So it's been a couple weeks since I've had a proper, update-y post. It's been pretty busy in these parts; I'm juggling LIAR'S MOON revisions and STARCROSSED launch events (and today my editor and I even talked briefly about The Next Book--eek!), so I've mostly been trying to keep my head down and get some work done, but there have been a few nice
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The other night I dreamed I was infiltrating the Ceylstra after hours, trying to bring them down. Um, maybe I shouldn't read late at night...
Gooo chapter 14!
And I think we need to talk about this dream, because it sounds like excellent! SUNWISE material!! :D
(And I owe you an email, mostly to say thx for the blog review of StarCrossed!)
And I did enjoy StarCrossed very much--and of course wanted to let people know it was out, as I have a few friends who have been waiting for it since about the minute they closed the cover on Curse...
I am going back to work on the Liar's Moon revisions *tomorrow,* (after a week off for surgery) so that book will be here before we know it! And it's kind of awesome, so I'm excited for it. :D
-anxiously awaiting your response
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