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Comments 16

biichan May 9 2008, 16:12:46 UTC
... fuck. I just realized I forgot to sign up for the Sixathon. Bah.

*hugs you* Over-extending oneself sucks. I know exactly how you feel. (And I'm sorry for contributing to the snapping up of unrecced people.)


elliptic_eye May 9 2008, 17:13:16 UTC
I believe they might still need pinch-hitters--you could ask if you could join in that way?

*hugs back* 'S'not really so bad; I'm more pleasantly flummoxed than really stressed or panicked. I'm sure I'll get there, though! *is ambitious*

I'm sorry for contributing to the snapping up of unrecced people.



biichan May 9 2008, 17:16:46 UTC
Well, at least I don't have another turn until after your week!

I don't know about pinch hitting. I have enough trouble getting a story in when I have a month's due date. But maybe...


elliptic_eye May 9 2008, 17:47:02 UTC
650 words*... only 650 words... *entices in the name of Big Finish*

*Not that any assignment ever turns out the minimum length, of course.


stoplookingup May 9 2008, 16:37:32 UTC
Hey, you don't reeeeally need that full-time job, do you?


elliptic_eye May 9 2008, 17:19:38 UTC
*discreet cough* Pls to be not giving my employer any ideas.


airie_fairy May 9 2008, 16:58:40 UTC
...those are quite some adventures.

Here's to you making it through all this!


elliptic_eye May 9 2008, 17:44:31 UTC
Adventures through TIME and SPACE! Or leider and fanfic, good enough. :D


livii May 9 2008, 17:01:36 UTC
Ugh. Yeah, I know that feeling. Good luck reaching the flipside wherever it is!


elliptic_eye May 9 2008, 17:49:57 UTC
Yeah, if you're prepping for bar exams, I'm sure you do.

Good luck reaching the flipside wherever it is!

Back at you!

Your icon OMG


padawanpooh May 9 2008, 18:43:44 UTC
*sends you shedloads of plotbunnies and Goblin Kings with extra lots of thirteen hours a-piece*

Good luck, sweety!!!


elliptic_eye May 9 2008, 20:26:33 UTC
*sends back the bunnies (bedeviled by enough), keeps the time, glomps you*

Thank you!


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