
Mar 01, 2010 20:50

Characters: Razer, OPEN
Location: Deck 4, Rotisserie
Date: March 1, about 7:00 PM.
Rating: PG-13? To be safe? idek ok

Razer was hungry. Razer was a woman. This was an unfortunate combination. )

razer, jinx, sheik/zelda, salvador rollo, gippal, open

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Comments 63

conquistasal March 2 2010, 04:01:03 UTC
Sal, always hungry and a big fan of food, had gone down to, coincidentally, the same restaurant. He rarely came here, usually opting for the buffet, but he was interested in change today, and this sounded like fun.

However, before even getting any food, he noticed a lovely woman sitting alone. And Sal, always the gentleman, couldn't have a lovely woman sitting alone. He took a moment to rationalize this in his mind; he wasn't going to flirt, just be welcoming. After all, he was kind of interested in Mikaela at the moment... but talking to this woman wouldn't lead to anything bad. Even if she was rather attractive, though, it appeared, somewhat older than him.

The giant made his way to the table and tilted his head slightly, grinning. "Hey, there, ain't seen y'bout. Name's Sal. Y'new t'th'place?"


farfairersoul March 2 2010, 04:07:43 UTC
Razer registered the voice in the slow second it took him to lift his head and fix Sal with a look. It wasn't particularly flat, aggravated or even dubious, but rather a bit annoyed and a bit curious.

The boy was every bit as tall as he'd said he was, wasn't he?

"Not particularly," he replied, lowering his head again and stabbing another bite of chicken with his fork. "If I'm not mistaken, I've been here longer than you have, albeit not by too great a margin."

They'd never met in person; Razer wondered if Sal would catch on by his accent and manner of speech alone, or if he'd have to say something about it.


conquistasal March 2 2010, 04:19:10 UTC
Well, Sal was far from quick enough for that 'catching on' crap.

Instead, he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, leaning his hands on the back of a chair across from Razer.

"Fer real? How come I ain't never seen y'round?" He was sure he'd notice a woman like that around the ship; by this time, he's at least caught a glance of almost everyone.


farfairersoul March 2 2010, 04:27:10 UTC
"We've spoken, now and then. Not often. We, ah..." How to phrase this. It was rather amusing, hiding in plain sight like this. Sal he could forgive, at least, given that they'd never met in person. He hoped he wouldn't have a chance to test it with anyone else. "We race with different teams, one could say."

He smiled a little, taking that much-needed bite of food. He washed it down with a sip from his glass--for once not containing something alcoholic, just pure, wonderful water--and leaned back in his seat a little.

Razer had worn plenty of masks in his day, this was much easier to handle if he thought about it that way. Just a game. See how long it took Sal to realize who he was speaking to.

"Not that I particularly dislike you, of course, you've simply made it very clear that I'm not your type."


onlyajackass March 2 2010, 04:05:02 UTC
Gippal was bored! As big as this ship was, there just wasn't anything the Al Bhed was interested in doing. At least back in Spira, he had places to go, lives to save, spare parts to dig up, people's personal space to invade. But here? Here he just lazed about and did nothing all day and that was okay. But after a while, it just got old ( ... )


farfairersoul March 2 2010, 04:12:08 UTC
Mar above, he got a lot more attention like this than he had in his proper body. It was infuriating. Still...at least this was Gippal instead of someone he didn't particularly recognize, or someone that hadn't even seen him before.

He fixed the young man with a smirk, leaning back in his seat and twirling his fork.

"While I thank you for the concern, Gippal, I am most certainly not 'lonely.'"


onlyajackass March 2 2010, 04:21:20 UTC
"Well of course not, I'm here. Mind if I sit?" He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. It did bother him a bit that this woman knew his name. And had said it in the same accent as Razer. This couldn't be Razer, though, right? I mean, the last time Gippal saw him, Razer was definitely a him. And he was no doctor, but he was pretty sure men just don't randomly become women.

Right? Right.


farfairersoul March 2 2010, 04:29:15 UTC
Gippal apparently forgot that he was on the Hellboat, because things here were considerably different from the logic his train of thought adhered to.

Razer sighed and gestured with one hand. The movement looked completely at home in his current shape, the effeminacy of his usual gesticulations simply feminine when performed by a female subject.

"Suit yourself."


oblique_wisdom March 2 2010, 04:06:08 UTC
She had meant to go see that man eventually. She wasn't exactly looking forward to it, but it needed to be done. Damas had made the request and Zelda had been very, very quick to jump right on it. Having Ganondorf behind it all didn't hurt her haste. The problem was that Razer had been in the brig.

In hindsight, she should have seen him then. It would have been easier. Partially. Unnerving, but to the bare minimum, ever seeing Razer was going to be one very anxiety-filled ride.

So what was she going to do? What else could she do? It'd been more than enough time for him to be freed from the lower decks, so he had to be somewhere else aboard, which merely meant prying the ship apart to find him. She would, too. Had to. Didn't really have a choice if it was the right thing to do.

What wasn't right to do was to knock the taller woman with the dark hair. Never mind that Zelda didn't know what Razer would be doing in the buffet, considering that from the way he spoke, she expected him to be in someplace of higher class.


farfairersoul March 2 2010, 04:18:16 UTC
Razer jerked and whirled to face whoever it was that had just managed to run into his chair. "I would appreciate if you--" And then just who he was looking at registered, and the snap died instantly.

He'd seen her from a distance before, of course. Followed her around on deck twenty sometimes, seen her in the fields and the forest when he passed by. She wasn't difficult to recognize.

Still, meeting Zelda in person, properly, was not something he'd wanted to do right now. Joy of joys, it didn't look like he had a choice.

He just looked at her for a second. "...Zelda." It was its own greeting, and would be enough. Assuming Zelda even recognized him.

He was never, ever going to be allowed to live this down. Precursors, he just needed to crawl under a rock and stay there.


oblique_wisdom March 2 2010, 04:29:08 UTC
Normally, she would have apologised, bowed her head once respectfully, and then quickly excused herself. When she heard her name, however, she abruptly paused and stared for a time at the woman who'd addressed her.

A round ear. How many of the human women aboard knew her? Zelda couldn't say for sure. She wasn't in the habit of counting her acquaintances, or her friends, or her enemies. Either way, she simply couldn't peg the one who addressed her off of a single word.

This woman, however, had her attention. Zelda tipped her chin a little, analytically, "Hm? May I ask who you are?" And a little uncertainty sat in the back of her mind. Not a lot, just a little, but present all the same.


farfairersoul March 2 2010, 04:36:09 UTC
Razer blinked at the princess, then gave a wry chuckle. "Suffice it to say we've never met in person." He smiled. "We have spoken in the past, however."

He turned and gestured to the chair opposite him. "Have a seat, would you? You look rather high-strung, you should take a moment or two to relax."


standardpackage March 2 2010, 04:09:59 UTC
Jinx was a hungry man, a very hungry man. He'd been to the other restaurant a few times, but being Jinx, he gets bored fast.

The Rotisserie looked promising.

Upon entering, he immediately saw a fine specimen of a woman, ready for some of his charm.

"Hey Sweetheart, come here often?"


farfairersoul March 2 2010, 04:33:04 UTC
The look Razer gave Jinx quite clearly displayed his distaste, and for a moment he didn't even deem him worthy of a response.

"No." He almost left it at that, but remembered that this was one of Krew's boys, wasn't it? An idiot Havenite or something of the like, property of the crimelord Razer had spent his entire career at war with.

He couldn't count himself worthy of the one tattoo he had left if he didn't add something more.

"And if you're any example of this restaurant's usual patrons, I don't suppose that will be changing any time soon."


standardpackage March 2 2010, 04:46:49 UTC
That voice. It sounded a bit too familiar, he could have sworn he'd come across it before.

He decided to sit down, not to close because he didn't want to be within clawing distance if she actually minded him being there. He glanced down at her arms. Eww.

"Just got 'ere last week." He paused as he looked back to her arms.

"Mind me askin' what ya' got in a fight with?"
"An' lost." He muttered.


farfairersoul March 2 2010, 04:51:02 UTC
"The Kras City racing commissioner," Razer responded with forced ease. He did pull his arms back, just a little. He was never going to get over having scars, especially not after all the lengths he'd gone to back home to remove them.

He fixed Jinx with a level look. Nonthreatening, almost calm. His tone was nonchalant. "And if you value that mess that you call a face, you won't bring it up again."


teethofneedles March 2 2010, 23:09:09 UTC
"Haven't seen you before."

Hey, Razer. There's a zombie here. Karis pulled a chair out on the far side of the table and plopped herself down, bottle of beer and plate of mostly red meat in hand. She hadn't bothered asking permission. She took a swig from her bottle and eyed Razer curiously.

"You new?"


farfairersoul March 3 2010, 02:21:38 UTC
He looked up at Karis and quirked an eyebrow. She still had far too little skin, but he was getting used to it. Slowly.

"Yes you have, and no I'm not." He took a deep drink from his glass, finishing it off and finishing his meal completely. "Karis, isn't it?" He wasn't quite certain of her name, they didn't really exchange pleasantries very often, but that sounded at least close to right.


teethofneedles March 3 2010, 04:51:34 UTC
"Who're you again? And yeah. That's m'name. Karis Needleteeth."

Karis squinted at Razer curiously, tapping a couple of claws on the table.


farfairersoul March 4 2010, 18:01:05 UTC
"Needleteeth. No pun intended, but that is quite the mouthful." He chuckled a little and picked his fork up again, twirling it in his fingers. It wouldn't be a whole lot of fun yanking Karis around, he could tell already. Not enough emotional investment.

So, after a short moment of thought, he decided to be honest for once. "My name is Razer. We've met."


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