Title: The Importance of Sex and Pancakes
Rating: NC-17
A/N: Well, we've reached the end here! Thank you to everyone who's gone on this little romp with me. It was fun, I have to admit! But before I give you the final chapter, I have to extend heaps of gratitude on the most fantastic beta ever,
supercontenta , who not only chased me around yelling "Smut! You
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Comments 26
Well, I...
I... I just can't put into words...
YIPPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! A PARADE! FOR ME??!!! This makes me...
(wait for it)
I can't believe the size, the massive scale of this celebration. And in MY honor??!! I-- I don't deserve this. No, really, I don't. YOU, elisa, it is YOU who deserves this parade. For you are the one who wrote this beautiful fic. This seductive sirens' song. So what do you say? Why don't you join me up here on this pancake float? C'mon, hop on up and wave to the crowd with me! Whatdoyasay?
*offers you a hand*
*sighs* sometimes I wonder how I can be so mature.
Hey, isn't that your buddy, Walter? *snatches away whipped cream while you look*
Yes, certainly Silvia running around in a barely-dressed state would set anyone drooling. You wonder how Pepa managed to stay standing at all! Silvia...such a tease! I think she likes torturing her wife just a little!
What's next? Hopefully something soon *wink wink* *nudge nudge*
I really enjoyed this here story of yours and that was just a fabulous ending. So cute and playful and teasing and OMG Silvia in the best outfit a chick can have on, IMHO! So totally! I do have one critique though... where's the nun_smut? xD
Love this story! Love you for writing it and also for the pancakes! *Scoops a handful of whip cream and smears it on your face* I had too much and thought you might like some! *smiles stupidly* Ummm... why are you looking at me like that? Lissy Poo? *Backs up* Okay, now, before you react, remember that I love you. *nods*
Hmmmm...Pepa's rules? Perhaps that will be the next fic - "Pepa's Guide to Staying Naked." I'm sure Silvia would buy several copies. Though come to think of it...so might Curtis. Perhaps she could write under a pen name.
*clears whip cream out of eye* Now, juney, was that really necessary? Was that mature choice? Because now you've forced my hand...NOW I'm just going to have to do this...*shakes can of whipped cream behind back, whips it around and presses*
Oh no you don't! Come back here! What, you don't like whip cream down the back of your shirt?!...Stop hiding behind that Rockette! I can see you!
And a couple of the Rockettes you were ogling have slipped me some extra whipped cream, and offered to hold you down....*pauses*....wait a second, you'd LIKE that, wouldn't you??? Clever, juney, very clever! You almost got me with that plan...!
Honestly, well done Elisa. This is so good just like pancakes. Especially Pepsi is involved. Yummy!
Is there any more wonderful fic up of your sleeve?
Thank you!
I don't know about another fic just yet. I think I've got to take a little break. But you never know when the muse might get me fired up!
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