"i got your message but i like you anyway"

Feb 03, 2009 01:36

1. WOW. I EPIC HATE SENDSPACE. Stupid piece of junk site. I was uploading my tracked-and-ready Chicago boot when it DIED HALFWAY and now it refuses to even load at all. Bah humbug. I'll just have to share the madness with y'all tomorrow, I guess.

2. In other news, I am SICK. WTF WTF WTF. I spent all day apparently trying my very hardest to cough my lungs out through my eyes, which is only slightly less painful than it sounds. And then I started getting snuffly AGAIN. I disapprove of this in every way. How is it FAIR that I am sick AGAIN. I have spent, like, six of the last eight weeks incapacitated by illness of some sort - the two clear weeks being when I was in NYC. Evidently this is a sign that I should just move there now, since I MUST be allergic to Singapore/work/all of the above. Who's with me on this?! Sigh.

3. (That being said, I admit that I am actually more upset that I might ruin my audio on Saturday of VERY VERY TRES IMPORTANT CONCERT than I am at being ill again. I ADMIT THIS.)

4. Going phone-shopping after work did not put me in a much better mood. I must have hit at least ten mini-shops and asked after the kind of phone I need and just came away empty-handed each time. (Either that or I was quoted a price that I'd rather stab myself in the eye with a barbeque fork than pay.) Should I just give in and use a Nokia although I kind of pride myself on never having used one? Bah humbug redux.

5. Is it a secret that I love people who sing/belt awesome? BECAUSE ZOMG WHY SO SO SO AWESOME, GUYS.

Brian d'Arcy James on the Today Show
LINK - because apparently NO embedding works on LJ these days...
This man is HOT. ILHIM A LOT. Just listen to him GO when he's singing that song, unobscured by makeup. I am enjoying the eyebrows. But mainly the VOICE. ♥ It actually is really just a LOVELY song - I definitely think that Shrek will grow on me, as a show, the more I listen to it.

The Marvellous Wonderettes In Rehearsal
LINK - because Brightcove refuses to embed in LJ, grrr
HA I LOVE THESE GIRLS. THEY ARE SO SO ADORABLE. I love getting to see them in rehearsals - they're all togged out in normal street wear but playing their roles, and OMG, the little snippets of Sugartime (1:00) and Lollipop (2:57) make me so happy. XD (Also, Victoria is a GIANT.) And good god, what is that whole I'LL COME AND SHAVE YOUR DOG thing that starts at 2:01?! Beth is HILARIOUS and SUPER SUPER RANDOM.

Emil Chau singing 梦田

image Click to view

ASLKHFALSDHALSDHLA. I love it when Emil covers old Chinese songs, and this one is just so epic. IT HELPS ALSO THAT EMIL RIFFS, KTHX. At 2:09, he does a little trill that makes my heart happy. Also, HA. This is clearly from his daggy dancing days. ♥ (Not that those ever went away...)

6. I hate sendspace, my cough and work. However, I love my fandoms. Also, I adore Julia belting. Just, you know, fyi. Because she sounds like a DREAM. (p.s., I think I need to learn MORE about Farah Alvin. Who wants to educate me?!)

rl ftl, broadway, julia murney, cells behaving badly, beth malone, brian d'arcy james, music, marvellous wonderettes, emil chau

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