?

flist-love, nyc, lj - lfae, julia murney, idina menzel, lj - alexia88

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