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Sequel: Sheppard, part 1 ellex42 June 26 2006, 05:10:10 UTC

Rodney McKay had a mighty fine ass.

It wasn't the first time I'd thought that, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. I'd admired it many times before, but Rodney tended to be a little body-shy, so even though I'd seen his ass, both clothed and bare, I'd never before had the chance to really look at it. Nicely rounded, the skin smooth and flawless, a pale cream color rather than fishbelly white.

Like I said: mighty fine.

I'd heard about guys passing out from their orgasm before, but I'd never seen it happen or experienced it myself. Well, to tell the truth, the only guys I'd ever seen orgasm were in porn flicks, which didn't really count. But I'd seen Rodney faint - er, pass out - before, and he usually came around in a couple of minutes. As long as he was breathing, I wasn't too worried.

Believe me, no one was more surprised than me when the hypoglycemia thing turned out to be real, even if it wasn't half as bad as Rodney tended to paint it. Just sometimes, if he went too long without eating and had to do anything physically strenuous as well, he'd just keel over. All you had to do was prop his feet up and he'd wake up shortly, and then give him a Powerbar or something.

I told the little Colonel, who was feeling a little peppy, to pipe down for the moment while I figured out my plan of action. First things first - privacy. Rodney's door had opened unexpectedly when I walked up to it, which happened pretty regularly for me, but not with the doors on the residential quarters. Directing a curious thought at it, I found that it had been reset to open to anyone, as if it was one of the empties. Whatever the hell Rodney had been up to today, he'd apparently screwed up the door setting. I put it back on its normal setting and locked it.

My next concern was Rodney himself. I could see him breathing steadily, maybe a little faster than normal but nothing to be concerned about. I couldn't roll him onto his back with that…whatever it was…in his butt, so I grabbed a tissue from the nightstand, took hold of the curlicue bit, and pulled it out carefully. He'd used plenty of some kind of lube, so it came out easily. It wasn't a big as I'd expected - yeah, I'd seen dongs before, had a girlfriend once who was a fiend for them - but it sure was a funny-looking thing. Apparently really effective, though.

I wrapped it in another tissue and set it on the nightstand. Trust Rodney to have actual Kleenex while the rest of us had been using handkerchiefs for two years now.

Shoving Rodney onto his back, I grabbed his pillow and plonked his feet on it, then straightened his arms. He was warm to the touch, a little sweaty, and he smelled…well, like sex. Which was natural, since he was wearing a condom that was pretty full of cum. A lot of cum. Really, an amazing amount of it. Maybe that was normal for him; I didn't really have much experience with other guys, as I'd said before. Though it would take me a couple tries to get that much out.

It looked really nasty and uncomfortable, so I took another tissue and pulled it off. Rodney had a pretty nice dick, too; I'd never had more than a glimpse of it before. I'm kinda interested, yeah, but I'm not the kind of guy who goes around staring at other guys dicks. I've known guys - completely straight guys - who had this weird obsession with comparing themselves to every other man they met up with. Personally, I think it's a little rude to stare unless you're trying to indicate interest.

Once the condom was off, his penis looked even messier, so I went into the bathroom for a wet washcloth, tossing the condom in the toilet on the way. A cold, wet washcloth is another cure for Rodney's occasional hypoglycemic fainting spells. It's the one I like the best, and I always make sure the water is very cold and the washcloth is very wet.

I like Rodney a lot, don't get me wrong. But sometimes I can't help myself.

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Sequel: Sheppard, part 2 ellex42 June 26 2006, 05:11:58 UTC
I was a lot nicer this time, though, considering where I planned to use the washcloth - I made the water lukewarm, and I wrung it out a bit. I even used it on his forehead, to wipe off the sweat, before I used it down below.

Once it was all cleaned up, I discovered that Rodney had a really good-looking cock. Not too big, not too small, pretty thick considering it wasn't erect, with a charming curve slightly to the left as it nestled in his pubic hair. I was really surprised by the pubes - the hair was almost blonde, a total contrast to the dark hair on his head.

He sighed heavily, startling me, and clumsily batted the washcloth away without really waking up. I grabbed his hand and put my thumb over his pulse.

"Whuh?" He blinked at me, screwing up his face, and pulled his hand away before I could get a count on his pulse rate. "Go 'way. Sleepin'," he mumbled.

"Wake up, Rodney. You need to eat something," I told him, deliberately speaking loudly. Waking him up was always the hardest part - if you didn’t pester him, he'd fall asleep and then feel really bad later on. I opened the drawer in the nightstand and sure enough, there was a nice little stash of Powerbars, including a few of the always popular peanut butter bars. Peanut butter always went down well on these occasions. If you gave him one of the fruity-flavored ones, you ran the risk of him tossing his cookies ten minutes later. No clue why that should be, but we'd all learned pretty quickly what to avoid.

I pulled off the wrapper and stuck it in his hand, and he started chewing on it automatically. His eyes were closed, and he wasn't entirely awake, but he munched it down fast enough. His brain might be temporarily disengaged, but thank goodness, his body knew what to do.

By this time, it was safe to lower his feet, and a really good idea to prop up his head, or you ran the risk of cookie-tossing again; so I moved the pillow from one end to the other. Rodney was really lucky, I thought briefly, to have a good friend like me, who took note of these little details.

The best thing now was to leave him to it, so I finally got the chance to look at the weird plastic toy Rodney had stuck up his ass. I took it, along with the washcloth, into the bathroom. There were no seams, and thinking at it produced no results, so I felt reasonably confident about washing it off. It wasn't plastic either, but something a lot like plastic that the Ancients had used: lightweight, rust-proof, and easy to clean, but with the solidity and strength of metal. The shape was nothing like a dildo, and it was actually pretty heavy for something so small.

I just couldn't get over the fact that Rodney had put this thing up his ass, and seemed to be having quite a fun time with it, if the contents of the condom and his reaction when I walked into his room were anything to go by. That girlfriend - the one with the dildo fetish - had stuck her fingers up my ass pretty often, and I'd liked it plenty once I got used to it and learned how to relax. She'd played around with a small vibrator, too, which was almost too much. The vibrations were nice enough on my dick, my balls, and my ass, but had a tendency to set my teeth on edge. I still liked to use a finger or two on myself when I played around in private.

The idea of putting something as big as someone's cock inside me was kinda scary - I mean, a cock gets awfully big, and that hole is awfully small - but this little toy of Rodney's was almost inviting. And I knew how Rodney was about pain. He didn't like it. At all. He had more tolerance for it than he let on, than he himself knew, but he wasn't one to inflict it willingly on himself if it could be avoided. So if he'd used this thing, it couldn't hurt much.

I don't care much for pain either…but I can take it, if I have to.

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Sequel: Sheppard, part 3 ellex42 June 26 2006, 05:12:45 UTC
I strolled back into the main room with the now clean toy, and this time, spotted something on the floor beside the bed. It was Rodney's tin of homemade sunscreen. It was fabulous stuff, and I could understand why Rodney toted it all over the place, even if the smell was…a little too girly. It wasn't bad, I'm just not keen on smelling like a piña colada. But it was a very effective sunscreen, as proven by Rodney's lack of tan despite being outdoors on a regular basis, and a fabulous lubricant for all sorts of machinery.

Somewhere back in that thought there was something important…

Ah, that was it. Lubricant.

An important tip I'd learned from that girlfriend: while women's bodies will do a lot of the work for you if you pay a little attention to them before getting down to business, asses do not lubricate themselves, and if you want to put something in them, you want lots of lubricant. Rodney's sunscreen would be perfect for it: completely natural ingredients, thick and creamy and just a little greasy; and hey, moisturizing, too.

And oh, the little Colonel sure perked up at those thoughts and the images that came with them. If only I'd walked in on Rodney a little earlier. I had to adjust myself, even though I wear my pants pretty loose. The little Colonel (I got such a thrill every time I said that to myself, especially since it had been the little Major for so long) got even more excited at my touch, and it was pretty clear that I was going to have to do something to relieve myself soon.

Then I had a bright idea, and my pants got way too tight. Why the hell should I stand here and wonder what Rodney's little toy felt like, why wish I'd walked in on him a few minutes sooner? What was preventing me from finding out for myself, except the habit of a military career? Sure, it had always been safer and a lot less stress to just ignore those feelings when they popped up: what it was like to kiss a man, to hold his dick and taste it, rub my body against another man's, what it would be like to put my cock in his ass…what Rodney's cock would feel like in mine.

My dick was so hard it hurt.

By now Rodney had finished his Powerbar and was starting to fidget the way he did before waking up. I had to make a decision: was I really going to do this? And was I going to do it here, in front of Rodney? There was some chemistry between us - of that I was certain - and I was pretty sure he felt it, too.

Before I could change my mind, I was out of my clothes and on the bed beside him. I checked the drawer of the nightstand again and found another condom. My hands shook a little as I rolled it on, and I felt almost light-headed when I scooped up a fingerful of the sunscreen. I had to tell myself forcefully to calm down and breathe.

I had a little trouble getting my finger in this time - anticipation can be a real bitch - but once it was in a little bit, I managed to catch the knack of relaxing the muscles again. Actually, I almost enjoy the slight stretch and burn. It's a little like the warm-up before a morning run, when your muscles are still a bit stiff from sleeping. Rodney's lubricant was a big help, since it warmed up pretty quickly. It didn't take long for me to be able to work a second finger in there, something I didn't do very often. But wow, it felt good this time.

Rodney opened his eyes just as I started pushing the toy into my ass. It sank in with startling ease, the weight pulling it smoothly into me. I watched his face, a little apprehensive but eager for his reaction. Finally, we were going to bring this thing between us out into the open. His startled gaze swept over me, taking in every detail of my body with that voracious mind, and I could almost see him analyzing and discarding theories. It was hard to keep my eyes open, though, because that little toy hit the sweet spot inside me and stayed on it like a laser-sight on a target. This thing didn't have to vibrate, it made me vibrate, and all I could think was that Rodney really was a genius, because I was already harder than I'd ever been in my life and I'd just started.

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Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 26 2006, 05:13:28 UTC
"Hey, Rodney," I said, trying not to pant.

"Colonel?" he said uncertainly, trying to tear his eyes off my dick.

"I think you can call me John now, don't you? Oh…shit, this is the best…" I couldn't keep my hips still, but every time I moved, that damn toy moved too, making waves roll through me until my fingers and toes tingled.

A grin spread slowly across Rodney's face, and he offered, "The trick is to tighten your sphincter about halfway and hold it like that."

I gave it a try, and it was really tough to maintain that level of tension. But when I could…damn. Rodney, like I said, really is a genius. Trust a genius to know how to have the best sex ever, and I told him that.

"Oh, it gets better with practice," he said smugly. "Did you know you can have multiple orgasms with that? In fact, you can have three different kinds of orgasm with it."

My brain kind of fuzzed out after that, and when I could focus again, Rodney was kissing me like he was trying to swallow my tonsils. He reached under me and lightly stroked the little Colonel, and I moaned, trying to hold back from coming and failing completely. The orgasm shook my entire body, pulsing through every muscle like a jolt of electricity. It was almost painful, and I was grateful to Rodney for holding onto my dick the whole time, because each ejaculation shot up through my cock with enough force to make it twitch and jump.

I collapsed onto the bed what felt like years later, feeling completely drained and limp. I wasn't surprised Rodney had passed out anymore, I was just surprised I hadn't done the same.

He was still kissing me, gently this time, and pulled back long enough to whisper in my ear, "That was just the first one."



Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 glaelia June 26 2006, 09:34:47 UTC
Oh lovely lovely! Good for John, why not! ;)

One thing though, you can't take a pulse with your thumb (and John would know that) because the pulse in your own thumb is too strong and you can't determine between the two. So, fingers, not thumb. Other than that, marvellous! :D



Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 26 2006, 22:49:18 UTC
Thanks for the tip...unfortunately, I can't correct it here because I posted it in the comments. I'll fix it when I put it on the Wraithbait Archive, though.


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 glaelia June 26 2006, 22:52:00 UTC
No probs :) I doubt any one without a know-it-all-paramedic for a sister would notice anyway ;)

Wonderful stories, I always enjoy your writing (hot, sexy, tender and, dare I say it, realistic) and this was no exception.



Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 26 2006, 23:27:07 UTC
*blushes* So sweet of you to say. I try very hard to put some element of realism into even the porny stories.


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 glaelia June 26 2006, 23:30:12 UTC
Ah, the realism is important even with the porn! ;) I like my porn realistic!

Honestly, I enjoy reading a porny bit of fic as much as the next gal, but find myself sputtering tea all over the keyboard if the writer hasn't pulled it off 'realistically' (and I say that with emphasis, because Martin Gero probably wouldn't write the characters that way even if we chipped in and gave him a check for a million dollars ;) )... rather than, you know, enjoying it.

And I'd much rather enjoy it ;)


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 27 2006, 00:21:03 UTC
I agree - I truly appreciate a piece of good porn. There's a difference between laughing because the piece is humorous, and laughing because it's too unrealistic.


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 glaelia June 27 2006, 00:23:16 UTC
Exactly :)


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 melagan June 26 2006, 13:32:20 UTC
Enjoyed the hell out of this. For some reason John talking to the "little Colonel" completely cracked me up.


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 mcalex22 June 26 2006, 15:13:27 UTC
I read the first part a week ago and forgot about it until it popped up reced by my flist. Can I say that you've done a wonderful job here? Rodney having some fun with himself is just delightful... and it's sweet of John to help clean him up and of course indulge in the lovely Ancient probe.

So naughty and yet hot :)


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 26 2006, 23:06:11 UTC
*blushes* Thank you!


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 ellex42 June 26 2006, 22:56:54 UTC
Thanks! I had a good laugh while writing about it.


Re: Sequel: Sheppard, part 4 aspacer June 26 2006, 18:33:25 UTC
You can't stop there!


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