There's mothering to be done, and not a mother to do it.

Apr 11, 2010 13:57

Characters: Jak (shadesofeco), Zelda (oblique_wisdom)
Location: Jak's Room
Date: Apr. 11 - Afternoon
Rating: PG

Because Zelda, unlike Sheik, is not a )

zelda, jak

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Comments 12

shadesofeco April 11 2010, 21:26:15 UTC
Jak had been dozing on the bed, his back and shoulders propped up against as many pillows as he could find. It was hard to sleep with broken ribs and no painkillers, even harder with some bodiless voice crying and pleading for help.

Jerking awake, he cursed under his breath as the pain spiked, then rubbed his head tiredly.

"It's open."


oblique_wisdom April 11 2010, 21:30:36 UTC
She almost didn't hear him, mostly because the events as of recent were very distracting. It was almost irritating because she couldn't do anything to make it stop. After a while, did it mean they'd all be driven mad? If they hadn't been before, that seemed inevitable.

Then she turned the door handle, opened it, and showed herself in. And no, it wasn't really anymore quieted in his room, which disappointed her. She hadn't been expecting anything more, however. Her blue eyes looked over Jak curiously, half-tempted to simply scold him, and knowing it'd do no good, she resisted.

Closing the distance between herself and his bed, she leaned toward him, gave him a brief look over and tipped her head to the side, "You really should be in the medical bay."


shadesofeco April 11 2010, 21:42:04 UTC
"Near that robot?"

Jak eyes her warily. He is pleased to see her, he's always pleased to see her. But right now he's in pain, exhausted, cranky and driven half crazy by the voice.


oblique_wisdom April 11 2010, 21:47:01 UTC
Zelda felt for just a moment that he might very well have a point. Although she hadn't been present, she'd grown the distinct feeling that her suspicious had not been misplaced. For just a moment she eyed her left hand. Then she turned her eyes back onto the green-blond elf.

"Very well. That's valid." She sat upon the edge and reached out a hand to touch his cheek. It was light and hesitant, more careful of his injuries than anything else. "Do you want me to bring you anything? I'm perfectly capable of moving along on my own. It'd bring some ease if there was something I could do to help."


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