"all is calm / all is bright"

Mar 14, 2009 04:13

1. Why so spammy, me? I apologise for posting so often in the past day or so. Blame it on my fandoms constantly providing me with awesome over which I feel I MUST flail. Surely you guys don't blame me for it? ;)

2. To wit:

- omigod. A music video!! ♥ Show is SO happening now, I still can't believe it ack ack.
- Are we all loving the black and white pretty?
- Jennifer is pretty; Alice is SUPER-INTENSE ZOMG, and Aaron is SO HOT.
- And what about that fierce FIERCE belting!

Meryl on set accepting an award
- Meryl is soooo cute. It should be illegal to be cute at the age of 59.
- I am shallow for I loooove her hair. I DOOOO.
- Is it a surprise I have ALREADY MADE WAY TOO MANY ICONS? No? GOOD.
- I am bummed, however, that I cannot watch her acceptance speech; faily streaming site. D:

Photos of Superband interview
- I have always known this but seriously, HOW pretty is Emil's writing!
- THAT'S how Chinese words should look, not this hideous chicken scratch :P
- Apparently Superband has finalised 7 new songs. AWESOME.
- I want an announcement of a date for their Singapore concert, DANGIT.

3. God, I hadn't realised HOW tired I was after work today. I was supposed to dash out for a facial before meeting noldoparma after her dinner, but that didn't work out and I was spurned by my facial-doing person. (What is the proper noun to describe the occupation of giving facials anyway? Facialist? because that sounds WEIRD.) I went home and briefly contemplated going for a short jog in between, but instead... fell dead asleep for a much-needed nap.

4. Dinner after at House, one of our favourite haunts. Since J had eaten already, she left me to demolish most of our late dinner - a metre-long chicken sausage (no lie, it really turned out to be that long!) on a bed of rocket leaves; TRUFFLE FRIES (this is something of a tradition for us, apparently), and eggplant salad. Lemon tart to finish, OM NOM NOM.

5. And now I must sleep. Busy day tomorrow - Watchmen, tea with K, N's birthday bash at night... I WANT to do yoga or some such exercisey thing at some point, but have no idea at what point that will/can happen.

6. HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND, EVERYBODY. I'm going to enjoy mine... until I have to go back to work on Sunday. D:

alice in wonderland, lj - noldoparma, n2n, emil chau, om nom nom nom, meryl streep, pics!!

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