1. URM. FOUR DAYS. Just four days more, guys - this time, in four days, I will literally be boarding the plane for Qatar New York. OMG. I can't... even BEGIN to process this, it doesn't feel real at ALL. I mean, I have tickets for most of my first week of shows, and at least half of the second week, and I've been planning this for a while. STILL.
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1. SO EXCITED FOR YOU. What's your first week look like? I know you've got Wonderettes your first night (?), but no clue otherwise.
4. LOL, URK I KIND OF REALLY HATE WOLVERINE. Given, I haven't seen the legit full version - just the leaked one. I think it's because of it being a Wolverine-centric movie. I mean, I know the other three were as well, but even then it was more about the team. Also, I kind of hated X3 as well. But for some reason I saw it, like, five times in the theater. I guess I kept hoping that it would get better with repeat viewings? IDK.
5. THIS NUMBER MADE ME VERY HAPPY. HOW WERE WE NOT FRIENDS LONG, LONG AGO? It's been ages since I've picked up a legit graphic novel - I'll flip through the compilations a bit when I go to the bookstore, but I haven't actually sat down and read a comic for probably two years. I used to be a huge X-Men fandork. Like, you wouldn't believe. (I am staring across the room at my Phoenix poster right know, just fyi.) I kind of love Claremont longtime for the original Phoenix Saga, but I also kind of loathe him for helping to spawn Emma Frost. NEVER HAS THERE BEEN A CHARACTER IN ANY FANDOM THAT I HATE MORE THAN EMMA FROST. UGH UGH UGH. Jean Grey was always my favorite (also, main reason for my epic love of Famke Janssen ♥), so once she kind of started disappearing from the newer story lines around the time of the movies (apparently so as not to confuse people who tried reading the comics after seeing the movies? idk), I kind of stopped reading. Rachel Summers was another favorite, but I don't even know what they're doing with her character right now - can't even begin to catch up.
9. B - I pretty much agree with ALL OF THAT. Especially wanting to hear her sing NGD. Also, my mother dug up Ratched's Lament all by herself. I about died when that came on her iPod mix when she picked me up from the airport. Breakup Notebook - I want that show to be a legit HUGE hit, but the idea also kind of scares me when I think of the crazies it'll bring in.
1. I haven't put up my schedule yet, as it's still tentative, especially the second week. But WONDERETTES FIRST NIGHT - A+, y/y?! I'll FB it to you at some point so you can stalk me effectively. ;)
4. As in the movie, not the character, right? Like I said, I think I'm just... a really UNdiscerning fan. I'm so happy to have the opportunity to see the world writ large and REAL on a silver screen that it appears I'd watch pretty much anything and be happy with it. In the case of Wolverine, a couple of hours of Hugh Jackman running around being sexy and uttering complete rubbish would have made me happy, so... STANDARDS WERE LOW GOING IN. ;)
I love that you saw X3 five times in the theatre though. LMAO. Maybe because Jean had a pretty big role in it, all things considered? I actually loved how silly and ridiculously OTT it was. Much as I appreciate Christopher Nolan's reimagining of Batman, I still like SOME tongue-in-cheek silliness in my comic book movies, and the Dark Knight franchise is legit TOO serious for me. So... X-Men it is? D:
5. I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW WE DIDN'T BECOME FRIENDS EARLIER, BUT GOOD THING WE'RE MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME NOW. XD I'm zipping through all the books my brother has bought over the last year and catching up now, and OMG LOVE. I've forgotten how much I ADORE living in this universe, for however much time I can, before the real world hits again.
I'm more plugged into the current run of books than you are, then... my favourite characters at present really are from current titles, like Exiles (before Claremont got his hands onto it, because it's going a bit weird now) - lots of alternate universe mindfuckery going on that's SO awesome. I DO think they're trying very seriously to keep Jean out of the series now though, which must suck for you. I guess they wanted to reboot everything and... that's how they chose to do it? D: I don't think I had much of an opinion towards Jean per se, although you know I cry like a baby every time she dies, but I really DIDN'T like Cyclops/Scott for some reason. So I was... kind of fascinated when they shook up the world with all the recent revamping and had him shacking up with Emma. I'M SORRY. D:
Catching up at this point is crazy. I still have no idea how the various X-titles link up. But if you want a good series that doesn't get too caught up in the real-time X-Men universe and has lots of awesome cameos from superheroes dead, alive and everything in between, try Exiles, seriously. It's good stuff.
9B. WOW THAT WAS A SHOCKER, I THOUGHT YOU HATED HER. ;) OMG, Beth singing NGD or DG would probably make my life, just because I want to hear her voice soar over those notes. Having her PLAY Elphaba could be a tad scary, because the fangirls really WOULD descend then (as if they wouldn't with Notebook!) and we'd be trampled into complete mush. BTW YOUR MOM IS MY HERO, LMAO. I can't believe she downloaded Ratched's Lament herself. SERIOUSLY SHE IS A BIGGER FANGIRL THAN WE ARE. I APPROVE. ♥
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