Much-Needed Girly Times

Dec 12, 2010 21:05

Characters: Sarea and Mikaela [OPEN to ALL GIRLS ON THE BOAT!]
Location: Deck 17 (aka the Pillow deck)
Date: Backdated to Saturday, December 11th
Rating: PG-16 to be safe, since there will likely be pranks and rough-housing of intruding-men, etc. etc.

Let the party begin~! )

mikaela banes, sleepover, talia, girls only, erik, party, sarea james, odette, open

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pimp_hat December 13 2010, 06:22:25 UTC
When he first catches sight of her he's already distracted. Kevas tries his best to keep an eye on the party, but always he would find his gaze falling back to her. Maybe it's because of this distraction or maybe it's because subconsciously he wants her to find him, but for a moment his concentration falters long enough for her to catch sight of him.

She may not see it, but there's a loving smile as he watches her approach. When she gets close enough he reaches out to softly brush her hand so she can know exactly where he is. Of course at this distance she's sure to make out his outline where the light bends around him, but the troll is a lover of physical contact.

Kevas speak only loud enough for her to hear him, though with that "music" blasting Kevas sincerely doubts anyone but her will hear him anyway. Nothing wrong with being careful though. "Just me bein' a worried oldah bruddah. Don't want anyt'ing messin' up my liddle sistah's party."

That's not exactly the whole truth. Kevas knows for a fact that Cou, and maybe others, will try raiding the party before the night is done. She doesn't have to know that though. After all, now that she's here, Kevas wants Talia to enjoy herself as well. The troll doesn't mind giving up his night to play watchdog.


thequeensown December 13 2010, 06:50:19 UTC
As soon as she sights on him, it appears as though he's gone again and there is a slight canting of her brows in response. She knows that he is still there, though, feeling his presence still in front of her. It's this and only this that prevents her from jumping or startling at all when his fingers brush her hand. She pauses, studying the area and is only just able to make out his form, even though he is standing just before her.

His reply, though soft, is heard and she nods, turning so she is not looking at him and giving away his location to those wandering about. It made it rather pointless if he was trying to remain unseen to speak at him directly.

"Mmm, understandable," she returns softly. She doesn't need to ask whom he means when he says 'sister', getting a mental 'image' of sorts of Sarea. She hasn't seen the girl yet, but that he addresses the party as his sister's leaves little room for question. She was, needless to say, all the more eager to meet the party's hostess.

She doesn't feel the need to ask him for anything specific regarding his watchful eye. She wants to allow him to remain unseen and she knows full well that if he were concerned about an actual threat, versus a trouble maker, that he'd not be alone in his silent patrol.

She touches his mind in a featherlight caress, her shields down enough to allow such, and a wave of understanding passes to him along with what can only be thanks. Thankful for the level of the music filling the hall, her reply is still soft enough for he and he alone. "I daresay we shall all be more than a bit safer with you at the watch, my love." A blanket of warmth from her mind to his before she tightens her shields once more.

In a room full of women of various ages, it was best to have her shields well in place.


pimp_hat December 13 2010, 19:08:23 UTC
Kevas almost purrs at her caress and smiles warmly at her. Of course she can't see it but he can't help, when he's around Talia all he can do is smile.

His eyes turn back to the party, but there's no change in the festivities. Now if only it would stay that way. His sister needs this. So does Talia for that matter. With the sense of dread ever growing on this boat, times like these are precious.

"Dat be why I be here."

Slowly Kevas takes her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze and softly kisses her on the cheek.

"Joo should try to have some fun while joo be here. Aftah all, joo desuhve it love."


thequeensown December 15 2010, 21:16:56 UTC
To say that Talia takes delight in bringing Kevas pleasure is no small understatement; to make him happy is to see herself fulfilled. Although he is not visible to the naked eye, she picks up the edge of his emotions and her return smile is bright and pleased.

"Mmm .. for that and so much more, love," she intones softly. She feels his hand on hers, returning the light squeeze. A soft sigh slips past her lips as his lips graze her cheek, her eyes closing for a beat. His words wash over her and Talia nods once, eyes opening again and glancing in his direction briefly before moving back to watch over the hall.

"We all deserve a bit of fun," she says softly, a shake of her head sending her unruly curls shifting. "Haven knows what's in store for us next .. I cannot help but worry that things have been far too quiet of late.." She shakes her head, smiling ruefully. "But .. I will try."


pimp_hat December 15 2010, 21:44:37 UTC
Kevas nods approvingly, "Good, in times like dis we gotta enjoy ouhselves whenevah we can. Ain't evah know when da end be comin'." That's something he learned back on Azeroth. Strange that place in a state of constant war and death could help him value life so much.

"Of course, I plan on livin' a good long life wid a beautiful ladmyon." Again his eyes fall on her, so glad to have ever met her, even if they're first meeting wasn't what one would call a romantic one.


Sorry Shane .. life happened. :| thequeensown December 17 2010, 16:53:24 UTC
She smiles a bit wistfully, wondering if there will ever be a time when they can just .. live. His note that they never know when the end might arise is true, and sobering, but it's something she's lived by since she survived dosing herself with argonal. It was hard not to appreciate things in life when you suddenly found yourself not dead .. although finding out the rest of her world was certainly put a damper on everything.

Her gaze sweeps the hall at his last words, her expression soft and full of love as she looks back at where she knows his own gaze to be. Love swells within the bond she keeps open for him and her smile becomes radiant. "I should hope so .. sounds to be a most lucky lady, indeed!" Amusement colors her tone as she winks.


No need to be sorry, life is more important <3 pimp_hat December 17 2010, 17:37:17 UTC
His chest swells as he feels her love for him. There's a feeling that Kevas will never tire of for as long as he lives. By the loa does he loves this woman and there will never be a day where he wakes up and doesn't feel grateful for being with her. After all that she's done for him, Kevas is intent on making her happy for as long as they're together which, if Kevas has a say in things, will be a very long time.

Kevas smiles back at her, his reason coming to the party all but forgotten by now. Fortunately, more by instinct than anything else, he remains cloaked. "Not nearly as lucky as me fuh findin' da best ladymon on dis tub." As always, when her eyes meet his Kevas finds himself unable to look away.


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