Sketch Party 2010/11 (part 2)

Feb 01, 2011 15:09

Remember when I posted this before winter break and promised a part 2 within the next week? Yeah, raise your hands if you were completely unsurprised that I took this long to get it done.

Anyway, these sketches are from various times within the last year-ish.

They don't smile in Russia, you guys.

The above is a sketch of a series of rooftops in Venice. I was that pretentious kid who went out with a sketchbook and started drawing buildings and shit. I'm reasonably proud of it though.

This is like my favorite thing that I've ever drawn and I have no idea why. It's from sometime last year.

...getting REALLY old school, I drew this in high school. Still kind of like it even though the perspective is TOTALLY CRAZY.

So the rest of these are from this semester. Do I draw in class enough, do you think?


1990 was a pretty suspicious year.

I'd like to point out that Giant Nose girl on the side is the product of me drawing a kind of shitty picture, then messing with it until it was REALLY shitty. Also: I can't stop drawing beardy hipster men!

There are like twenty pictures exactly like this in my notes for Vampire class, and I have elected to show you only the funniest one.

And any of you know about black-eyed kids or BEK's? They're interesting but they don't creep my shit out like, say, the Rake. I like drawing them though.

More sketches probably coming at the end of the semester, when my notebooks are full of crappy little cartoons. Enjoy!

*edit* Balls balls balls I forgot that today is Hourly Comics day. Which is weird, because I was actually thinking about it in the shower this morning...anyway I'll draw comics for tomorrow and post them probably on thursday, ok? I suuuuuuck

picspam, sketches

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