"all is calm / all is bright"

Mar 14, 2009 04:13

1. Why so spammy, me? I apologise for posting so often in the past day or so. Blame it on my fandoms constantly providing me with awesome over which I feel I MUST flail. Surely you guys don't blame me for it? ;)

2. To wit: ( here's some awesome )

alice in wonderland, lj - noldoparma, n2n, emil chau, om nom nom nom, meryl streep, pics!!

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Comments 38

irnbruise March 13 2009, 20:57:07 UTC
I don't know what you call it for real, but "facialist" sounds thirty kinds of WRONG.


ellixian March 13 2009, 20:59:10 UTC
SEE THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT. Strange I never thought to look it up online. Urgh, maybe later. I'm going to bed now - just bought a ticket for Watchmen and eek, I have to be up for that in six hours or something!!!


irnbruise March 13 2009, 21:01:44 UTC
I just googled and apparently you DO call them facialist. O_o I would not want to have to put up with the jokes accompanying that occupation..

Semi relatedly, who the hell serves sausage that is a meter long? Jesus.

Good night! Though don't worry, you can always sleep during the movie and you won't miss anything.

ps. What did your boyfriend write there?


ellixian March 13 2009, 21:08:22 UTC
Clearly they need a business card announcing them as such. Geez. 'Facialist' really does sound WRONG though, doesn't it? Weirdness. Over here they just cheat and call them beauticians. I've lived here so long I don't even know if that's a real or made-up word anymore.

The sausage was LONG <--- ahahahahaha dodgiest sentence I have typed ALL DAY. But legit it was one metre of spicy chicken sausage. Quite yummy, but too much.

Ruh-roh, I'm guessing you were bored by the movie? It does seem unnecessarily long though, 162 minutes, oof.

ps My boyfriend was on a talk show with his band members and they were answering questions about each other on clipboards, as far as I can tell. I think they were asked to describe what everyone else in the band does for fun or something, because he's writing about how one band member sleeps, and another one goes out to chat up girls etc. O_o


ex_bluebonn March 13 2009, 22:04:21 UTC
HOORAY FOR MORE SPAM. I'm pimping N2N to my friend like CRAZY, so hopefully that will work out. ♥ Thanks for posting all that Alice win the other day too. Since I am no longer high of back meds, I can appreciate it again.


ellixian March 14 2009, 17:49:23 UTC
I'M GLAD YOU ARE ENJOYING THE SPAM. Honestly I don't know what else I can say or do to encourage you guys to GO AND SEE THIS SHOW, beyond what I've already done. But honestly it hurts me to think of people going to NYC and passing up this opportunity! So go!

Let me know what you think of the Alice spam. XD I LOOOOVE those albums I posted. Also glad your back is better.


ex_bluebonn March 14 2009, 21:29:24 UTC
lol we're still talking about shows. I don't think we'll EVER make up our minds wtf.

And I don't think my back is any better, but it doesn't hurt RIGHT THIS MINUTE, so ehh.


ellixian March 15 2009, 07:59:47 UTC
More N2N video here, but it's from the earlier production with one of my boyfriends Brian d'Arcy James. He's not with the show anymore since he's starring as Shrek on Broadway, but this gives you more of an idea of the show.


absinthelisa March 13 2009, 23:01:29 UTC
Whyfore N2N not open 1 week earlier? I have to wait till MAY! I don't wanna wait till May! Boo.


ellixian March 14 2009, 17:58:00 UTC
You're going down for Eden's show, right? It is a BUMMER that it doesn't open a week earlier. That being said - you're planning to go back in May? Because so am I. XD


absinthelisa March 14 2009, 18:51:14 UTC
I am going for Eden. Yay.
If N2N was open I would know exactly what to see, instead of fluxuating on my third show. Right now I plan to try lotto for Hair, if that fails, I will (depending on mood) see Exit the King or rasons to be beautiful. Should all those fail, I could try Wondrettes. It's almost like a plan.

I have been planning to go in May since we got 9 to 5 tickets last Oct. Am gonna be there May 1-3. I would prefer to stay all of may and see Julia. It can't happen.


llyfrgell March 15 2009, 00:41:14 UTC
Uh-oh, you mentioned Wonderettes to Shawne. Prepare to be thoroughly convinced via spam. ;-)

(Btw, Shawne, I showed my mom the Wonderettes playbill and now she keeps bringing it up sneakily like she wants to go but just doesn't want to say so. :-D )


in48frames March 14 2009, 00:15:01 UTC
I keep clicking on the N2N link and getting a page of shows, so I click the N2N video link and there is a video but not a music video? Confuuused. :(

3. Aesthetician? I know that's what you call someone who waxes eyebrows. xD Here, anyway.


alexia88 March 14 2009, 11:47:31 UTC
Hmm, aesthetician sounds a little pretentious? ;) But it's a fun word to say. My mother and I call the woman we go to for pedicures 'Yummy Sarah', so I have no answer to the question of what they should be called ;)


in48frames March 14 2009, 17:54:12 UTC
That's what the door signs say. Maybe Canadians are just classy like that. ;)


ellixian March 14 2009, 17:02:17 UTC
WTF, I had the same problem when I clicked on it, even though I totes copied the link from the video yesterday. *grumbles* Here's the right one! Hope it works now.

3. That's a good one, 'aesthetician'. Much classier than facialist. ;)


alex_kingston March 14 2009, 11:07:52 UTC
Omg Emil's handwriting is soooo neat!

And I've been meaning to go to House and drink their Long Island Teas in cute little tea cups!


ellixian March 14 2009, 18:05:30 UTC
Isn't his handwriting GORGEOUS? it's so classy and pretty and I want it for my own!

Go to House for the truffle fries, om nom nom. And the lemon tart, which is like no lemon tart you've ever had!!


alex_kingston March 14 2009, 18:06:46 UTC



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