WC Big Bang - Frozen - Elledeegee - Chapter 1

Sep 20, 2014 02:40

Neal had already packed a bag, Mozzie waiting for him at their predetermined spot but even the little guy didn’t know that he had something different in mind. When they had discussed what he was going to do that fateful day after visiting with Dr. Summers, he had meant every word of it. Severing all ties was his plan but that included Mozz, the one person who’d stuck by him since his start in the con man’s world. He had let the older con believe they would be running off as partners again but it wasn’t so. Neal wanted to start afresh. Move out on his own and figure out exactly who he was. Wasn’t it Peter who said until he was left to his own devices, Neal would NEVER figure out who he was? He was taking those words to heart, maybe more so than he normally would but it was time he grew up and found his own way in the world. Whether it be as a con or a legitimate working man, Neal had to be alone. It was the only way.

“Hagen’s in custody.”

Neal heard the words over the scanner, something he was listening to with Jones in the van after he had done his part in the case. They had also taken  Hagen’s lawyer, a well connected DA into custody as the man pulling all the strings. It seems he had more than lawful intent on his mind involving both Hagen and Caffrey. Now their reign was over and Neal could make his escape.

“Mind if I get some air?”

He was talking to Jones who gave him a curious but quick glance before nodding. He wasn’t sure how much Peter had told him.

“Make it quick. Peter will be back soon.”

Neal made a nod at the agent’s words, stretching his legs as he rose and exited the municipal vehicle. There was a coffee shop just around the corner he would visit to make his escape. Mozzie had stowed his stuff behind the place on the side street near a dumpster. Nobody was the wiser of his plans as he made his way towards the bistro and slipped inside. It was a busy afternoon, the weather today blustery and cold. There was talk of flurries and possibly snow but right now all Neal was worried about was getting to his bag and disappearing.


He turned to see Peter walking in, the agent smiling although there was something else in his expression. This was not what he needed right now when he was determined to separate himself from everyone including the one man who could talk him out of it. He plastered a smile on his face as best he could to hide both the surprise and disappointment as he walked over to greet his partner. Peter shouldn’t be here. If anyone needed to be rid of him, it was the Burkes. He had caused them nothing but heartache and pain the past year and he intended on keeping his promise to Elizabeth to keep them safe, especially Peter. Now he could do that. Leaving was the best thing for everyone.

“Peter… just left to get some air and coffee. I heard you caught the bad guys…”

He kept his tone normal but cheery, trying his best not to reveal what he intended. Peter nodded, that smile beaming on the agent’s face.

“With your help of course. Good thing they thought you were going to help them both or we’d have never caught them. Good work!”

Peter patted him with a hard friendly hit to the shoulder, Neal smiling with a slight eyebrow raise as if to say Thanks. He didn’t want to be here now, the agent making it hard for him to remember his plans.

“Whatever you’re about to buy, it’s my treat, Neal. Jones said he wanted something as did a few of the other agents, mostly why I’m here. So, what’s your poison?”

His friend was being too nice, Neal shrugging slightly before he turned and looked at the panel with the menu overhead.

“Mocha low fat soy steamed milk and sprinkles.”

He watched Peter blink curiously then nod, a slight wry smile on his face as if to say the order was foofie but he wrote it down.

“Sounds good. Plain italian roast for me… Where are you going?”

Neal had started to walk towards the bathroom, the back door to the street where his bag was stashed right next to it.

“Men’s room.”


It didn’t take long for Neal to gain his nerve back, pretending to wash his hands before he slipped out the bathroom again and out of sight of Peter to the back door. He looked behind the second dumpster to find his bag as Mozzie planted it. Neal was free now, everything he needed to start anew inside this bag. He glanced at the passport with a half smile.

Anton Merrick

Not the first name he’d pick but Mozzie had gotten him a good alias and hopefully he could exchange it for a new one to escape for good. He had to be alone if only until he understood what he wanted to do. It was his life wasn’t it? He was tired of imposing on others and feeling like a pariah due to his past. If someone wasn’t using him, he was using someone and the new Neal Caffrey wanted to just be.

Goodbye Neal Caffrey… Hello, Anton Merrick.


Three Months Later…

“Yes… you just need to update your security to the Mark 3 Titanium safe. No, this is the best you can buy and it’s secure against safe cracking, explosion and even a sledgehammer.”

Jeremy Ashton nodded as he talked into the receiver, idly swinging back and forth in his chair. He was making a sale on one of the best safes on the market, his new boss smiling at him from across the hall. He had his own office and had made a name for himself very quickly in upstate New York as an expert in security for those with a need to keep sensitive information safe. He even dabbled a bit in the online department with antivirus and computer security but he excelled in building alarm systems and safes. So far he was considered a Godsend by his new boss, a Mr. Cutter who had been looking for a way to market his new security services. Ashton’s approach by showing the client exactly how someone could break in and out of their homes, businesses and computers made more of an impression than any marketing spiel. He’d been promoted within the first month just on his talent alone.

“Yes… we can give you a demo of the system here at our offices tomorrow. Is that early enough for you? Yes… 10 am is fine. Thank you for your interest. Have a good day.”

Jeremy was tired, glancing out the window at the winter frost but seeing something else. He was lost in thought when a tap at his door made him turn and see that his boss was there. Mr. Cutter was smiling at him, pointing at the lobby area.

“There’s someone here to see you. A Mr. Smith who says he’s interested in our opinion on the new Mark 3 safes.”

Andy smiled at him as Jeremy nodded, standing up as he straightened his suit and tie, gave a quick look at himself in the glass at his hair and plastered a friendly smile on his face. He liked the work he was doing here. He was helping people. The chance Cutter was giving him was…

His thought ended there when he saw Mr. Smith standing in the door. His eyes widened a little as did those of his customer as he smiled at the man and motioned him inside. Andy didn’t seem to notice as he finished chatting them up and left them alone.

“I’ve been told you are the best security expert in the tri-state area.”

Smith was to the point, holding out his hand as they shook and Jeremy swallowed hard a moment before answering.

“I wouldn’t say that but others might. How might I help you today…”

Jeremy didn’t get the last part out as his new client interrupted.

“Smith. Peter… Smith. I was interested in finding a security expert of my own. My last one bailed on me without a word and I’ve been looking for someone to replace him.”

Mr. Smith was staring at him as if they knew each other but in a friendly manner. Jeremy just nodded, the smile breaking a bit as he went into his spiel.

“Well, we do have some high quality security safes and systems for all your safety concerns…”

He paused on the end, seeing those brown eyes really look at him as he tried to finish but found he couldn’t.

“It’s nearly noon and I haven’t eaten. Could we discuss this over lunch in a more private setting. Would that be ok with your supervisor?”

Smith was being kind but there was that edge there as Jeremy nodded, both men standing up as they exited the office and he walked across the hallway to Cutter’s office.

“Andy… We were going to finish our meeting over lunch. Did you need me for anything else?”

He was polite, his supervisor smiling and waving them towards the door.

“Just show him everything you know, Jeremy. He’s our best, Mr. Smith. Have a good lunch.”

Cutter waved them off in a friendly manner, the two men exiting the small office building to the main hallway outside. It was a multi-plex office complex with the Cutter Security firm only one of the many businesses located inside. The two men were quiet as they entered the elevator and pushed the down button. Smith commented on the weather, Jeremy smiling as he nodded and replied it had been rather cool lately even for Upstate New York. They exited the elevator and then the lobby of the building, a nice BMW parked in the front visitor space. Smith pointed towards it.

“We can take my car.”

Peter pulled out a fancy keyfob, pushing a button which popped the doors open so both men could slip inside from the cold weather. Jeremy felt a bit nervous despite everything, the closeness of the vehicle interior making it harder to keep up his facade. Smith didn’t flinch, that friendly smile still on his face as they took off through the slushy roads and Jeremy pointed out a small cafe. They parked and went inside, making their way to a private table towards the back of the place. After giving their drink orders, Peter spoke quietly to him.

“I see you’re doing well for yourself. Mozzie didn’t want to say anything but… well, he figured out you weren’t using his alias. I think he’s a bit hurt mostly why he let me come. What were you thinking, Neal?”

Peter’s tone changed, Jeremy, no Neal looking up after a moment to stare into those curious brown eyes. They were still as honest as ever and it hurt to glance into them as if he were staring into the sun. He turned away after a moment, guilt weighing heavily on him.

“I was thinking I needed to find out who Neal Caffrey really was. Who I was. I guess you’re here to arrest me.”

He held out his wrists but Peter pushed them back hurriedly as the waitress came back with their drinks and they delayed ordering a while longer. Once they were alone again, Peter replied.

“It had been my intention but when you ditched Mozzie who seemed to be reluctant to give anything away, I knew something else had to be up. Took a while to find out where you were, Neal. Everyone’s worried about you.”

The agent was being honest, something in those words making him glanced up again into kind brown eyes and nod. He was happy where he was but he wasn’t content. If he had to go back under the anklet for a while longer, he was willing to even it meant he was with his friends again.

“Everyone was telling me what to do, even Mozz. I couldn’t think straight! Cutter gave me a chance so I took it. We’re… the top security firm in the area. He trusts me and I haven’t done anything to break that trust.”

Neal sounded proud and it was a good feeling that he had only ever felt while working with Peter on cases. He liked doing bad things to see if he could do them but he also liked helping solve crimes. Maybe he was an enigma but he liked both sides: Law and Conning. It was a rush. He glanced up as Peter’s hand grasped his.

“Give your two week notice, Neal. We’ll figure a way for you to come back. Ok?”

The agent rose, smiling at him kindly.

“See you soon, Jeremy.”


Three Weeks Ago:

Peter Burke was not surprised and hurt when Neal didn’t come back from the bathroom. He was curious but not surprised. He waited 20 minutes before he went with both coffees in hand to check on his friend in the men’s room. Considering what they both knew beyond public knowledge, they’d both been reeling from the secrets Hagan held over them both. Neal had done it for the right reasons but now Hagan and the corrupt DA were both going away for a very long time and their evidence against either man had been eliminated. Mozzie had made sure to that with the help of his on and off again girlfriend Sally.


The small lavatory with two stalls and one sink was empty but for the usual litter you see in one. He checked every corner of the space before stepping out again and seeing the crack in the back employee exit. It was slightly ajar but that could be for legit reasons. Maybe someone went outside for a smoke? The agent in him told him to check it out as he pushed the door open and saw a small side street with two dumpsters. Nobody was present but he noticed one dumpster pushed aside as if someone had done so to get to something. Peter went outside and crouched down to take a closer look, a hint of something square and possibly cloth having sat there by the impression made in the light slush of the street. Footsteps were still evident but fading as the snow started to fall harder. He recognized the size of the shoe and sighed, wiping at his face in frustration as he stood back up and looked around. Neal was long gone and it looked like he had taken off of his own accord. Peter gave a little curse, pulling out his cell. He had an app to watch his partner in real time.

3:45 PM - Location: Park and 39th.

It was reading at the right location but Neal was no where to be seen. Had someone tampered with the anklet? Had Neal?


As Acting Special Agent in Charge, Peter had to account for Neal’s absence. A month went by and OPR became involved as had the Marshals. He wasn’t placed on suspension but he was definitely a person of interest as they went ahead in their search for Caffrey. Just as when Kramer had made his friend run, Peter did a bit of searching on the side. It was only two months into his own personal dig that Mozzie gave him the needed intel. Elizabeth was dressed in her fuzzy robe and slippers, kissing him on the cheek to wake him as she spoke.

“Honey… Someone’s downstairs to see you.”

Elizabeth sounded sleepy but then it was 6 AM and Saturday. He hadn’t heard the knock on the door or the doorbell but he assumed Elizabeth had heard it and opened up only because it was someone they knew. He rolled over and opened his eyes, staring up at his wife curiously.

“It’s 6 AM on a Saturday… who wants to see…”

He had barely said that when he was interrupted by a head peeking into the room. A bald head with glasses. Mozzie was standing there, blinking back them behind his vintage specs.

“You’re sleeping… Figures the agents of the mass industrial engine would be… I’ll wait downstairs.”

He quieted down when Peter growled at him, El soothing her husband before she told him why the little guy was there.

“Mozzie says he has information on Neal. I think you should listen to him.”

She was scolding him a bit but not as much as normal. They both missed the con man wondering why he had run off with even Mozzie being for once honest he didn’t know where the kid had gone off to. Peter nodded sleepily, pulling on a robe over his PJs and pushing his feet into warm slippers. Winter wasn’t over yet and early as it was, he just wanted to go back to sleep once he figured out exactly what Mozzie had to tell him. He just hoped it wasn’t some weird conspiracy.

By 8 AM the little guy had finally made himself scarce, Peter surprised to say the least that Mozzie had confided in him. There was only a mild resentment there that Neal had left him behind, the con letting slip that someone may have made him an alias his friend hadn’t used. It was for that reason he hadn’t been able to find him until now. The information Mozzie provided pointed to a small town in Upstate New York and a security firm. It wasn’t a certainty this was Neal but it was as close as they’d gotten. Wouldn’t hurt to check it out.


After a week of research, Peter decided to check out the Cutter Security firm. The owner was an entrepreneur who used the best of the best and some reformed criminals to operate an honest business. Even after all the information he found, it looked like the company was legit and not running anything dirty on the sidelines. He made an appointment as Peter Smith to Antony Cutter, the man in charge. He was guaranteed an appointment with their top guy, a Jeremy Ashton. Cutter talked about his employee like he was a security savant. The person discussed sounded nothing like Neal, their picture no where to be found online or off. It wasn’t fishy but then Jeremy Ashton was as good a made up name as Nicholaus Halden.

“Thanks. I’ll be driving up from Manhattan today. Yes… Thanks.”

He had finally confided in Jones what was going on, the agent dubious but backing his play. He knew the agent wasn’t as invested in Neal as he was but there had been more to his faith in looking for the con than was known. A mystery card had shown up just a few days ago with just the words: Faith and Peace. Happy Holidays!

There was no signature and the address had been left off but the stamp had been metered from upstate. That’s why he had finally taken up the opportunity to check out Mr. Ashton. Maybe there was something to Mozzie’s intel.


Two weeks after his visit with Neal and the con man had not turned up on his doorstep or June’s. She had asked about their mutual friend as had Mozzie but when he had contacted Antony Cutter he was told that Jeremy had already left. Cutter was dumbstruck only giving that family issues was the reason given. It was a hopeful sign but it was already past the date of redemption and maybe Neal had fled for good, Peter only understanding a tiny bit of what was going through his friend’s head. They had only discussed it briefly when he had discovered the connection to Hagan. Neal had finally confessed to him but there was still the matter of Dr. Summers. It was obvious the woman had told him something that had confused and hurt the con deeply enough he felt that need to flee yet again. Peter had visited the shrink at her cell hoping for some insight but she coyly told him it was a need to know, client / doctor privilege she couldn’t divulge. Peter made threats, nothing to do with bodily harm but in her comfort and losing privileges but the good doctor didn’t budge. She just smiled at him with a dark satisfied glare. He sensed some anger in her but there was little he could do without actually putting her in solitary and from the look of it, she wasn’t going to give in easily. This only left more questions than answers as he waited one more week before sending out the dogs to sniff for his friend’s trail. As ASAC he had to show he was strong and the loss of Caffrey under his very nose made him not only look weak but less than capable of running the department. Jones made comments to him of the same manner and it hurt to think he had to give up Neal for his job but right now it was beginning to look that way.

It was now close to 3 weeks after his visit. It was almost Christmas and while Caffrey might be MIA, he still had cases to finish up if he wanted to spend time at home. He sighed, going back to his PC with a current mortgage fraud scheme they were investigating, his eyes glancing briefly out at the whole of Manhattan.

Where are you Neal?

Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

disappearing, peter burke, neal caffrey, fanfics, wcbb, white collar

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