Much-Needed Girly Times

Dec 12, 2010 21:05

Characters: Sarea and Mikaela [OPEN to ALL GIRLS ON THE BOAT!]
Location: Deck 17 (aka the Pillow deck)
Date: Backdated to Saturday, December 11th
Rating: PG-16 to be safe, since there will likely be pranks and rough-housing of intruding-men, etc. etc.

Let the party begin~! )

mikaela banes, sleepover, talia, girls only, erik, party, sarea james, odette, open

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Comments 70

chopshopgoddess December 13 2010, 02:13:57 UTC
She's standing by the speakers in her pjs as she surveys their work, hands on her hips while she munches on a cheeto. Not bad, considering what they had to work with was a luggage deck crammed full of stuff. She was surprised at the amount of items they'd found related to a slumber party.

"You got it."

She grins, then prods the 'play'' button on the system, letting the music fill the room.


dormant_beast December 13 2010, 03:19:06 UTC
Anna had heard talk of this slumber party and had initially brushed it off. After her ordeals p[previously, she hadn't been in the mood to socialize, especially not with people she didn't particularly know well. Anna was a bit of an invalid lately, though as the date neared she found herself harboring a quiet desire to go, to speak with people and to try her best to relax. She'd felt on edge for some time now. A night with girls did not seem like a bad idea.

So now she found herself hesitantly stepping into the room, looking around with a quiet shyness as she wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. She'd donned soft flannel pjs, and carried an overnight bag in her hand.



asoutcastshear December 13 2010, 03:34:32 UTC
Well, what kind of stalker would Erik be if he didn't follow you to the slumber party? He's not here to kidnap you or grope you though, Anna. So you can rest easy and have a nice relaxing evening with the girls.

Still, he'd like for her to know he's there, hiding in the shadows, but there nonetheless. So he'll just be putting his voice in her head now.



dormant_beast December 13 2010, 03:37:27 UTC
Anna starts just the slightest bit as she hears her name in her head. It has been some time since she has heard the familiar hypnotizing qualities of her masters voice, and she glances around despite herself. Boys weren't supposed to be here, how had he gotten in and stayed hidden?


What a fool she must look, talking to herself like that.


asoutcastshear December 13 2010, 03:48:10 UTC
Erik is a master at hiding in the shadows. He won't disrupt the party and as soon as he's sure Anna is asleep, he'll leave. But for now, he'll be content in just watching the goings on and making sure she enjoys herself.

"Enjoy your evening. But know your Angel is here."


aswanbyday December 13 2010, 03:26:19 UTC
Odette wasn't going to come to this initially. But then she remembered she had been spending too much time in her room again. So she decided coming here was actually a really good idea. After waiting for the moon to rise, she packed a bag and made her way to deck 17.

Here she is, in her pjs, and an overnight bag and her duckie in tow. She'll just make herself comfortable over here while she waits to see if anyone she knows would show up.


scionofwisdom December 13 2010, 03:39:06 UTC
Zelda wasn't initially going to come either - her obligations and attentions had been directed elsewhere, though at the last minute she had a change of heart. So here she is, clad in a very proper dressing gown and feeling remarkable foolish as she slips in not long after Odette and heads to make up camp nearby. She makes casual conversation with the girl from a distance.

"I confess - I have never been to a thing such as this before."


aswanbyday December 13 2010, 03:55:08 UTC
Odette casts her gaze at Zelda and smiles brightly. She didn't recognize the other princess, but it certainly didn't hurt to meet new people!

"Neither have I, really. There never seemed to be time for it back home." And once she got older, she just kind of lost interest, in favor of flirting with castle guards and making Derek jealous.


scionofwisdom December 13 2010, 04:01:57 UTC
Odette gets a brief nod of acknowledgment. Even with all the changes Zelda has personally gone through on the boat, she still very rarely smiles.

"I had very little time for things that were not duty related." Especially once Ganondorf decided to break free and terrorize Hyrule again. That sort of thing tended to demand attention.


[Comment Ninja] pimp_hat December 13 2010, 04:19:40 UTC
Girls only? Unfortunately that's not entirely true because there's an invisible troll stalking the perimeter of the party. He's making sure not to spy, peep, or see anything he shouldn't, but he is keeping a watchful eye on things. Kevas knows there's going to be trouble here and he's here to keep that from happening...hopefully.


thequeensown December 13 2010, 05:53:34 UTC
Talia had arrived at the party shortly after the announcement had been made, although she was dressed completely out of sorts (ie: fully clothed with her weapons in place.) Although not one to wish ill luck upon the young women gathering at the event, she was also not one to leave all unguarded when there was the possibility of anything happening on this ship at any moment. The past had only proven that, after all, and she was not going anywhere unprepared for battle ( ... )


pimp_hat December 13 2010, 06:22:25 UTC
When he first catches sight of her he's already distracted. Kevas tries his best to keep an eye on the party, but always he would find his gaze falling back to her. Maybe it's because of this distraction or maybe it's because subconsciously he wants her to find him, but for a moment his concentration falters long enough for her to catch sight of him ( ... )


thequeensown December 13 2010, 06:50:19 UTC
As soon as she sights on him, it appears as though he's gone again and there is a slight canting of her brows in response. She knows that he is still there, though, feeling his presence still in front of her. It's this and only this that prevents her from jumping or startling at all when his fingers brush her hand. She pauses, studying the area and is only just able to make out his form, even though he is standing just before her ( ... )


summonupastorm December 13 2010, 04:22:32 UTC
Yuna hadn't really thought much about coming to this party. As it was, the last celebration she had been to aboard the ship had left a rather bad taste in her mouth - to put it very lightly. Still, this particular party was going to be held by passengers rather than the captain, so it's likely that the chances of being attacked by ravenous cardinals are much smaller. Probably.

Besides, it wouldn't hurt to at least try to meet some new people or actually try to enjoy herself. That, and after a while she had managed to get Auron to agree to let her go as long as she brought her communicator and responded if he called. It wasn't that much of a problem, as Yuna had planned to do that regardless.

So, here she is. Wearing over-sized pajamas and some comfy slippers that she had found in the bazaar a while back.


aswanbyday December 13 2010, 05:05:44 UTC
When Odette spies Yuna, she makes her way over to her with a smile on her face. First familiar face of the evening. She was genuinely glad to see Yuna, since it made this gathering a little less intimidating.

"Yuna! Hello."


summonupastorm December 13 2010, 05:29:43 UTC
Yuna smiles and waves as she sees Odette - it's comforting to see a familiar face in a place full of people she really doesn't know.

"Hello, Odette. How have you been?"


aswanbyday December 13 2010, 05:42:57 UTC
"I'm well, thank you."

She points to an empty spot next to her things, as if offering the space to Yuna, and in the process she feels like she's 12.

"I've never been to a slumber party before. This is sort of exciting."


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