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Comments 21

millysdaughter August 5 2014, 21:37:49 UTC
oh, my...
that was NOT the ending I expected!


ellakite August 6 2014, 00:55:58 UTC
I try to surprise my readers -- After all, if they know exactly what's coming, why would they ever want to read my stories?

That being said, I hope you didn't find the ending too repugnant...


karmasoup August 5 2014, 22:05:27 UTC
I knew it was going to be something twisted, but, I'd been thinking from the beginning she was a vampire. Close, I suppose, but, not quite. Either way, though, nicely done.


ellakite August 6 2014, 01:03:04 UTC
I can understand why your mind went that way, what with Elizabeth being so imposing and apparently being far younger than she has any right to be. That being said, one of my sisters went to school with someone as imposing as Elizabeth... and I deliberately tried to avoid any reference to the undead to lessen the likelihood that I might draw my readers down a "false path".

As for the piece being "twisted"... I hope I haven't become too predictable. ;)

Thanks for the feedback.


karmasoup August 6 2014, 03:24:33 UTC
I don't know that it's a predictable thing, it's just more that's the way my mind works, and I'm pretty good about picking out subtle nuances, and recognizing intentional misdirection... it's a classic story, the con artist trying to milk the mark, but in the end getting their own comeuppance... very Tales of the Crypt, etc., so, I was more or less expecting a dark path because of the archetype of who the primary character is. I was certain she was being "assessed" because of her sexual appeal. It was still a well told tale, though.


All good points. ellakite August 6 2014, 03:55:29 UTC
I knew my story was "derivative" in certain ways. However, you may have heard the claim that there are a limited number of story ideas in existence, and that all "new" stories are just variations on one or more previously existing themes. I believe there is a fair amount of truth to that claim... and the important thing is to tell the story well enough that it actively engages the listener/reader. From your reaction it sounds like I succeeded in that regard.

On a completely unrelated note: I like your black cat icon very much. Some months back, I posted a picture in the lj group splodefromcute. I think you will enjoy it:



roina_arwen August 6 2014, 04:23:19 UTC
Well done, my friend! I like that we took inspiration from the same source yet produced two completely different entries from it!


...?! ellakite August 6 2014, 04:46:03 UTC
We did?

*COUGH* Oh, right! We did do that, didn't we? *NOD* *NOD*

you set the record straight, whereas i retold the legendary lies about the lady. so it's no wonder our tales are so different... but they're both extremely good, if i may say so. ;)


bleodswean August 6 2014, 15:55:30 UTC
Suitably creepy and what a twisted modern interpretation of the monstress.


ellakite August 6 2014, 18:12:37 UTC
That's what I was "shooting for"... and I hope you "enjoyed" it.


halfshellvenus August 6 2014, 20:22:04 UTC
I dispute the lady's characterization of God as an employer, but that was some sneaky doubletalk there.

What will happen now that Nancy wasn't a virgin? Her death will have no effect?


ellakite August 6 2014, 21:12:54 UTC
I tried to think of a better description than "employer", but couldn't. OTOH, I've had to deal with irrational people on more than a few occasions, and one thing that they all had in common was that they were utterly convinced that their view of the world was absolutely correct. So in Liz's twisted mind, she may see God as an employer...

I meant this piece to be purely a one-shot, and I honestly don't know whether Nancy's non-virginal status will have any effect on Elizabeth. Hell, I'm not sure whether Elizabeth's "blood bath" ritual is truly responsible for her youthful appearance -- maybe Elizabeth has "good genes". About the only thing I am sure of is what will happen to Nancy's body. It's the same thing that happened to the bodies of all the other maids... and I thought I had dropped sufficient clues in the story for the reader to guess on their own.


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