It's just one more day,

Jun 18, 2010 23:47

Characters: Jenny Shepard- agent_littlered  and open
Location: Deck 05
Date: First day?
Rating: PG-13 She uses language... Foul language...

Jen stirred, finding that where ever she was was far more comfortable than where she'd been. With a grunt, she rolled over, moving her hand down and finding... Bedding? What the hell was going on here? She sat up quickly, looking down at her stomach and patting it in disbelief. No holes. She checked her shoulder, finding that was okay too. That was odd... she could have sworn she'd been shot. "Well, maybe you're dead." She decided, getting up and looking around the room. First on her list of things to do was find out where on earth she was. It felt like a ship, it sounded like a ship... She brushed her hands on her thighs, un-tucking her button-down and taking her phone out of her pocket. The screen blatantly stated 'SEARCHING FOR SERVICE' which it obviously was not going to find. "Of course." She grunted, "This couldn't be easy, then it just wouldn't be." She rolled her eyes, throwing the phone onto the bed and digging for her cigarette tin. She took one out and put it to her lips, digging for her lighter and flicking it open, of course it failed to light. "This is bullshit." She tossed both items to the bed as well and looked around.

This just wasn't her day, apparently. First, she died, and now she was stuck on some boat that was headed to- god only knew where. And to top that all off she was alone! She glanced to the items she'd tossed to the bed and squeezed her eyes shut, rubbing her temples. "Fine, if I'm going to be alone, I might as well take a look around this fucking place." She growled, walking toward the door and praying silently that she wasn't trapped. She turned the handle and pulled, letting out a slow breath when she found it did in fact open. Perhaps things were starting to look up a little. She poked her head out, glancing around. Well, at least she had one thing right. She was on a boat.

jen, gibbs, open

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