Feb 08, 2009 06:17

♥. BEST. FUCKING. CONCERT. IN THE UNIVERSE. Yesterday night (I haven't slept yet and it's 6.12 in the morning), my love, my heart, my MAN - EMIL CHAU - came to town as part of his world tour. I have stalked worshipped this guy and his voice for FIFTEEN YEARS, guys. FIFTEEN YEARS OF FANDOM AND FLAIL. I've seen him probably about ten times live, if ( Read more... )

oh look a good day, lj - noldoparma, concerts, movies, cpop, capslock flail, emil chau, om nom nom nom, pics!!

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Comments 43

alexia88 February 8 2009, 00:26:37 UTC
First! That hardly ever happens these days! I looked at the time you said it was at the start of this post and thought that couldn't be right, and then looked at the end ;)

SO GLAD you had so much fun at Emil's concert - it sounds amazing and dare I say it, I've hardly ever seen you flail so hard ;) Night of epic win for you!!!

Coincidentally, I have just got home from being shattered by Kate WInslet, but in Revolutionary Road. Damn. Just damn. Have you seen it yet? I want to discuss with someone.

Except you should probably get some sleep since you just pulled an all nighter :P


ellixian February 8 2009, 00:31:26 UTC
YAY FIRST. XD Oh god, I can't believe I pulled an all-nighter. The thing is I'm not even TIRED, because the concert and tracking it has me on such a high. I'm waiting for everything to go into a rar file now (it's taking ages because 68 tracks, omg!!). MUST SLEEP SOON.

Thank you, hon. I'm GLAD I had fun too - literally this guy is my longest, best, EVERYTHING fandom. I'd give everything else up if I had to, I think - well, on pain of death, at least. I like my other fandoms too much. ;)

URK. I really REALLY want to watch Revolutionary Road but I think it only comes to cinemas here next month or something faily like that. D: I would love to discuss it with you, but fail there. :( Leslie's seen it though!



alexia88 February 8 2009, 12:04:09 UTC
Fandom makes everything better - thank goodness that no one is likely to tie you down and mak you give up everything but Emil anytime soon :P

You'll love Revolutionary Road when you get to see it - just prepare to be completely broken. I'm so looking forward to discussing this at Film Group in a few weeks.


ellixian February 8 2009, 17:08:17 UTC
Oh god, if they made me give everything up, I would be UPSET. Fandom keeps me alive. I'll cling to that as long as I can.

I really can't wait to see it. BAH. Bring on March!!


llyfrgell February 8 2009, 00:58:12 UTC
Eeek, look at all the flail! I...don't even know how to respond! Especially considering I know no Chinese whatsoever and have only heard this dude via videos in your LJ. Those are some pretty cute/dorky photos, however, and you KNOW I support the fangirling of dorky celebrities.

SO. I'm glad you had a fantastic time, and I absorb your flail vicariously! I totally did not expect this post tonight, by the way, after you commented HOURS ago and I assumed you MUST have gone to bed already. Clearly I should know better. xD


ellixian February 8 2009, 01:06:00 UTC
LOL, isn't the flail scary? I was reading it back to correct for any mistakes or whatnot, and it freaked even ME out. *weeps* And it was a reasonable assumption that I would have gone to bed - but when have I ever been a reasonable assumption? Four-hour concert means four-hour audio to track. *cries*

Awww, you're NICE to live vicariously and absorb the flail for a guy you legitimately know nothing about! He's just been a part of my fandom landscape for over half my life (literally), so I HAD to flail about the concert even though no one would really GET it. Thank you. ♥

Now my flail muscles are all ready to pounce on you tomorrow after you've seen Wonderettes. XD


llyfrgell February 8 2009, 01:33:42 UTC
It is pretty EPIC flail, even for you! But that is what we all love about you. In addition to your general awesomeness, of course. (Are you asleep yet?)

Sometimes I flail about things no one gets, so it's only fair to flail vicariously when other people do it! And a little flail never hurt anyone. (Much.)

Um, a LITTLE scared about the potential pouncing tomorrow after Wonderettes. I have also coerced my roommate and possibly a friend from school into coming to see it with us, so your flail better be trustworthy. xD


ellixian February 8 2009, 17:17:36 UTC
Awww yay, love me, love my flail. XD I did indeed go to sleep, which still wasn't smart - only at 9+ am. *weeps*

Flail NEVER hurts anybody. Am convinced of this.

LOL, I won't pounce TOO hard. Besides, I'll be at work when you get home! Twitter about it though, I'm excited. Just go in expecting a fun, silly show, and nothing else, and my flail will be VERY trustworthy indeed. XD


lfae February 8 2009, 01:36:27 UTC
OMG, your flail and excitement are CONTAGIOUS. ♥ I loved reading this!! So much FUN!

Only one thing - 100 metres from the stage? That's two Olympic sized swimming pools... I think you were overestimating maybe? ;)

Four HOURS, wtf. That's insane. And so awesome.

French onion soup laden down with bread and cheese



ellixian February 8 2009, 17:21:44 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

Honestly this flail was ALL for me. I couldn't contain the enormous amounts of HAPPY from last night. I'm just glad it amused you guys too, even if you've NO IDEA who this guy is, ha.

Errr. GOOD CATCH, clearly you did read everything. I was NOT 100 metres from the stage, LMAO. Maybe 25 metres or so?? *weeps* I FAIL SO HARD.

Four hours = can we say STAMINA? OMG, I love people who can pwn so hard LIVE.

Food makes me feel weak now. *cries* Food poisoning FTL.


lfae February 8 2009, 20:55:13 UTC
I have SOME idea who he is! Taiwanese pop star you have been obsessed with for 15 years :D I would probably even recognise a picture by now! Just don't give me a line-up *weeps*

Anyway, I do read your flail posts for the flail value, even if I don't always respond. xD

LOL, either you were overestimating OR you have amazing eyesight of pwn. ;)

Noooo, food poisoning is FAIL :(


ellixian February 9 2009, 10:32:36 UTC
You have an idea because of ALL MY FLAIL. *weeps* I do love how my flail means people can recognise all the folk I talk about though. LIKE HOW MY SISTER RECOGNISED JULIA MURNEY EVEN THOUGH SHE DOESN'T CARE WHO JULIA MURNEY IS. *weeps*

Awww, I obviously read everything you write/flail about too. Even if I don't respond. XD

We know from having met me that I do NOT have amazing eyesight of pwn - but math abilities of utter suckitude. ;)

It's not too bad, thank goodness! Didn't last beyond the night.


noldoparma February 8 2009, 01:56:43 UTC

Though I bet Siok must be wondering why the heck we feel the need to hug each other after an emotionally exhausting concert. *grin*


ellixian February 8 2009, 17:23:02 UTC

Awww, it felt like the natural thing to do! You looked shattered and weepy - in a good way - which is pretty much how I felt too. HUG WAS IN ORDER. ;)


athenaraven February 8 2009, 02:32:33 UTC
FOUR HOURS?! Emil is amazing for that alone. I'm glad you had the time of your life. ♥

3. Sounds like a movie I should be seeing. That just confirms my theory that anyone named Kate (or Cate!) is awesome.


ellixian February 8 2009, 17:25:09 UTC
LITERALLY FOUR HOURS. Well, 3 hours and 56 minutes of awesome. But all of it unbelievable. ILHIM SO MUCH. ♥

3. Definitely do. Well - for Kate, at least. The movie itself is less astoundingly good. But Kate is. AS IS CATE, YES SHE IS>


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