Let's try something a little different today...

Jan 29, 2009 02:36

THE BADTHE GOODDid not DO very much at work all day, even though the mess that greeted me in my inbox was ridiculously daunting D:Did not massively oversleep for or sleep DURING work. ACCOMPLISHMENT.

Also, chatted to irnbruise and weazel_luv XDFor some reason, found my office in equatorial Singapore to be ridiculously cold (yes, even after sub-zero NYC)Figured out ( Read more... )

lj - weazel_luv, randomness, lj - irnbruise, marvellous wonderettes, n2n, beth malone, starstalking

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Comments 20

llyfrgell January 28 2009, 19:17:22 UTC
I think you've switched the good/bad for the "slow shuffle towards death" box! Unless the getting out of the house actually was the bad part and the aching is good? In which case you are stranger than I thought. xD

And hey, at least all the bad is balanced out by good! Perhaps a less depressing way to look at a day.

Good luck seeing a zillion movies! And yes, your last box is why I don't let myself buy Coke Zero very often - I would drink nothing else!


ellixian January 28 2009, 19:19:10 UTC
LOL, you caught the post before I actually read it over and realised I'd got one row wrong. FAIL ME. Why do I even pretend to be able to write, seriously?! :P But! FIXED.

ACHING = NOT GOOD. But we all know I'm strange anyway, so.

Yeah, I thought it was a fun way to look at the day - anything can be good or bad, just depends on how you look at it! ;)



llyfrgell January 28 2009, 19:23:12 UTC
I...may be obsessively refreshing my flist instead of paying attention in class. I wore out my brain trying to navigate the snow/slush/puddles to get here. :-P

Aching is not good. I'm sure I will be in a similar place after I drag myself to yoga tomorrow for the first time in like six months...


Now you have me wanting a Coke Zero before my next class, but I don't think I have enough change/dollar bills! D:


ellixian January 28 2009, 19:26:46 UTC
Yuck with the snow. Did it snow a lot overnight and then go slushy? Do not like. D: Who needs to pay attention in class?

I, however, DO need to go to bed. *weeps*

Good luck with yoga tomorrow. I deferred my classes for a month since I was away in NYC (good thing too, since I was deathly ill the first week of January and would've wasted my money AGAIN) and am gonna go back on Sunday.


And now I'm going to bed. I am going to REGRET this tomorrow at work.


starhud5 January 28 2009, 19:25:22 UTC
Thanks for the link to the Dick Van Dyke interview! I'm going to read it now. I LOVE that man :)


ellixian January 28 2009, 19:27:45 UTC
I think we ALL do. I had (have?) such a crush on him, for serious. And now I have this crazy urge to go watch some of my favourite episodes from The Dick Van Dyke Show. Just because it was made of way way WAY too much epic awesome.


phineas_gatsby January 28 2009, 20:04:04 UTC
Hee. Maybe you should join a gym and shuffle on a treadmill...less chance of heatstroke ;-)

And omg...how can you drink Coke Zero? I don't drink much soda anyway, but one sip of diet and I'm done...and even that I'll only have after eating 2-3 hot chicken wings! I am actually impressed.


ellixian January 30 2009, 19:24:21 UTC
I HAVE got a gym to go to - haven't been back in AGES though. I used to treadmill but I actually prefer running out in the open. WHEN I run, anyway. (If it counts as running.)

I'm ADDICTED to Coke Zero. *weeps* It's my soda of choice! I know it's bad for me, sigh.


irnbruise January 28 2009, 21:45:42 UTC
I enjoy this new format.

There is no such thing as too much Coke Zero!!!

I think after the next round of theatre subsides, I'm going to see The Marvelous Wonderettes. Y'all have sold me on it. :)

Oh, and the first time I went to DC we saw Dick Van Dyke on the street, but I was 7 and didn't really get how cool that was.


ellixian January 30 2009, 19:26:17 UTC
I enjoy it as well, but I doubt the good/bad balance sheet will add up most days.


LOL, so you kind of maybe noticed a little bit our flail over Wonderettes? WOW. I THOUGHT WE HID IT SO WELL. ;) I wish I could go with you. I'm SO obsessed with the show it's ridiculous. Can't wait to hear what you think. Also audios, because I need me TONS of Beth goodness. ;)

You SAW Dick Van Dyke on the street?! O_O Jealous. I'd have fallen at his feet in a heap or something. Okay, probably not. I'd just have stood gaping at the awesome.


in48frames January 28 2009, 22:04:13 UTC
I am going to completely contradict Leslie and say: One soda a day! At most! D: Either that or brush your teeth a lot and eat veggies. xD That is my idea of health advice.

I dislike the fact that you supposedly have to walk for 30 minutes to do any good. My ten minute walks to and from class are enough for me, thank you.


irnbruise January 29 2009, 00:25:10 UTC
Oh, it's not that I don't know soda is really bad for you, but I drink it anyway. Clearly I am a paradigm of healthy living. :P


ellixian January 30 2009, 19:42:24 UTC
I DO brush my teeth and eat lots of veggies! And then I chase it all down with Coke Zero. I know it isn't the greatest for me, I do. *weeps*

Yeah, I read the same thing about needing to walk or run for a certain amount of time before it does any good. I heard it was 45 minutes though. O_O In which case, WHY BOTHER.


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