Aug 07, 2000 16:01
Hey, Everyone!
I haven't much to say but my Grandmother is probably going to die soon, not Agnes, because of complications from her Alzheimers. It's kind of a good thing, becasue she was miserable. I luv ya all.
Jul 31, 2000 13:03
Plans have been changed because of my stupid idiotic brother, who thinks that his stupid drivers ed class is important enough to ruin my mother's and my week. No camping trip for us. Damn it. Oh, well, now I'll go on a boat instead.
Jul 30, 2000 16:13
Kirsten, this entry is for you because you asked when I would be gone. I will be camping from Tuesday to Thursday, sorry. I'll be there for monday practice. ::sigh:: to you too. luv ya
Jun 29, 2000 17:01
Someone just convinced me to keep writing cuz she said that she read the last entry about how I wasn't going to write anymore. I lied. The cherries on our tree are not quite ripe, so I have a tiny bit of a tummy ache. Nothing to say, toodles!
Jun 28, 2000 20:47
Looks as if I really don't care whether you read this or not because none of you bother! So, basically, I'm just typing to anyone who is unfortunate enough to stumble over me. Haha. Poor people. So, my life is normal, a little boring and a little wonderful, the greatest gift. Never again!
Jun 05, 2000 19:52
I'm like kind of torn right now, because half of me is in a really bad mood, because I kind of didn't master my mastery test, and the other half is just SO happy because... Nevermind. I hope the happy side prevails! Anyway, I hope you all have great and wonderful lives to live, and good-bye!
Jun 04, 2000 16:18
Hey Everyone!
Have you ever worn your swim suit shopping? It gets kinda bad when you go into the frozen foods section in the supermarket. Brrrr. O well! I get to buy some dresses this Wednesday, so I'm in a good mood, and plus we get to go out to dinner tomorrow because of my brother's birthday. I don't have much to say, so talk to ya later!Ella