It's just one more day,

Jun 18, 2010 23:47

Characters: Jenny Shepard- agent_littlered  and open
Location: Deck 05
Date: First day?
Rating: PG-13 She uses language... Foul language...
No one said there would be rain again. )

jen, gibbs, open

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Comments 20

lrjthrgibbs June 20 2010, 03:58:22 UTC
Gibbs was still very confused as to why he was on this ship, but he was slowly taking it all in stride. At least with no hangover, he could think a little more clearly. And the first thing his instincts told him to do was explore the deck and get to know it better.

Leaving his room, he turned at the sound of someone else closing their door. He turned, wondering who it was, and he froze. He knew the woman standing nearby. He could never forget her. God, she hadn't changed from the last time he had seen her, and it made his heart ache. He swallowed, finding himself unable to speak. "Jen?" he whispered, wondering if what he had heard was wrong and he really was dead.


agent_littlered June 20 2010, 04:06:11 UTC
She looked up when she heard her name and frowned. Okay, so, not only was she alive but- she wasn't the only one here? Her brow furrowed slightly and she looked down, realizing she had something in her pocket. She pulled it out, wondering why she hadn't noticed it a few minutes ago. Some kind of- phone- communicator- thing. She shook her head, shoving it back in her pocket. Whatever it was could wait. She peered around the corner again, seeing the source of the voice and her eyes widened slightly.

"Jethro?" She asked, scratching her head in slight confusion. "What are you doing here? No, more importantly. Where the hell is Here?" She asked, folding her arms uneasily and taking a few cautious steps toward him. Perhaps she'd get lucky- and it was just a dream. Unfortunately, tripping and catching herself on the wall with a grunt of pain as her knuckles collided with the solid surface, she was proven wrong. Walking on a ship was going to be something to get used to.


lrjthrgibbs June 20 2010, 04:52:27 UTC
He caught her when she slipped and held her close. "Careful. It's been a while since we were last on a ship." She felt warm to the touch, and he closed his eyes, thanking every deity he could think of that she was alive. "I don't know what I'm doing here. I just got here." He sighed when he saw she didn't seem very happy to see him or be alive. "Most I know is that we're on a ship called the Elegante, headed by a man named Redd." He took her in again, recognizing the clothing she wore. He had seen it in Abby's lab - bloodstained and full of holes. That shade of blue had always looked nice on her. "I can't believe you're here. Alive."


agent_littlered June 20 2010, 05:07:24 UTC
She raised her eyebrows, stepping away from him slightly and looking up at him, slightly confused. He looked different from the last time she'd seen him... "The what? The Elegante?" her brow furrowed slightly. "And yeah- I can't believe I'm alive either." She was really rather confused... She shook her head and heaved a sigh. The one time she could have really used a cigarette and her lighter wouldn't work. "I don't suppose you have matches on you." She grunted, looking up at him when she noticed he was inspecting her closely- much like he had years ago- in Paris- or when she'd first become the director. It was endearing, but she was still upset at him for saying no that night. She supposed she had it coming, but that was too bad. "Jethro- What's with you?" She asked, crossing her arms hesitantly and tilting her head in curiosity.


lrjthrgibbs June 20 2010, 05:17:27 UTC
He frowned, looking at her in confusion. Matches? He had checked his pockets repeatedly and knew he had no matches. "No matches." He was surprised that she still wanted to have a cigarette when she had been dead for two years. He reached up slowly to touch her cheek, since the skeptical part of his brain was convinced she was an illusion. He wasn't used to having second chances. No matter how badly he may have wanted them in the past. She was here now, though. "I regret saying no to you two years ago." He was still kind of hurting from her rejection in Paris. It was his way of getting revenge on her for leaving, and it had been selfish and petty.


agent_littlered June 20 2010, 05:22:02 UTC
"What are you talking about? Two years ago?" She frowned, "I said no to you two years ago." She corrected, "You only said no to me- a few months ago." At least, according to her calendar. She moved her face slightly away from his warm hand, wishing she could just lean into him. But no, she couldn't do that- not yet. How was she sure he wasn't just a hallucination from the cancer she'd had? She folded her arms, tilting her head at him again. "Please, explain yourself, Agent Gibbs, you're giving me a headache."


lrjthrgibbs June 20 2010, 05:29:25 UTC
"Jen, you died in 2008. It's 2010." What she was saying oddly made sense. If she had died and come here somehow right after dying, the diner would be the last thing she remembered. "Leon's in charge, he sent Tim, Ziva, and Tony away. Got 'em back, but it was a hell of a fight." He leaned against the wall and sighed. "Ziva went back to Mossad, got captured by a terrorist cell. She nearly died." He watched her reaction and wished that he had died with her, that Svetlana had put a bullet in his head.


agent_littlered June 20 2010, 06:20:53 UTC
She smirked, "Over Ten years ago for you. Ten years exactly for me." She laid back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. It was odd that she wasn't uncomfortable talking about this here.. She shrugged it off and smiled a little, biting her lip thoughtfully and folding her hands over her stomach. "The first of many. Many which I'd hoped would never be the last." She avoided his eyes, keeping his thoughtful smile. "Do you think we should explore this ship first? Before we get into this? Or..."


lrjthrgibbs June 20 2010, 06:25:31 UTC
He shrugged. "From how I understand it, we have an eternity to explore the ship. We can't die here." Perhaps that was a good thing, but perhaps it was also a curse. He would only know for sure if he went through it. He reached out and touched her shoulder. It was almost as if nothing had changed between them since she had died, almost as if they had never ended things between them. He liked this. A lot.


agent_littlered June 20 2010, 06:44:28 UTC
She nodded, "Okay, well- I guess if we're stuck together forever, we might as well enjoy it." Perhaps this was a sign from whatever higher power was out there. She smiled at the thought, sitting up and pulling her legs up on the bed. She sat cross legged, watching him with a small smile on her face. "If we've got so long. Why don't we just get familiar with each other first- and then look for information later?" She suggested, "If we have so long, I'm sure no one is really waiting on us. If someone's got bigger plans for us, they'll happen one way or another whether we like it or not. Right?" She shrugged, looking up at him with a small smile. "It'll be just like old times. We'll put together what we already know. And figure the rest out later."


lrjthrgibbs June 23 2010, 01:59:25 UTC
He smiled and tentatively wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Just like old times," he said softly, smiling at the thought of having forever with her. "I know how we are, Jen. We'll have this figured out in no time." While he was good at observing, she was better at noticing things that he wouldn't have thought to notice. "We always did make a good team."


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