
Dec 28, 2009 20:52

Characters: Lilith, Jack Skellington, Motoko Kusanagi, Ironhide
Location: Deck 11
Date: Midday
Rating: PG, PG-13? (possible language and/or attempted violence)

Yeah, she's begging to be taken off that pedestal. And lj cut is being difficult WAIT THERE WE GO )

motoko kusanagi, lilith, jack skellington, ironhide

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Comments 50

christmas_bones December 29 2009, 05:59:06 UTC
A ways down the deck, Jack was in a middle of his own personal mission, one to completely redecorate the rather plain interior of his room. Very little suited his needs and taste. Nothing was even remotely scary or macabre! And not even a trace of black was to be found. Absolutely horrifying.

Several objects have been placed in a messy pile outside the door, almost in the middle of the hallway. Furniture that went with the overall theme of the deck was placed there, along with other appliances and bedcovers. A second, smaller pile was right beside it, made up of various items all colored black or grey in some way. Was that a skull printed on that curtain? Or a bat on the bedsheets?

Inside, nothing can be seen of the room's resident, and only his voice can be heard. "Hmm... Yes, that'll do... Wait, too cheerful... Maybe this instead?"


phasebitchin December 29 2009, 07:05:01 UTC
The growing collection in the distance and a faint male voice served well enough to grab her curiosity, if only because of the sharp contrast between the two piles.

She moseyed over on her own time. Rationalizing the detour was easy, since it would behoove her to get a sense of who the merc would be sharing her deck with. Just a quick peek, and she'd be back on-track, no distractions.

Unfortunately, the piles weren't especially captivating up close, but peering around for the passenger responsible made her stop and stare. An alien? But if this wasn't even her fucking universe, then for all Lilith knew he could be an Earthling.

"What're you at?" she wondered out loud, smoothing over the impression of casual disaffection.


christmas_bones December 29 2009, 07:28:01 UTC
Jack had jumped up from the bed when he heard the voice, accidentally knocking the box he'd been going through to the ground, spilling its contents everywhere. "...Oh, dear, I didn't notice you were-" he said in apology as he turned around, only to stop in mid-sentence as he took the visitor in.

A human, and a live one at that!

The skeleton smiled widely and hurried to the door, the box forgotten. Despite being a six-foot-tall undead skeleton, Jack was a friendly guy. He had yet to actually meet a fellow passenger, though he had traveled to the lower deck to retrieve some 'replacement' items.

"Why, hello, there! I was just redecorating my room to better suit by tastes," he said, dusting off his dark outfit as he approached her. "I wasn't bothering you, was I?"


phasebitchin December 29 2009, 07:44:53 UTC
Clearly his tastes weren't swayed by stucco arches or engravings. Not that she could in any sensibility blame him, but the decor Jack had chosen belonged more in the room of a six year-old boy.

Lilith, annoyed with herself for taking the time of day, pursed her lips. "Pfft, you couldn't. They make us pay for extras, I'm gonna guess?" Her chin jerked to indicate his mess.


electroniccrane December 29 2009, 06:00:07 UTC
Kusanagi was on her way to the stairs from her own room when she heard the footsteps and saw Lilith. It was an unfamiliar movement profile and heat signature, so she stopped and watched the other woman approach.

Lilith's mood was hardly a concern. Heavy fire was the Major's native environment.


phasebitchin December 29 2009, 06:36:30 UTC
She eyeballed the fire as she trotted along before Kusanagi even registered. Lilith was used to feeling immortal. It didn't even occur to her that maybe she shouldn't be walking down stairs with her head swiveled back, trying to see who the hell was throwing out all those tacky furnishings--

Movement in her peripheral. She gripped the railing to keep from pitching forward after looking ahead fast enough to cause whiplash. "Whoa, jesus. Hello?"


electroniccrane December 29 2009, 06:42:14 UTC
"Yes?" Kusanagi's cyberbrain returned a 95% confidence voiceprint match with the newcomer who had been arguing with Kage over the comms, and she adjusted her expectations for the conversation accordingly. She was already unimpressed with the situational awareness on display.


phasebitchin December 29 2009, 07:11:53 UTC
Lilith concluded, somewhat hypocritically, that this woman's eyes were blank and creepy to the nth power. And that she didn't know how to tell her from any other mishandled passenger, what she was capable of (and Lilith did not think everyone on-board could be so passive as the third rat bastard she'd spoken to), or if she'd pose a threat.

"Nothing." She smiled to put a conman to shame. "You crew or no?"


heavyweaponsbot December 29 2009, 06:35:35 UTC
Like another prowling the halls, the mood of the newly arrived female was none of his concern. In fact, if he passed by her, it was doubtful Ironhide would even know who she was. He had an agenda of his own, spurred on by another conversation.

He limped along, headed unerringly for the room in which he'd found the books and clothing. Good a place to start as any, he supposed. Even if the snow still made his joints ache, and his broken hip still caused the leg to drag behind him, he had a mission to accomplish.

And at the very least, it kept his processor off things.


phasebitchin December 29 2009, 07:21:29 UTC
Far as I can tell, Lilith grouched alone, Prisoners are picked randomly. Which a) did not give her any clues as to why Captain Redd chose who he did, and b) backed up the theory of failing realities. Tough little lady she may have been, but she wasn't ready to accept that everyone she knew and liked had disappeared. Utterly.

Metalbutt plodding along was just the event to distract Lilith from nasty introspection. She slowed, arching a brow, and let out a long whistle.


heavyweaponsbot December 29 2009, 07:27:36 UTC
He would have kept on marching, dragging his leg, had it not been for the whistling sound. Gears ground as he turned, good optic narrowing in a glare. Yes, he was in terrible condition. Yes, he knew it. Yes, he needed to see a medic, but scrap him if he wanted to be gawked at for it.

"What?" he growled, forgetting everything Ratchet and Prime had tried to teach him about the mystical concept of diplomacy. "You have a problem?"


phasebitchin December 29 2009, 07:38:00 UTC
Nothing like discomfiting those in her immediate vicinity to lift a girl's mood.

Lilith grinned widely. Big bonus, even! She didn't speak with androids or CL4P-TP so often that Ironhide's voice would slip away after two nights. Even better, that his parts weren't fully functional. Sweet cheeks was the one with a problem.

"No, not really," Lilith said cheerfully. "Might wanna see to that gimp leg, hon, for real."


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