Paint the Walls

Apr 23, 2011 10:05

Derek respected the hell out of the kid, he wasn’t denying that, but sometimes he wished he didn’t talk so much. After a stressful day of dead bodies and broken families, all he wanted was some peace and quiet, which was why he preferred to live alone, with only Clooney for company. Derek thought of his dog fondly: the shining devotion in his eyes ( Read more... )

criminal minds, crimeland

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Comments 3

kimi_pie April 23 2011, 22:23:57 UTC
I like these :)


freddlerabbit May 6 2011, 19:53:36 UTC
These are great! I really enjoyed them!


xsethsownstarx May 8 2011, 00:42:19 UTC
Yes I realise that basically my entire existence is spent being late but what can I do? lol

Blue Reid is so pretty...

Is that Anton I spy in your Unsub picspam??

LOL LOVE the Gummy Bears Sadface.

My Garcia-Crush approves of this block.

Ugh Criminal Minds. I gotta talk the girls into watching it with me more since I rarely, if ever, watch anything on my own. (Realistic crime dramas freak them out.)


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