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Sequel: Sheppard, part 1 ellex42 June 26 2006, 05:10:10 UTC

Rodney McKay had a mighty fine ass.

It wasn't the first time I'd thought that, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. I'd admired it many times before, but Rodney tended to be a little body-shy, so even though I'd seen his ass, both clothed and bare, I'd never before had the chance to really look at it. Nicely rounded, the skin smooth and flawless, a pale cream color rather than fishbelly white ( ... )


Sequel: Sheppard, part 2 ellex42 June 26 2006, 05:11:58 UTC
I was a lot nicer this time, though, considering where I planned to use the washcloth - I made the water lukewarm, and I wrung it out a bit. I even used it on his forehead, to wipe off the sweat, before I used it down below ( ... )


Sequel: Sheppard, part 3 ellex42 June 26 2006, 05:12:45 UTC
I strolled back into the main room with the now clean toy, and this time, spotted something on the floor beside the bed. It was Rodney's tin of homemade sunscreen. It was fabulous stuff, and I could understand why Rodney toted it all over the place, even if the smell was…a little too girly. It wasn't bad, I'm just not keen on smelling like a piña colada. But it was a very effective sunscreen, as proven by Rodney's lack of tan despite being outdoors on a regular basis, and a fabulous lubricant for all sorts of machinery.

Somewhere back in that thought there was something important…

Ah, that was it. Lubricant.

An important tip I'd learned from that girlfriend: while women's bodies will do a lot of the work for you if you pay a little attention to them before getting down to business, asses do not lubricate themselves, and if you want to put something in them, you want lots of lubricant. Rodney's sunscreen would be perfect for it: completely natural ingredients, thick and creamy and just a little greasy; and hey, moisturizing, ( ... )


Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 26 2006, 05:13:28 UTC
"Hey, Rodney," I said, trying not to pant.

"Colonel?" he said uncertainly, trying to tear his eyes off my dick.

"I think you can call me John now, don't you? Oh…shit, this is the best…" I couldn't keep my hips still, but every time I moved, that damn toy moved too, making waves roll through me until my fingers and toes tingled.

A grin spread slowly across Rodney's face, and he offered, "The trick is to tighten your sphincter about halfway and hold it like that."

I gave it a try, and it was really tough to maintain that level of tension. But when I could…damn. Rodney, like I said, really is a genius. Trust a genius to know how to have the best sex ever, and I told him that.

"Oh, it gets better with practice," he said smugly. "Did you know you can have multiple orgasms with that? In fact, you can have three different kinds of orgasm with it ( ... )


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 glaelia June 26 2006, 09:34:47 UTC
Oh lovely lovely! Good for John, why not! ;)

One thing though, you can't take a pulse with your thumb (and John would know that) because the pulse in your own thumb is too strong and you can't determine between the two. So, fingers, not thumb. Other than that, marvellous! :D



Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 26 2006, 22:49:18 UTC
Thanks for the tip...unfortunately, I can't correct it here because I posted it in the comments. I'll fix it when I put it on the Wraithbait Archive, though.


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 glaelia June 26 2006, 22:52:00 UTC
No probs :) I doubt any one without a know-it-all-paramedic for a sister would notice anyway ;)

Wonderful stories, I always enjoy your writing (hot, sexy, tender and, dare I say it, realistic) and this was no exception.



Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 26 2006, 23:27:07 UTC
*blushes* So sweet of you to say. I try very hard to put some element of realism into even the porny stories.


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 glaelia June 26 2006, 23:30:12 UTC
Ah, the realism is important even with the porn! ;) I like my porn realistic!

Honestly, I enjoy reading a porny bit of fic as much as the next gal, but find myself sputtering tea all over the keyboard if the writer hasn't pulled it off 'realistically' (and I say that with emphasis, because Martin Gero probably wouldn't write the characters that way even if we chipped in and gave him a check for a million dollars ;) )... rather than, you know, enjoying it.

And I'd much rather enjoy it ;)


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 27 2006, 00:21:03 UTC
I agree - I truly appreciate a piece of good porn. There's a difference between laughing because the piece is humorous, and laughing because it's too unrealistic.


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 glaelia June 27 2006, 00:23:16 UTC
Exactly :)


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 melagan June 26 2006, 13:32:20 UTC
Enjoyed the hell out of this. For some reason John talking to the "little Colonel" completely cracked me up.


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 mcalex22 June 26 2006, 15:13:27 UTC
I read the first part a week ago and forgot about it until it popped up reced by my flist. Can I say that you've done a wonderful job here? Rodney having some fun with himself is just delightful... and it's sweet of John to help clean him up and of course indulge in the lovely Ancient probe.

So naughty and yet hot :)


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 26 2006, 23:06:11 UTC
*blushes* Thank you!


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 26 2006, 22:56:54 UTC
Thanks! I had a good laugh while writing about it.


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 aspacer June 26 2006, 18:33:25 UTC
You can't stop there!


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