i'm a model of industry right now

Apr 09, 2009 11:14

1. Am I posting from work right now? YES I AM. I don't give a damn. I was gonna post yesterday, but was so crazy shacked I fell asleep in bed... the perils of having a netbook, sigh. Though I guess it's better for me than falling asleep on my chair and waking up all bent and broken just to stagger to bed.

2. MY JOB FAILS SO DAMN HARD. After staying 'til 6.30am on Monday morning, went home and crashed, but went back in at 3pm and stayed 'til 1am. Then I didn't go back in until 1am the next day and stayed until 8pm that day. For NOTHING. There wasn't ANYTHING to write, or anything that I COULD write, and it was a complete waste of my time. I also discovered that what I was hoping to have happen at the end of the year - that would have given me a few months' reprieve from this hellhole - is in all likelihood NOT happening for me. So, you know, FML in every way.

3. I'm STALKING MY MAILBOX SO HARD. Still nothing as yet. Why does my mail not bring me flail, guys? WHY? D:

4. Icon meme from timeofyoursong, because I like icons and I like flail and I like flailing about icons. Let me know in your comment if you want to play:
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

a. OMIGOD GUYS. THE MARVELLOUS WONDERETTES IS THE GAYEST SHOW EVER. Okay, maybe not, but seriously - Betty Jean (the one in green) and Cindy Lou (pink) are ADORABLE in the show, and soooo slashy and grabby and cute. Then one day, someone pointed out to me that: HEY. It's like WICKED - pink goes good with green! And hence, my 'gayer than Gelphie' icon was born. (Guys, I don't even slash Gelphie, I don't know WHAT it is about these two - beyond the fact that Cindy Lou likes BJ to brush her hair at night, THANKS FOR INCLUDING THAT IN CINDY LOU'S BIO, MR BEAN.)

b. HOLY HELL JUST LOOK AT THAT EYESEX, GUYS. How could they not be your OTP? SERIOUSLY. It's House (sexy sexy Hugh) and Cuddy (sexy sexy Lisa) and they are all staring at each other, thisclose, on a plane. MMM. SNARK ON A PLANE <- still my favourite not-real!episode title ever. I need to get caught up on House, ZOMG.

c. Kate Hepburn is a GODDESS. However much I flail over other actresses, she is one of the TOUCHSTONES for me. I loooove her work, her performances and sass, and most of all I love HER... especially her refusal to wear anything but trousers DAMMIT. ;) She's just a fantastic, fascinating role model. Also, she's the reason I met lfae, alexia88, starhud5 and nut_meggers i.e., A++++, AMIRITE?

d. I kind of think that's self-explanatory, because ZOMG WTF IS THAT LAPDANCING AND STRIPTEASE, CUDDY. I don't even know how the show got away with it, it was SO RIDICULOUSLY HOT. Admit it, Lisa E turns y'all gay too. How Hugh played that scene without going blind from the awesome is quite beyond me.

e. TINA. I LOVED her when she went on SNL throughout the election as Palin. Omigod. She was perfect, and so funny and just fantastic and the word really is 'spot-on'. The Palin!sketches came before I started rewatching 30 Rock too - actually it was the reason I went back to it, since I couldn't get into the show the first time I tried. And now I'm HOOKED.

f. Saving the best for last? XD Lisa & Julia basically... IDK, pandering to their gay fanbase? Whatever, they're adorable and that video basically made the Wicked fandom explode for a brief moment. How could I not make icons? BTW, Sarah, I totes listened to Lisa in Wicked the other day, and I LOVE her voice. I would probably flail more if I weren't distracted by, you know, other sassy belters...

5. And another meme, because this one looks like crazy fun. I suspect I'm too verbose to be quoteable though. ;) Go forth and play! And let me know if you have a thread too. :)

6. Okay I should stop procrastinating and work now. I don't want to. :( I'll flist properly tonight.

meme, house/cuddy, iconage, julia murney, wicked, beth malone, tina fey, lj - timeofyoursong, housespam, marvellous wonderettes, worker bees die faster, kate the great, cuddylove

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