There's mothering to be done, and not a mother to do it.

Apr 11, 2010 13:57

Characters: Jak (shadesofeco), Zelda (oblique_wisdom)
Location: Jak's Room
Date: Apr. 11 - Afternoon
Rating: PG

Spectacular Spectacular came to life. If she'd not come from a magical place where similar things may have happened, Zelda would have been very skeptical. Either way, she had been curious and the moment Jak had said something, she was tempted to go and see it for herself. She'd remembered long before, however, that Link had told her to stay away from it. It lied on the same dangerous ground as Carnival.

But Zelda had already seen the bears, thanks to Kevas and Greed.

Still, Sheik hadn't let her go, and that was probably for the best. Jak had gone though, it seemed, and not wanting to share her concerns openly, she'd chosen to pay him a visit. At his door, after a few moments to collect her thoughts, she knocked and tested the door.


Because she certainly wasn't going to show herself in if he didn't want to see her.

zelda, jak

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