not again?! and the beginning of the end of an era

Aug 04, 2007 19:15

So LJ is banning fannish accounts again, this time artists. Damn ( Read more... )

livejournal, strikethroughgate2007, community

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Comments 10

ursamajor August 5 2007, 00:36:48 UTC
You're one of the people I trust most to maintain a cool head and not be impetuous about this ( ... )


elements August 5 2007, 03:29:28 UTC
Honestly, I don't know. That's part of why I'm so upset. I see people fleeing right and left, and while I know fandom can survive that kind of fracturing, I'm not sure if the warm homes I've found for myself within the larger fanecology will remain the same, nevermind the integration with the nonfannish parts of LJ ( ... )


elements August 5 2007, 03:29:44 UTC
In general though, I take a pretty strong civil libertarian view. I believe that there needs to be room at the margins of our social systems for people to break the law, and for law enforcement to take place after the fact, rather than pre-emptively. Obviously there are some exceptions to that principle, because of course it conflicts with another basic right, which is the right to safety, but in general I believe that the "laws" of privately owned communities should reflect the principle that a user can be trusted, and that enforcement should arise only upon complaint ( ... )


ursamajor August 5 2007, 03:39:13 UTC
*nodnod* I put down some of my thoughts here. (note the new fannish-related public journal, as i was able to get a desired-by-me username :)

And I definitely like the more libertarian approach; I just am not sure how we can make it work in the current political climate without external unwanted interference.


slashpine August 5 2007, 00:47:31 UTC
I'm willing to relocate my journal "homebase" to IJ because (a) it's not like I can't still read LJ ... and (b) it's LJ fandom that's meaningful to me -- take off the "LJ" and they're still fandom, no matter where. There are already fans and fansites in non-LJ places. We cope.

But as to fanarchive? I'm confused now.

People ask, and the answers have been like this one: "... this isn't actually a similar project; I think they want to archive our fanworks ... whereas we want a fancommunity."So there may be misunderstandings there (as if further complication is needed ( ... )


ursamajor August 5 2007, 00:57:37 UTC
*nod* I think fandom_flies was the name I saw floating around re a "fannish hosting community," to try to figure out what to do/how to do it.


elements August 5 2007, 02:30:45 UTC
As I understood it, back when Strikethrough hit at the end of May, there was talk about incorporating more than just a fic archive into the fanarchive project. They haven't been putting much up publicly of late, so it's hard to say if that's being incorporated or even still in consideration, but it was my impression that it was ( ... )


bookshop August 5 2007, 03:57:19 UTC

Fanarchive seems to have stalled a lot on the blogging community side of things. however has already made it to beta testing stage. it's not perfect, but they are on the right track. and fandom_flies seems to be making lots of progress, though i really wish that all of these various efforts would just unify, because we need to have ONE fandom-owned blogging server, not three or four spreading us out even further. the non-fandom run LJ-based servers are enough to make my head spin as it is. :/


ursamajor August 5 2007, 16:15:58 UTC
Part of me wonders, though, if spreading out wouldn't help make fandom a bit less of a target for now. Particularly with a little bit of work on the cross-clone tech for LJ-based serversfir ( ... )


jiggery_pokery March 24 2008, 18:25:39 UTC
So-o-o-o, only now have I (shamefully) got around to making time to answer the several tabs of yours that I have had open for, well, in this case, half a year. Here we have a case of LJ shooting itself in the foot a - gain. *shakes head sadly*

JournalFen seems to be rolling on and working well for many; ScribbLit hasn't started yet, and OTW are (not unreasonably) putting their archive as a far higher priority than any journalling service. folk points here, to a service that some of the old LJ people might start some day, and at least some of the people involved are (at worst, by implication) fans and have a much better clue about the code base than people who haven't worked on LJ as a job in the past. The last of these sounds most likely to be an interpretation of the ultimate goal to me. I fear that we're going to end up scattered to the four winds, whatever happens; RSS/Atom feeds can only go so far...


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