Cait, happy 2nd anniversary. <3 We will always be my OTP, even if you leave me sometimes for other fandoms. It's okay. I know you'll always come back to me. XD Seriously, though, you've been so many things for me, my support, my muse, my shoulder to cry on, my endless source of amusement, and my best friend. I had meant to post something
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Comments 13
This might be silly, but I learned new words, Tara! haha
I like your cut text too ;)
My favorite lines: Tegoshi tilting his head up and waiting for Koyama's lips to meet his, a spot of warmth in the cold. and unsure of where Yuya has gone, but glad because he doesn't think he could leave if Yuya were to look at him, level those knowing eyes at him and read him like the book he never knew he was.
Yay for new words! Me too. XD It was fun to look them up. (I'm so sappy, I know.)
That second one made me really happy... I don't even know where it came from. I wasn't even thinking when I typed it. Maybe my fingers are the real brains of the operation, lol.
Thank you <3
the younger indulges him by slowing to a stop and leaning back against the smooth bark of a tall, bare tree, waiting for Koyama to cage him there between his arms.
*___* the imagery. I liked your use of the word "cage", lol.
Thank you! Good luck with the longer fic.
THANK YOU! I think I need it, lol. I'll get back to it after I finish hols and telephone.
AND TEGOSHIGE AND TEGOPIIIIIII. I love the TegoPi. And the rest of them. <3
I will remember your love of snow (which I wish I shared). I don't think I've told you lately how happy it makes me that you are a fellow KoyaTego lover... which is VERY HAPPY. I'd add sparkles if I weren't lazy, but you know I am, so you'll have to imagine them. They'd be pink with hearts. Same goes for TegoPi. <3
And the rest of them. ;)
Not surprised at which one's first, though. Hahahaha. It ended up being my favourite, though. It's such a Tegoshi thing to do, something cute and charming and childish that would look out of place for Koyama to attempt, but he does it anyway, making Tegoshi double over in laughter, the sound bright and loud in the hush. Wonderful. And carefree, playful Koyama is always awesome. <3
And yesss, RyoTego, I approve! ♥ Shy Ryo and confident, playful Tegoshi even more! Glad to see more of them! :D And if it wasn't already obvious: loved it!
lol yaaaaaaaaaay. Love the KoyaTego. XD KoyaTego is the pairing we managed to make each other love, lol, our two favorites squished together into the awesome that they are. <3
I... rather like RyoTego, lol. It's hard to find it done a way I like, though. That's okay, that's why we write, right? To give ourselves what we want, hehehe.
I'm glad you liked it. <3 Thank you!!!
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