"let me play among the stars / let me see what spring is like on jupiter and mars"

May 04, 2009 02:09

1. URM. FOUR DAYS. Just four days more, guys - this time, in four days, I will literally be boarding the plane for Qatar New York. OMG. I can't... even BEGIN to process this, it doesn't feel real at ALL. I mean, I have tickets for most of my first week of shows, and at least half of the second week, and I've been planning this for a while. STILL. ( Read more... )

alice in wonderland, broadway, meme, nyc, beth malone, allison janney, movies, frasier, marvellous wonderettes, 9 to 5, cate the great, family, lj - weazel_luv, oh look a good day, west wing, yoga, julia murney, i'm pretty sure i'm straight honest!, skipley, tunespammage, bookdorking, emil chau, starstalking, sleep patterns of fail

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Comments 22

nut_meggers May 3 2009, 20:15:32 UTC

I felt the film was a pile of poo, but I'm the same with Hugh. Even if it's utter crap, I come away all glassy-eyed and twittterpated. There needs to be a mold made from his body of perfection. It could go in the Louvre next to David! I would kill to have him as a model for drawing class, his proportions are so exquisite. Those legs that go on for miiiiiiles. I couldn't believe how bulky he got for this film. HIS SHOULDERS HAD CLEAVAGE. I went back and watched the first X-Men yesterday and he looks downright sickly in comparison. Which is NUTS, because he's all hotness in it!



ellixian May 3 2009, 20:18:58 UTC
THAT IS BASICALLY EXACTLY HOW I FEEL. Leaving aside the fact that I actually liked the movie too, honestly the movie could have been utter SHIT and I'd have turned the volume off and been totally happy just watching him caper across the screen being ridiculously hot. I mean, SERIOUSLY, how is it possible for one guy to look that good?! (And be that NICE and charming, in general?) Pretty much everything you said is true: I just love... marvelling at how incredibly hot and PERFECT he is. I'm not sure anyone would be able to focus long enough to draw him because aieeee I'd be too busy drooling. Now I want to go back and watch the first film too, it's been years since I've seen it!




athenaraven May 3 2009, 20:25:38 UTC
Each time you count down you make my countdown even shorter. TWO MORE DAYS EEEP!

Right now I'm looking at Thursday for G&D (looks like it'll be raining half the time we're there UGH so we're trying to plan around it) but I would still like to meet up with you if it's possible. Possibly before/after your shows, since I'll be staying near Times Square.

As to House, I say cave and watch Monday's episode with the rest of us. You'll be spoiled rotten anyway! It's supposedly that epic.


ellixian May 3 2009, 20:28:04 UTC
That is kind of insanely UNBELIEVABLE kinds of amazing. I can't believe we'll both be there in such short order, EEK. ♥

Urgh, rain is not so fun, I had been hoping for really nice weather. Oh well, all the more reason to spend time indoors, in warm, comfy theatres. :D When you say Thursday - do you mean 14 May? I only get into NY on 8 May. But we should definitely meet up and say hi and grab a bite to eat. Because WHEN are we going to be able to do this again? I mean, hopefully at some point, but this is too perfect to pass up.

*weeps* HOUSE. I'll be watching Cheno in concert that Monday though! So I'm sure I can be strong. I'm pretty sure I'll be spoiled in short order. SIGH.


athenaraven May 3 2009, 20:37:06 UTC
It's so thrilling! :D

I actually meant May 7th but we'll still have a couple of days before we fly back. What's your schedule like? I won't have much Internet access but I can PM you my cell number.

EEEEE Cheno! I absolutely love the video of her singing "For Good" on Youtube. No need to ask if you're recording, right? :-p


ellixian May 3 2009, 20:39:07 UTC
I'm so excited for you! I'll be there from May 8, but we can probably grab a bite of some sort on the Saturday or Sunday, in between shows. (I'll be watching two a day, predictably.) Will PM you my number too! :D

Cheno singing anything pretty much makes my life. Recordings will obviously be made, and eventually shared. Heh. :D


tendre_posion May 3 2009, 20:57:05 UTC
ALLISON JANNEY. I am so uber jealous that you get to see her in 9 to 5. I want to see it so bad, but it's hella expensive to fly from Brisbane to NYC. FAIL FOR AUSTRALIA.


ellixian May 3 2009, 20:58:44 UTC
LOL YOUR ICON. I never thought I'd have the chance to see 9 to 5, so I'm ridiculously glad I am somehow managing it. I'm sorry you can't go though. :( Urm... plane tickets are a lot cheaper now than they were a few months ago? :\


tendre_posion May 3 2009, 21:32:20 UTC
I'm just hoping that someone secretly records it and uploads it, cause that's the only way i'm ever going to see it.

Australia to the US is still expensive, because of the distance, not to mention that it's a hell of a long flight


timeofyoursong May 3 2009, 22:23:06 UTC

1. SO EXCITED FOR YOU. What's your first week look like? I know you've got Wonderettes your first night (?), but no clue otherwise.

4. LOL, URK I KIND OF REALLY HATE WOLVERINE. Given, I haven't seen the legit full version - just the leaked one. I think it's because of it being a Wolverine-centric movie. I mean, I know the other three were as well, but even then it was more about the team. Also, I kind of hated X3 as well. But for some reason I saw it, like, five times in the theater. I guess I kept hoping that it would get better with repeat viewings? IDK.

5. THIS NUMBER MADE ME VERY HAPPY. HOW WERE WE NOT FRIENDS LONG, LONG AGO? It's been ages since I've picked up a legit graphic novel - I'll flip through the compilations a bit when I go to the bookstore, but I haven't actually sat down and read a comic for probably two years. I used to be a huge X-Men fandork. Like, you wouldn't believe. (I am staring across the room at my Phoenix poster ( ... )


ellixian May 4 2009, 18:13:01 UTC


ext_182007 May 3 2009, 23:03:18 UTC
FOUR DAYS OMGWTF. How long's the flight?

Damn, I wish I got days off for public holidays... I just get double time and a half. xD Which is rather nifty. But the ONLY days we're not open are Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Christmas day. And I don't work Fridays or Sundays so they're no help, although last year Christmas was a Thursday so I got that off. :D

♥ for your aunt!


Potluck dinner sounds awesome :) Aaahh, I am always so hungry after reading your posts! :P But I am DETERMINED to get back into proper healthy eating so I am not gonna go make some toast, I will have my weet-bix at 10 and be good.

LILITH. xD Oh god I love Bebe! But totes you need to listen to Pia as Velma too, she's awesome. ;) AND it's in English!

although it's kind of nice right now having her fandom small, manageable and NOT full of insane people.

That's always good. :P See this is why foreign actors are fun... and if there are any insane people I don't seem to be crossing paths with them. xD



ellixian May 4 2009, 18:17:49 UTC
THREE DAYS NOW. XD The whole two legs will take just over 24 hours. *weeps* Isn't that crazy? There's a two-hour layover in between on the way there. (SIX ON THE WAY BACK, AIEEEE. Good thing I'll my audios to keep me company!)

We always get days off, since our schedules and routines are so painfully regular, urgh. But EVERYONE gets them, except people who are in the service industry, so we're not all THAT special. ;)

Dinner was excellent! I keep intending to start intending in a vaguely healthy manner again, honestly I do, but now I'm going off to NY AGAIN and how am I going to keep to that?! *cries*

LILITH ILHER SO MUCH. I'm still super jealous you got to see her as Roxie, wtf! *cries* She might actually have made me LIKE Roxie. ;) I think I've listened to Pia as Velma on a couple of songs that you passed to me. IS THERE A FULL CR?!

The language barrier is still pretty insurmountable for me, I guess. *weeps*

DESSERT IS AWESOME. Maybe I can bring some to you in transit. XD


ext_182007 May 4 2009, 23:30:11 UTC
*cries* flight of LONG. At least I'm only 20 hours to Frankfurt ;) But weird, same layovers! 2 on the way there, 6 on the way back!

NY + healthy eating? Hahahaha ;) *weeps* OMG MAGNOLIA BAKERY. I miss those red velvets... mmmm. And the pizza we had before In the Heights, fucking best EVER.

She was INSANE as Roxie, it was seriously so bizarre but awesome! I'd love an audio of it... mine was on my old recorder so I never tracked it, I probably deleted it by now. :P

There IS but only the Dutch one! :P



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