Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Nov 08, 2008 12:38

Characters: Batou, Erol [Closed]
Location: Batou's cabin
Date: Present
Rating: [PG-13, because Erol's got a dirty mouth]

Won't You Be My Neighbor?The metal cage was strong, sturdy and reasonably spacious. It wasn't as if Batou needed a lot of room to stretch his legs, so he was fine with the idea of letting Erol's confinement take up a full third ( Read more... )

erol, batou

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Comments 41

psychoticracer November 8 2008, 21:00:45 UTC

Then, just at the edges, a smidgen of - not light, but sensation. Fabric beneath him. Air moving through his lungs.

Awareness. The last thing he remembered was fighting, and it was oh so tempting to sit straight up and keep at it. But he knew better - evaluate your surroundings first.

Listening. The turn of a page; otherwise, nothing. Not alone.

Feeling. Seemed to be on a bed; he felt the sag of the mattress beneath his weight, covers smooth.

He cracked his eyelids. Sight. Yes, on a bed; and a room like any other. What the HELL was going on?

Now he sat up, fingers searching for his weapons. All gone, naturally. Wide, alert eyes scanned his surroundings for a better survey; bars walling him off from the rest of the room, and on the other side - Batou.

Erol got to his feet, paced towards the bars to glare at his captor.

"I suppose there's an incomparably good explanation for this."


electronichound November 8 2008, 21:23:13 UTC
"Peerless. You're my prisoner," said Batou calmly, turning the page again. Now that Erol was up he shifted his attention away from the words on the page and let his cyberbrain handle the actual reading part, and his biological brain handle the conversation part. It was nice when things worked together like that.

"The Captain hasn't bothered to restrain you, so I thought I'd do it on his behalf. Are you hungry?"


psychoticracer November 8 2008, 21:44:58 UTC
"No," Erol growled. Slowly he paced the length of the bars. They were made from dismantled girders, very thick.

Really, he didn't have a chance of getting out. But that wouldn't stop him from trying.

"Any specific reason?" To be sure, everyone knew he was dangerous. Erol had gone to lengths to make this well-known. But why now, why Batou, why this in particular? He hadn't done anything recently to warrant such a move. Batou couldn't be upset about the scuffle with the rat.


electronichound November 8 2008, 22:16:10 UTC
"You're dangerous and you might try to hurt Celeste and River," he said again, voice calm and low as it always was. He turned another page. Erol was taking all of this a lot better than he'd expected him to, which was saying something. The other man was being downright reasonable and calm about this.

"Personally, I'd rather just let you hang yourself on your own rope, but I'm not just looking out for myself here," he continued, watching Erol from one blank eye. "I'm not sure you'd understand."


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