"i got your message but i like you anyway"

Feb 03, 2009 01:36

1. WOW. I EPIC HATE SENDSPACE. Stupid piece of junk site. I was uploading my tracked-and-ready Chicago boot when it DIED HALFWAY and now it refuses to even load at all. Bah humbug. I'll just have to share the madness with y'all tomorrow, I guess.

2. In other news, I am SICK. WTF WTF WTF. I spent all day apparently trying my very hardest to cough ( Read more... )

rl ftl, broadway, julia murney, cells behaving badly, beth malone, brian d'arcy james, music, marvellous wonderettes, emil chau

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Comments 39

leagirl February 2 2009, 19:32:19 UTC
Please feel better soon! You are always sick! I realize being on a massive trip didn't help all that much though...


ellixian February 3 2009, 17:34:29 UTC
Thank you! I dislike being perpetually sick, but honestly I was FINE in NYC. Do not understand do not UNDERSTAND. The trip fixed me! And then I came home and broke again. Grrr. :(


xixlovexgreenx February 2 2009, 19:44:10 UTC
That definitely should be a sign. Besides Julia is living there... you'd enjoy randomly running into her like nothing else. xD


ellixian February 3 2009, 17:35:08 UTC

I think I've used up all my random running-into-Julia luck by now. Still can't get over it!! ;)


xixlovexgreenx February 3 2009, 17:39:06 UTC
You never know how much you have of it until you try, right? xD Maybe you have a lot more left, but you dunno yet xD


agica89 February 2 2009, 19:56:15 UTC
Sendspace is a bitch.I hate it too.:/

Hope you get better soon! <3


ellixian February 3 2009, 17:36:28 UTC
Faily sendspace of epic fail. D:

Thank you, hon! ♥


the_rasa February 2 2009, 20:18:18 UTC
2. OMG feel better! Being sick is sucky.
5. Brian, Brian, Brian. That version of that song is so gorgeous. I think I like it better without the accent! Whoever doesn't adore him is seriously deranged. LOURVE.


ellixian February 3 2009, 17:37:49 UTC
2. Thank you, and it most DEFINITELY sucks, very majorly.

5. BRIAN. I love it when he sings ANYTHING, but when it's just him, and a mike, and a stage, I want to MELT. Also, I thought he was insanely hot on the Today Show. He had a BIT of an accent, I thought. It was SO cute. Tracking Shrek next. XD


momentsofbeing4 February 2 2009, 20:35:44 UTC
2. I can't believe you're sick again. I hope you feel better soon.

5. Brian - WOW, just wow. Love him and love that song :)


ellixian February 3 2009, 17:41:04 UTC
2. I can't believe it either. Four times in 2 months is RIDICULOUS.

5. Isn't he HOT?! And that VOICE that VOICE. I adore him. ♥


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