i'm a model of industry right now

Apr 09, 2009 11:14

1. Am I posting from work right now? YES I AM. I don't give a damn. I was gonna post yesterday, but was so crazy shacked I fell asleep in bed... the perils of having a netbook, sigh. Though I guess it's better for me than falling asleep on my chair and waking up all bent and broken just to stagger to bed ( Read more... )

meme, house/cuddy, iconage, julia murney, wicked, beth malone, tina fey, lj - timeofyoursong, housespam, marvellous wonderettes, worker bees die faster, kate the great, cuddylove

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Comments 26

llyfrgell April 9 2009, 04:10:13 UTC
2. Ack. Things not happening at end of year? Epic fail, your job. D:

4a. How could I not ramble about Wonderettes when I just watched it? Yay pink and green! And understudy!BJ was much with the grabbyhands - including at, um, Suzy. I don't know what that was about. Beth >>>>> understudy, however. And LOL at BJ brushing Cindy Lou's hair at night - clearly everyone in the show knows about the gay.

b. Dude, you need to catch up on House, because the last episode was insane. That is all.

6. Moar procrastination!


ellixian April 9 2009, 04:23:59 UTC
2. Yeah, it's the thing I didn't want to talk about to avoid jinxing it. Since it's been jinxed anyway - it was supposed to be a few months' stint with the UN, which means a few months IN NYC. But nope, not happening. FML. :(

4a. EEK. Jealous! The pink and green thing is just TOO perfect, I'm pretty sure it was you and Amanda who pointed that out to me. XD I've heard good things about the new BJ!understudy, but honestly it's all Beth for me, I can imagine that you'd miss her in that role! Does this understudy do an impression of Beth or have her own take on BJ? I don't understand WHAT Roger Bean was thinking of when he included that fact in Cindy Lou's bio. It is quite possibly the GAYEST RANDOM THING EVER. ;)

b. I know, my flist exploded everywhere over House. I've downloaded most of the episodes, maybe I'll catch up on them in NY or something,

6. Clearly.


llyfrgell April 9 2009, 04:36:54 UTC
2. Oh NO, I'm so sorry to hear that! Urgh, that would have been amazing. Maybe some sort of substitute-awesome will take place instead?

4a. I think it was Amanda, and I passed it along to you! Understudy has a good voice - though honestly I was more impressed by new!Missy, vocally. Understudy!BJ kind of does a Beth impression, with the silly faces and weird noises etc. She's much less goofy-looking than Beth, though, so it doesn't play quite as well. (She also LOOKS less gay, though she doesn't act it. xD) Understudies are supposed to imitate the main cast member, so I guess it makes sense. Would be interesting to see what her version of BJ would be like.

b. Uh, because you are going to be doing nothing in NY and can spend lots of time watching House. Oh wait...


ellixian April 9 2009, 04:50:01 UTC
I should go get lunch, urk.

2. Yeah, that was what I was hoping for! It'd have been LOTS of work, but it'd be different from what I'm doing, look great on the CV, plus OH YES, be in NY. SIGH.

4a. Amanda still wins for noticing that. XD Oh I LOVE Misty's voice - what I've heard of it. She ain't Farah, but she sounds lovely, so I'm excited to be seeing her (please god) in May. I'm thinking the silly faces and noises are written into the role/show, but dang if Beth isn't the MASTER of them. Clearly this means you need to get back while she's still in the show. Ahahaha I love that Cindy Lou/BJ is slashy even without Beth in it. GOOD TO KNOW.

b. What, there's awake time around shows! I can totes do it. I think. XD


in48frames April 9 2009, 04:12:45 UTC
was so crazy shacked I fell asleep in bed

Horrible, just horrible.


ellixian April 9 2009, 04:17:33 UTC
At least better than the alternative, no? *weeps*


in48frames April 9 2009, 04:38:34 UTC
I HOPE you realize that was pure sarcasm.


ellixian April 9 2009, 04:47:33 UTC
Errr... Okaaaay. Got it. ;)


timeofyoursong April 9 2009, 04:41:06 UTC
3. D:

4a. I am thoroughly impressed that it is just as gay with the understudy. Gayer than Gelphie is oh so true, though. And I love Elpaba/Glinda. AND MR. BEAN, YOU ARE SO NOT REINFORCING THE RELATIONSHIPS YOU WROTE INTO THE SHOW.

4c. I totally didn't realize that was her. D:

4f. It is the closest thing Wicked has ever had to fan service, I think. And SCORE. Sigh, I want Lisa back as Elphaba so much, even though I'm glad that she's doing other stuff. :\


ellixian April 9 2009, 04:46:38 UTC
3. OMIGOD I KNOW. I keep stalking and stalking. The universe/mail system does not like me. :(

4a. AHAHAHA I still love your icon best. Well, honestly, the slash is there. THEY MUST KNOW IT. Roger Bean TOTES WROTE IT IN. *weeps* I admit to having a morbid curiosity to seeing Wonderettes with a different cast, but I don't think I could handle it if I had a few times to watch it. I'd want it all Beth all the time.

c. LOL, it was in her young glam starlet phase. XD

f. TRUFAX. I might find Scott Alan annoying, but would have to thank him for being a bigger Wicked fangirl fanboy than we are. I'm GLAD Lisa's doing other things, and glad for Julia too. YAY. Now they just need REGULAR JOBS, dammit.


wanderlonely April 9 2009, 06:13:48 UTC
Admit it, Lisa E turns y'all gay too. How Hugh played that scene without going blind from the awesome is quite beyond me.



ellixian April 9 2009, 06:16:56 UTC
LOL I'm glad we're agreed on this. XD


alexia88 April 9 2009, 08:34:35 UTC
2. :( That thing that you didn't want to jinx sounds SO awesome. Really crossing fingers that there's some reversal in that decision. Getting to work at the UN for a few months? My dream job too *hugs*

4b) Obviously agreed. I'm so behind, but can't even think about catching up until I've finished BSG. The throes of obsession are a terrible wonderful thing.

4c) Awwww <3 Yes, we all have a lot to be grateful to Kate the Great for.


ellixian April 10 2009, 18:59:21 UTC
2. Doesn't it? It really was a lot of work, and sounded daunting and I was kind of worried I wouldn't be able to do it because it would involve my stepping out of my comfort zone - but I guess that's all moot now since it's not happening. But it was kind of sad to find that out. :(

4b. You're so cute with your BSG obsession. When I'm 90 and finally am retired and have time to catch up, I bet I'll be the same way. And then you can pat me on the head and go, awwwww, so cute and flaily!

4c. You know it. ♥ I'd never have found you guys otherwise!


alexia88 April 11 2009, 07:08:22 UTC
2. Psh - stop that silly talk. You would definitely have been able to do it! I know how you would have felt - I would have been overwhelmed as hell too - but I have total faith in your ability to rise to any challenge! Hope you get the chance - is the possibility completely dead or is there still hope that you might get to do it?

4b. I honestly thought I had lost the ability to get this scarily fangirly about something any more - it's been a really long time since I've been so out of control flaily. Not sure whether this is a good thing or if it should concern me :P Please don't wait until you're 90. I want you to experience the awesome that is BSG and specifically Mary McDonnell!!


ellixian April 13 2009, 20:09:14 UTC
2. Well, technically it wasn't a case of lack of ability, but the fact that someone more senior than me in the organisation had apparently expressed interest in the job too. And so he/she gets it because of rank. Urgh. This means it MIGHT be possible in future, but honestly, since I'm re-evaluating whether I want to stay in my organisation in the long term - I guess it might not happen after all? :\ Shame though.

4b. ONCE A FANGIRL, ALWAYS A FANGIRL. You just needed the right thing to push you over the edge! I have waaay too much tv to watch, I honestly think I'll be at LEAST 82 when I get around to BSG, but I'll try!


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