
May 22, 2010 20:55

Characters: Open (Tag yourself please)
Location: Deck 04, in front of Carnival, in the passenger hallways, and inside Carnival later.
Date: Present.
Rating: PG-13 for now, though assume Jennifer will get violent.

Once Rfena had informed the others of the plan, she had gone to the front of Carnival to wait for the people to assemble. The key players ( Read more... )

rfena, event, jinx, the rowan, vash the stampede, raoul de chagny, zeke, sabriel, ww!link, remy whitecastle, fight!, marco, open, ironhide

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MIND MERGE aprimemover May 23 2010, 05:32:37 UTC
"All right. We're starting." The Rowan laid back on her bed. It wasn't the neutral posture reclining couch of a Tower, built to her measure and packed with monitoring gear, but that was the least of the irregularities.

Reaching out to the other telepaths, she gathered them together, drawing Vanyel and Renna into the merge, and then using Vanyel's familiarity with Remy to bolster the telekinetic's mind. Since he had no telepathic gift, he wouldn't be able to feel it, but when he went to call on his abilities, he would find more strength than he would have on his own, drawing from the Rowan's Talent and Renna's latent skill.

The merge, three minds functioning as one, turned its attention to Jennifer, unmistakable as she broadcast her pain and fear to anyone with means to hear it, and gently, subtly, began to smooth away the suspicion it found there.


ntjstapwn May 23 2010, 07:02:42 UTC
Marco stands up as Rfena gives her order. He doesn't move for the door, though, since he's not so sure of his strenght lately and is pretty sure certain others can handle it better than he can. Instead, he pads over towards Remy and keeps an eye on the group at the door.

"So far so good?"


ttlynotawizard May 23 2010, 07:25:38 UTC
Remy looks to Marco and nods. He seats himself against the wall and motions for Marco to join. If the group needs help at the door, he can do it from over here.

He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out his flask.

"She's in. Let's hope she stays there and he can breathe a good sigh of relief." Remy takes a long drink and offers the flask to Marco.


ntjstapwn May 23 2010, 07:28:26 UTC
Marco leans against the wall next to Remy. He takes a swig from the flask and hands it back over.

"I'm not sure what we'll do next if this doesn't fix it. I'm running out of brain power."


ttlynotawizard May 23 2010, 07:32:38 UTC
"I suppose if it doesn't, we can talk to Fenrir again. Try to get more out of him." His eyes remain fixated on the group at the door.

"I hope it doesn't come to that. I want things to be the way they were again. Hell, even if it's half like what it used to be, I'll be all right." Remy takes another good drink. "I like this ship."


ntjstapwn May 23 2010, 07:37:05 UTC
"I guess we know what to feed him now. I wonder what happened to him anyway."

Aside from glancing to Remy to take and return the flask, Marco keeps his attention on the group as well. If he's needed he doesn't want to be caught laying down on the job.

"I just want to be able to sleep a whole night again. Everything fixed would be wonderful but no more nightmares would be a good starting point."

Marco sighs and lights up another cigarette. "I guess its an alright ship, but I feel like I'm still adjusting to it."


ttlynotawizard May 23 2010, 07:41:38 UTC
Remy nods. "I stopped reading when I caught word something was wrong. I don't remember my sisters' names." He starts to look over the flask in his hand. "I mean, it's not like I liked them or anything, far from it, but...it's unsettling. So yeah, I hope that gets fixed along with deck 13. I miss the flowers."

He looks up at Marco as he lights his cigarette. "Well, when you're here as long as I've been, adjusting is a thing of the past." He smirks a little.


ntjstapwn May 23 2010, 07:46:29 UTC
"My parent's names," Marco whispers around the cigarette. "She took them from me."

He sighs, shakes his head a bit, and lets his voice drift back to its normal volume. "I lost a lot of other things, too. Mostly from my childhood. I didn't think to go over my memories until I heard about the issue from Herz."

Marco scowls. He hates himself for making that mistake, almost as much as he hates himself and Sully for letting Jennifer out in the first place. Still, he tries to smile. "Well, if I last that long I'll make sure to make a note of when I stop feeling that way."


ttlynotawizard May 23 2010, 07:51:20 UTC
Herz...oh shit, Remy had been neglecting Herz during this whole affair. He liked talking to Herz. He felt he was good at calming his friend down and breaking down a little of his shyness. He hopes the teenager isn't mad at him and hopes his memory hadn't been terribly affected.

At the mention of notes, Remy reaches in his pants pocket and pulls out his little notebook. He shakes it a little. "Keep one of these. It helps for things like that." He lifts his flask once more. "These too."


ntjstapwn May 23 2010, 07:56:01 UTC
Marco glances to Remy as the other an shakes the notebook. He grins, "I was considering writing everything down in case I started forgetting again. A note book is probably safer than the comms."

He shrugs and looks back to the door. "Might be nice to have something like that anyway...I'm not used to leaving notes anywhere, though. At least not where someone can get them without the right key.
"I think the flask is probably a given."


ttlynotawizard May 23 2010, 08:00:18 UTC
Remy pockets the notebook. "This never leaves my pocket." And he's not going to tell you where he puts it when he has to shower or bang his boyfriend.

He drinks from the flask. "Nor does this." Remy looks with fondness at the flask for a moment before the banging at the door draws his attention. He extends his magic out towards it, adding a bit of force to holding it back.


ntjstapwn May 23 2010, 08:04:24 UTC
He nods. "My cigarettes and lighter are like that. No reason not to add another one or two, I guess."

As the doors bang, Marco stands up. He doesn't move towards them, though, since so far things seem alright. He'll move if he has to.

"I guess it was too much to hope that shutting her in there was the end of it. I just wish I still had my gun...not that it'd do any good."


ttlynotawizard May 23 2010, 08:09:08 UTC
"Maybe you'll get lucky. We've gotten our weaponry back briefly before." Perhaps lucky wasn't the right word.

The pounding seems to calm. Remy does not relax. "The question is, how do we know when she's done?"


ntjstapwn May 23 2010, 08:11:57 UTC
Marco raises an eyebrow and makes a mental note to ask about that later. "...We don't, I guess. We wait out here until things have been calm for much longer than one would think necessary...then we'd probably need someone to check it out just in case."


ttlynotawizard May 23 2010, 08:15:25 UTC
Remy winces at the thought. "Not it. Someone else can do door check, thank you."

He's still eying the door. He wants this to be done. He wants to go to his bed and sleep cuddled next to Vanyel. Sure, with all the teleportation involved, he probably wouldn't get any, but still...

"We should throw a party after all this is done, don't you think? I want to get back behind my bar."


ntjstapwn May 23 2010, 08:17:59 UTC
"There's gotta be someone else on this boat who can teleport. Or is willing to go in there." Maybe a certain autobot...though teleportation would be better. Marco won't push Remy on it, at least not unless there was no other option.

He laughs a bit. "Fuck yes. I was serious when I said we should have a feast when this is over. What's a feast without at least twice as much alcohol as there is food?"


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