Namely, having various chemicals squirted in my eyes, bright lights shone in my eyes, and a doctor telling me that "Oh, well, your eyes look normal. You should go see a neurologist
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I suppose this is one of those things that any rational person would dismiss out of hand, but could you possibly get yourself referred (or refer yourself) to NIH Neurology? There is a fairly broad protocol "Evaluation and Treatment of Neurosurgical Disorders" and while what you have is most likely not neurosurgical, they would evaluate you and tell you that. ::shrug:: and some NIH clinics are happy to do evaluation and workup before confirming to you that no, you don't fit the protocol really. So yeah, probably the paperwork is impossible and would take forever anyway, but if the last neurologist couldn't really say anything about it and now it's back, it might be worth a try.
... I must have had some serious brain damage, because I'm blanking on why exactly it would be useful or new information for me to know that this is not neurosurgical. Because, you know, I can't remember ever having brain surgery done. Ever. Especially not in the last six months. And while I might just be totally screwed up in the head, I think I would remember the stress required to, you know, make that appointment, get the surgery, and make a recovery. But you never know.
Moreover, as my condition is not the subject of much research, I don't think the NIH would be interested in studying me. In fact, I'm willing to bet that if I went to OMS about it, they would direct me to Suburban Hospital across the street.
In terms of they would probably send you over to Suburban, yes, that's most likely true, which is why any rational person would dismiss that out of hand. Which is what you did, so I applaud you. But yeah, "neurosurgical disorder" (at least as it's used in this protocol) refers to a disorder that can potentially be corrected by neurosurgery, not a disorder due to a previous surgery, which is why they might potentially tell you "you don't need this study, but you do need X" if you managed to get a referral.
Comments 3
Also, yay for Pain and gah at pain >_
Moreover, as my condition is not the subject of much research, I don't think the NIH would be interested in studying me. In fact, I'm willing to bet that if I went to OMS about it, they would direct me to Suburban Hospital across the street.
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