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Comments 84

jukebox_grad January 22 2008, 00:57:07 UTC
But I am doing my best to limit your attention to sleep and work, am I not? ;) Seriously, girl. You do not sleep enough at all, especially knowing how hard you work! But I'm glad our flailing as been an outlet for ya!

This is my comment -- I shall post this one (I had a hard time attempting the 10 happy things one, because the flu followed by bronchitis just does not put you in that mindset!)


ellixian January 22 2008, 14:48:48 UTC
Oh I definitely do not sleep enough. My evil plan is to fall ill from the stress of it all and stay home and flail instead. LOL I AM MADE OF SUCH MUCH FAIL.

And here we go:

1. Because I am made of LOSE and didn't friend you until I realised who you were from the Flicka boards - thanks to the Emmy pic-spam of epic win that you posted last year. THANK GOD FOR THAT, EH. HOW ELSE WOULD WE HAVE GROWN INTO THE FLAILY PEOPLE WE ARE NOW?!

2. BRUCE OBVIOUSLY. (BTW, I so listened to both his River CDs while I was skating, heh.)

3. YOU ARE MADE OF FLAIL (NOT FAIL) AND THEREFORE ILU. Seriously though - we share so many fandoms, we're totally pervy (hee), and it's been wonderful getting to know you better :)

4. Too many to list of happy flaily conversations as we messed around setting up my_vicodin and flailing and being generally spazzy, but I'd have to say the first and best memory is hanging out with you at your Flicka boards (shame they're down now), because she was the first and the original for both of us, before House and Cuddy stole our hearts ( ... )


jukebox_grad January 22 2008, 16:00:16 UTC
1) Very happy the Emmy picspam reconnected us -- though I still think we would've figured it out eventually ( ... )


ellixian January 22 2008, 16:23:04 UTC
1) I guess so, we had so many fandoms in common we'd have to have collided again. But man, we had alexia88 as a mutual friend for ages and never made the connection! FAIL!


3/4) OMG OMG OMG I WAS IN IT?! I don't even REMEMBER that. HOW was I in it? And, true story, but alexia88 were IM-ing the other day and you came up - something about flailage, lol. And she linked me to that post. But I'm gonna have to ask you to link it again so I can mem it. I failed and didn't last time!

5) That was SHORT ENOUGH. I am impressed. I love hearing these beginning-of-fandom stories. And I really AM loving his music. It's brilliant workout music (for the most part), and then there are the gorgeous, spare, angsty ones that are so beautiful too. LOVES!!!



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ellixian January 22 2008, 14:54:38 UTC
Doing you, doing you! (LOL, THAT REALLY SOUNDS SO WRONG.)

1. Migrating from FF flail over to LJ, I guess! I'd love to get to know you better over here, since I pop by FF so rarely these days.

2. House/Cuddy looooooooooooooooove, obviously!

3. You flail with the best of 'em, seriously. You're so enthusiastically into our ship it makes me HAPPY.

4. Well, right now it's that photo of you posted in your LJ - you're really so pretty! :)

5. Mind telling me a little more about being Turkish and living where you do? How'd that come about?

... )


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ellixian January 23 2008, 16:19:56 UTC
LOL, it's always nerve-wracking posting pics. I'm glad you did though! :)

And that's such a way cool story - it sounds like you've got such an awesome history and heritage, and it's great that you've kept in touch with it all and are proud of it. Really great - I SHOULD keep better touch with my own roots (I'm Chinese, but not really - more Westernised than anything, probably).

*waiting for meme in your journal* ;)


ashley_west January 22 2008, 05:16:51 UTC
*leaves comment*
*skips away*


ellixian January 22 2008, 14:58:52 UTC
*watches you skip away*

1. We started chatting on a mutual friend's LJ (yay athenaraven) about possible trips to my home country, and then we were, like, WTF. We share fandoms of WIN.

2. PB&J, because that's the name of your LJ lol.

3. You seem like a wonderful person, and I've love-loved chatting with you so far. You sound like you've been through a lot too, but come through it well. Can't wait to get to know you better! :)


5. How good is your Mandarin/Taiwanese?

... )


ashley_west January 22 2008, 15:11:33 UTC
Thanks^^ can't wait to get to know you better, too^^
and my mandarin is decent, orally. I have problems with phrases and stuff if they are like, specific lingo or one of those 4 word phrase thingers. My reading is adequate, but I don't do it unless I have to because IT. TAKES. FOREVER. And my writing ttly sucks LOL^^ My Taiwanese is okay, because my family is Taiwanese, so we speak it at home (esp my grandparents). I could speak it when I was REALLY little, but then I started speaking English and now I have a funny accent so I can't speak it as well as I'd like. It's funny now when I speak to my grandparents, they'd talk in Taiwanese and I'd answer in mandarin lol. OMG DO YOU SPEAK TAIWANESE TOO? (I think you call it something else over there, Fuken?)


ellixian January 22 2008, 15:15:12 UTC
Well, that probably means your Mandarin is better than mine, lol. I listen to Chinese music and have no idea what's going on unless I concentrate, and even then I'm like, OMG WTF sometimes. I just asked because I figured it must have been so difficult to readjust after living in the UK for so long and having to learn it from scratch. I learnt it as a kid and STILL find it tough!

Anyways. I can't speak ANY dialects. I FAIL. We call it Fujian or Hokkien here, yup. I can just about manage Mandarin, and understand some Cantonese. But speaking it is another matter entirely LOL.


alex_kingston January 22 2008, 05:25:17 UTC


ellixian January 22 2008, 15:28:10 UTC

And, meme:

1. Dude, the House/Cuddy flailage is just too strong to be denied!

2. Crazy insane adoration of the gorgeousness that is LE, of course!

3. You're really open and honest in your LJ entries and that's really cool - I wouldn't dare to do that myself!

4. Marathon LJ flail sessions over Cuddy and House at my_vicodin - we're not pervy, we're CREATIVE!

5. Ever been in love for real? (ADORING LE DOESN'T COUNT, LOL.)

... )


alex_kingston January 23 2008, 01:18:23 UTC


ellixian January 23 2008, 16:25:17 UTC
I know what you mean about the House fandom being remarkably welcoming and just plain lovely in general. It's wonderful, really - I hear about all this snarky backbiting that goes on in the fandom and how it can get really vicious, but so far House/Cuddy fans seem to be a bunch of really wonderful, level-headed, DISCERNING people who get along great. So rare in a fandom, yah?? I love it!

And thanks for sharing that story of yours - it's quite beautiful, though I'm sure it was painful at the time. *hugs* I wasn't freaked out at all, I thought it was a wonderfully genuine reply! Thanks for indulging me, heh!!!


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ellixian January 22 2008, 15:41:02 UTC

1. Because we have an awesome mutual friend in jukebox_grad who realised that the two of us are made of matching amounts of flail. ;)

2. SNAPE FTW!! Well, Harry Potter really. But Snape love too, lol.

3. I just love chatting with you about our shared fandom - we share a lot of the same thoughts about it. :) I just wish I had more time to chat with you and get to know you better, which is so tough now that my brain has been colonised by XF2!! ;p

4. Trying to educate me about the wonders of John Mayer, lol...

5. What are your favourite movies? :) Because I know you're a classics fan and also a Galaxy Quest fan (no?). Hit me with your favourites!

6. Selecting one of yours was TOUGH. So much Hugh goodness. But this one was adorable:

... )


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ellixian January 23 2008, 16:33:11 UTC
2. Ooooh, wait, what?! I am such a loser - haven't kept up to date with the Snape fandom (didn't let myself get into it, to be more precise). What did our main man say?? Do share ( ... )


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